Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/431

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A.D. 1389. Anno decimo tertio Richardi II. Stat. 1. 385 C A P. IV. The Duty of a Clerk of the Market of the King's Houfe. Ex Rot. in Tufr. Lond. ITEM a la requeue de la dite communalte or- deinez eft & affentuz qe le clerc del marche del hoftiell noftre Seignur le Roy face bien &; duement fon office & qe toutes fauxes mefures & pois foient ars folonc la fourme del eftatut et qe le -dit clerc ne preigne null commune fyn mes qe chefcun perfone qeft trove en defaut tochant le dit office foit puniz folonc fon defert & qil ne chivache mes ove fys chi- valx au pluis & qil ne demurge en nulle ville nautre lieu pluis qe la neceffite de fon fait demande & fil face riens a contrair de ceft eftatut & ent foit due- ment convictz paie au Roy al primer foitz qil ferra iffint convict cent fouldz & al fecond foitz dys li- vers & al tierce foitz vint livers.. fTEM, At the Requeft of the faid Commons it- is ordained and aflented, That the Clerk of the Market of the King's Houfe fhall do his Office well and duly ; (2) and that all falfe Meafures and Weights fhall be burned after the Form of the Sta- tute ; (3) and that the faid Clerk take no common Fine, but that every Perfon which is found in De- fault touching the fame Office, be punifhed accor- ding to his Defert, and that he fhall not ride but with fix Horfes at the molt, and that he fhall not tarry in any Town nor other Place longer than the Neceffity of his Bufmefs fhall require ; and if he do any Thing contrary to this Statute, and' be thereof duly convict, • he fliall pay to the King at the firft Time that he fhall be convict, an C s. and at the fecond Time x I. and at the third Time xx /.' 4-Inft. W C A P. V. What Things the Admiral and his Deputy fliall meddle. TEM pur ceo qe grant & commune clamour & pleint ont efte fovent faitz devant ces heures & unqore font de ce qe les Admiralx & lour deputees riegnent lour feffions en diverfes places deinz le Roialme fibien deinz franchifes come, dehors ac- crochantz a eux plus grant poair qe a lour office appartient en prejudice de noftre Seignur le Roy & la commune ley du Roialme & grant emblemif- fement des plufours diverfes franchifes & en de- ftruction & empoveriffement del commune poeple Accordez & affentuz qe les Admiralx & lour de- putees ne foi mellent defore enavant de null chofe fait deinz le Roialme mes foulement de chofe fait fur le meer folonc ceo qad efte duement ufe el temps du noble Roy Edward Aiel noftre Seignur le Roi qor eft. . Jurijditlim doth lie, " ITEM, Forafmuch as a great and common Cla- " JL mour and Complaint hath been oftentimes made " before this Time, and yet is, for that the Admirals " and their Deputies hold their Seffions within divers " Places of this Realm, as well within Franchife as " without, accroaching to them greater Authority than " belongeth to their Office, in Prejudice of our Lord " the King, and the Common Law of the Realm, and " in diminifhing of divers Franchifes, and in Deftruc- " tion and impoverifhing of the common People ;" ' (2) it is accorded and aflented, That the Admirals ' and their Deputies fhall not meddle from henceforth ' of any Thing done within the Realm, but only of a ' Thing done upon the Sea, as it hath been ufed in ' the Time of the noble Prince King Edward, ' Grandfather of our Lord the King that now is.' c. 11. S Elia. c. 5. andzW. & M.JcJf.z. c, Enforced 2 H. 4. c, ir» i Jnft. 260. 4 Inft. 135. nCo, 104. 13 Co. 42, 52,, Hob. 11, 79, 196, 212. 2 Roll 497. 2 Bulftr. 323. 3 Bulftr. 205. Dyer 159. 4 Mod. j 76. • See 15 R. 2. c. 3, in ivbat Place the Admiral's 2. iSalk. 3c. C A P. VI. How many Serjeants at Arms there fliall be, and with what Things they fnall meddle. ITEM a la grevous compleint de la communalte fait a noftre Seignur le Roi en ceft parlement del exceffive &: outrageous noumbre des fergeantz darmes & de plufours grantz extorfions & oppref- lions par eux faitz au poeple le Roy voet qils foi-

nt treftoutz defchargez & qe de eux & de autres

bient reprifes bones & fufficeantes perfones tanqal TOutnbre de trent fanz pluis defore enavant. Et

n outre le Roy defende qils ne foi mellent de riens

}e ne touche lour office & qils ne facent null ex- orfion ne oppreffion al poeple fur peine de perdre our office & de faire fyn & ranceon a la volunte hi Roy & pleine gree a la partie. . Vol. T.. ', TTEM, At the grievous Complaint made by the ' X Commons to our Lord the King in this Parlia- ' ment, of the exceffive and fuperfluous Number of ' Serjeants at Arms, and of many great Extortions ' and Oppreffions done by them to the People" j (.3) the King therefore doth will, that they fhall all be difcharged, and that of them and other there fhall be taken of good and fufficient Perfons to the Num- ber of Thirty, and no more from henceforth. (?) And moreover the King prohibiteth them to meddle with any Thing that tcucheth not their Office ; (4) and that they do no Extortion nor Oppreffion to the Peopl-e, upon pain to lofe their Office, and to make a Fine and Ranfom at the King's Pleafure, and full • Satisfaction to the Party.' Dd4 C A l