Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/126

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C. 18, 19.
Anno undecimo Henrici VII.
A. D. 1494.

Half to the King. [ruff 1](11) Provided alway, That the Moiety of the Forfeiture above said, given to the Owner of the Ground for taking of Swans Eggs, be unto the Owner of the said Swans, and not to the Owner of the Ground.

  1. See 1. Ed. 6. c.1 2. which repeals 31. H. 8. c. 12. and see 3 & 4 Ed. 6. c. 17 which revives the same and see farther 7 Ed. 6. c. 11. and 1 M. sess.1. c. 1 which repeals all Offences made Felony since 1 H. 8. and 1 Jac. 1. c. 27. 4&5 W. & M. c. 23. 5 Ann. c. 14. 9 Ann. c. 25. 3 Geo 1. c. 11. 8 Geo. 1. c. 19. 20 Geo. 2. c. 32. and 28 Geo. 2. c. 12.


The Forfeiture of him which goeth not in Person with the King in his Wars, when he is in Person.

"WHereas every Subject, by the Duty of his Allegiance, is bounden to serve and assist his Prince and Sovereign Lord at all Seasons when Need shall require, and most specially such Persons as have by him Promotion or Advancement, as Grants and Gifts of Offices, Fees, and Annuities, which owe and verily be bound of Reason to give their Attendance upon his Royal Person to defend the fame, when he shall fortune to go in his Person in Wars for Defence of the Realm, or against his Rebels and Enemies, for the subduing and repressing of them and their malicious Purpose" {{LR sidenote|He that will not go in Person with the King in his Wars, where he is in Person his Office ,&c. granted by the King (2) Wherefore be it enacted and established by the King our Sovereign Lord, by the Advice of his Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by Authority of the same, That if any Person or where he is in Persons, being within this Realm of England or Wales, having such Offices, Fees, or Annuities, by any of his rehearsed Gifts and Grants, do not give their Attendance upon him, when he shall fortune to go in Wars in his Person, in their said Persons, as their Duty bindeth them; that then they, and every of them thereof Default (the King's special Licence not had, or else he have such unfeigned Sickness, Letting, or Disease, that he may not in his Person come to do his personal Attendance and Service after the Form aforesaid, and that duy proved) that then every such Person or Persons forfeit and lose their said Offices, Fees, and Annuities, and to stand void at the King's Pleasure; any Act, Ordinance, or Statute to the Contrary afore this Time had or made in any wife notwithstanding. Certain Persons whereunto this staute doth not extend.(3) Provided, That this Act extend not to any Spiritual Person, Master of the Rolls, ne to any other Officer and Clerks of the Chancery, Justices of either Bench, Barons of the King's Exchequer, and other Officers and Clerks of the said Places, the King's Attornies and Solicitor, and the Serjeants at Law. Dyer 211. [ruff 1](4) Provided alway, That this Act shall notextend to any Person having any such Offices of the King's Highness, and being in his Service within his Towns and Fortilities of Berwick and Carlyle, ne to the Clerk of the King's Council for the time being.

  1. Farther provided for by 19. H. 7. c. 1 which is expired


What Stuff Upholders shall put in Bolsters, Feather-beds, and Pillows.

2 Bulst. 188.To the Right Worshipful Commons in this present Parliament assembled, seweth unto your discreet Wisdoms, the Wardens of the Fellowship of the Craft of Upholsters within the City of London,
(2) That whereas divers Persons within the Realm of England, out of the said City, make and do to be made unlawful and false Wares and Merchandises, to the great Rebuke and Slander of the said Craft, and also great Jeopardy, Loss, and Deceit to the King's Subjects, wherefore there is no sufficient Remedy purveyed, for to much as the same Wardens have no Power nor Authority to make due Search of such false deceivable Wares and Merchandises put to Sale out of the said City, as they have Power and Authority within the fame City, as in Feather-beds, Bolsters, and Pillows, made of Two Manner of corrupt Stuffs, that is to say, of scalded Feathers and dry pulled Feathers together, and of Flocks and Feathers together, which is contagious for Man's Body to lie on, and also in Quilts, Mattresses, and Cushions, fluffed with Horse-hair, Fenn-down, Neats-hair, Deers-hair, and Goats-hair, which is wrought in Lime-fats, and by the Heat of Man's Body the Savour and Taste is so abominable and contagious, that many of the King's Subjects thereby been destroyed ; (3) which deceitful making of the foresaid corrupt and unlawful Stuff is to the great Loss and impoverishing of the King's liege People, and also to the great Rebuke and Slander to the said Craft of Upholsters:' (4) Therefore may it please the King's Highness, by the Advice of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and his Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by Authority of the same, to establish, ordain, and enact, That from henceforth no Person ne Persons shall make, utter, ne put to Sale in Fairs, ne in Markets within this his said Realm, any Feather-beds, Bolsters, or Pillows, except they be stuffed with one Manner of Stuff, that is to say, with dry pulled Feathers, or else with clean Down alone, and with no scalded Feathers, nor Fen-down, nor none other unlawful and corrupt Stuffs, as is afore rehearsed, but utterly to be damned for ever :(5) Except if any Person or Persons, for their own proper Use in their Houses, make or do to be made any of the foresaid corrupt and unlawful Stuff and Wares, so they be not offered to be sold in Fairs and Markets, upon Pain of Forfeiture.What Stuff shall be put into Quilts,Mattresses, and Cushions.[ruff 1] (6) And also in likewise, Quilts, Mattresses, and Cushions, be stuffed with one Manner of Stuff that is to say, with clean Wooll, or clean Flocks alone, and with no such unlawful Stuff afore rehearsed upon Pain of Loss and Forfeiture of all such unlawful Wares and Merchandises.

  1. Farther provided for by 5 & 6 Ed. 6. c. 23.