Page:Rowland--In the shadow.djvu/271

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"‘From a green corner of hell called Hayti,' he answered with a grin, 'where I have just failed in an attempt to place an acquaintance of yours in power.'

"‘Dessalines?' I asked.

"‘Yes; it was a wretched business! Deliver me from meddling again with the politics of the simple African! One might as well attempt to found a dynasty of children. You know Dessalines well?'

"‘As well as was necessary to understand him,' I answered.

"‘And what was your understanding?'

"‘Simply that like most negroes who are honest and of good principles his nature was something between that of a little child and a good dog.'

"‘He had other qualities—but no matter! He wished to be emperor of Hayti. He had plenty of money and with that, little else is needed to rule Hayti; but the dear Comte was lacking in the little else—discretion. I mustered him a following at no small personal risk; then I bought him a steamer and equipped her for a campaign. Dessalines spent his time praying and paying the bills. But that was not, all. You know the Fouchères?'

"'Yes; too well.'

"‘The one necessitates the other. If Dessalines had told me that he had made a confidante of La Fouchère I could have saved him a great deal of money. Did you ever meet a Captain Oliver?'

"‘I do not recall him.'

"‘You are to be congratulated. Mallock, you know Mallock?' I nodded, 'secured him to take command of our vessel. We landed Dessalines at St. Marc, whence