Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/570

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C. 4.
Anno primo Elizabethæ.
A.D. 1558.

Form, as they were before the making of the said Act of the first and original Grant thereof,26 H. 8. c. 3. in the said six and twentieth Year of the Reign of the said late King your Noble Father, and as though the same had never been had ne made.

Petual Penfion, annual Rent or Tenth, granted by the fad firft Aft of the fix and twentieth Year of the faid Noble King Henry, nor alfo the faid feveraf an! nud Rents or Tenths referred mm* Dmm« by and upon the faid feveral Letters Patents of the fa"d late King and Queen, made to Spiritual Perfons and Corporations, as is aforefaid, or any of them ST "f fK r v n ^-° f S v, ¥ u h 1 ^ A"*™^ th en laft paft, 'mould any more be^dorpS £ < A °A ^ the K g^late Kmg P/W^and Queen^p,, her Heirs or 'Succeflbrs ; (2) but that aswcR the faid Archbilhooncks , B.fhopncks, and other Benefices, Dignities, Deans and Chapters, College Corporations and Spiritual Promotions aforefaid, as alfo the Poffeffors, Owners, Proprietaries and in cumbents of the fame and their Succeflbrs, from and after the faid Feaft of'St/SSlhe Arch a be g m',n^ i R- Jq X °T ate ' A £quitted and Difchargcd of and from the Payment thereof, againft them and the Heirs and Succeflbrs of the fame late Queen for ever «B<""".

XIX And furthermore, That the faid late King Philip and Qjaeen Mary, her Heirs and Succeflbrs from and after the faid Feaft : f St .Michael the Archangel; mould not receive, perceive, take and S T&5? on S ?- ReVC p U6 r' Pr °P S °- r Comm 4 od T CS £ f ^ e faid Redtories, Parfonages, Benefices, GlebeLandsI Tithes, Oblations Pennons, Portions and other Profits and Emoluments Ecclelialtica] and Spiritual afore- fa d Aa° t he7,-i t m )r ° f th f Reverfl0n ° r , Regions of them or any of them : (2) But in and by he rSCv P ? late K' n S ?nd Queen clearly gave over, renounced and relinquished, as well the faid Rectories Parfonages, Benefices, Glebe Lands, Tithes, Oblations, Penfions, Portions and other Profits 1 ^uments kcclefiaftical and Spiritual aforefaid and every of them, and the Reverfion and Rever- fions of them and every of them, and all their Right, Title, k, Intereft and Demand of, in or to the fame from them and the Heirs and Succeflbrs of the faid late Queen for ever, as alfo the faid perpetual Penfion, annual Rent and;Tenth, and alfo the faid yearly Rentereferved nomine Dechncz upon the faid fe veral Letters Patents and all their Right, Title and Intereft which they or either of them, or the Heirs or Succeflbrs of the faid late Queen, had or might have had in or to the fame.'

rJr»A I 1 Ye; T y Penflon ' Tenths, yearly Rents, Parfonages, Emoluments and Profits to be per- ceived, taken, received countea, employed ufed and dif P ofed by the late Reverend Father inGodiL/- nald Pool late Cardinal and Legate, and fuch other Perfons as he mould name and appoint, and fuch otfier fl W eTrt Pe , C1 ^ y ^ mlte p m T 6 faid Afl * t0 - and f °[ CG / tain Ufes ' Pur P° fes alld Stents mentioned in the at^ar e a earetfi* ° m and a Savmg ln the fame ex P r effed and contained, as by the fame more

-1 J* 1 - W V?p^- dhumbI ^^^ thc Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in ChJT P [e t u% ,Tn M afre , m T bled ' . caI ^g to our Remembrance the huge innumerable and ineftimable Chaiges of the Royal Eftate and Imperial Crown of this Realm, and how the fame is left unto your Ma- fSKS y °, U ^ r fv' ntry ^TT-SV? 1 '^^, d ! min ifhed, as well by Reafon of the faid Aft made in the faid fecond and third Years of the faid King Philips Queen Mary, as otherwife, do conceive at the Bot- tom of our Hearts great Sorrow and Heav.nefs, as Subjects careful for their Natur.J and Liege Sovereign Lady upon whom dependeth the Surety, wordly Joy and Wealth of us all ; (2) and being no lefs afFeald ^IZ y,T' Ma J eft y s f moft £M P K on ^ ni the denervation and Maintenance of the feme, and of the Urate and bucceffionof yourMajefty s faid Crown, than were the firft Grantors of the faid Firft-fruits and lenths towards your Highnefs moft Noble Father, and his faid Royal Eftate, at the Time of their faid <^rant thereof to him made, do account of very Right and good Congruence no lefs than our moft bounden Duty, to move your Highnefs, and therewith do moft humbly befeech the fame, that the great Difherifon tW?/^ ^T 1 "^ T* r ? A a i° ^ C - r ° W u n ' /? d Eftafc R °y al of this y° ur Realm > and th e Succeffion thereof, by Reafon of the faid Aft made in the faid fecond and third Years of the Reign of the faid King 1 hiti^ and (^tieen Mary may at this prefent Parliament be reformed and avoided, and that with your High- Pnrli^IT and . R °y al Aff 5 n £ ]t ™Y b ^ enafted < ordained, eftablifhed and provided by Authority of this raruament, in Manner and Form hereafter enfuing :

A Repeal of the Statute 2 & 3 Ph. & M. c. 4. XXII. That is to say, That the said Act made in the second and third Years of the Reign of the said late King Philip and Queen Mary, and akk Articles, Clauses and Sentences therein contained, shall be from and after the first Day of this present Parliament utterly and clearly repealed, made void, and of no Force ne Effect; (2) and all Authorities and Liberties granted, limited and appointed in and by the said Act to the said late Cardinal Pool, or made or derived, by Force, Strength or Colour of the same Act, by or from the said late Cardinal, to any other Person or Persons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, to cease and be utterly void and determined: The First-fruits revived.(3) And that the said First-fruits, and all Payments thereof, from and after the said first Day of this Parliament shall be revived, and have their Being and Continuance again, and be deemed and adjudged to all Intents, Constructions and Purposes, in the Queen's Highness most Royal Person, her Heirs and Successors, and united and annexed to the Imperial Crown of this Realm, of and in such like and the same Estate, Interest, Title, Quality, Sort, Degree and Condition, and in as ample and beneficial Manner and Form, as the same was or were in the Person and Possession of the said late Queen Mary, at and before the said eighth Day of August, in the said Act of Extinguishment, mentioned and expressed; the same Act of Extinguishment, or any Letters Patents, or any other Matter or Thing had, done or suffered by the said late Queen to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.

The Tenths revived and Rents reserved upon Patents and Promotions Ecclesiastical
26. H. 8. c. 3.

XXIII. And also that as well so much of the said perpetual and annual Tenth and Pension granted by the said Act made in the said twenty-fixth Year of the Reign of the said late King Henry the Eighth, as also so much of the said yearly Rents reserved upon the said several Letters Patents nomine Decimæ; (2) and also so
