Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/577

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A.D. 1558.
Anno primo Elizabethæ.
C. 13, 14.

Offence and of the Seizure of the faid Cloth ; (%) or clfe (hall procure the Offender* to be thereof mdi ,t the faid next Seffions .fter the raid Seizure ; (3) and (hall alfc be houi sanceo. Obligation , to the Ufe of t the faid Juftices or any ol them (hall think meet for the Gi „ ,.,-,.. fV . . Matter with Eftcft, and to give Evidence as ol Righl ippci .,11 that he or they (hall fo recover and re. eive to the Sheriff or othi Maj fly, her Heirs and Succeffors; (4) and the one Half premiffes to be unto the Ciucen s Majclty, her Heirs and Su ,,„ that fhall make Information, or procure Indictment:, of and for tl, Pi 1 >1|] ,, and (hall follow the (ante with Effect.

IV. Ami further, Be it ordained and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Jufticei before whom c ' rX '" <■< any fuch Offence flvdl be tried, fhall certify the fam : by tl ir Eftreal into the Exchequer, at the left ireaHv ,' 'r"' fichaelmas,™ they be bound to do other their Efti ts ; and upon thai Certificate, tl I icchequer to have lull rower and Authority to mak • Procefc for lo much thereof as by thi appertain to the Queen s Majcfty, in like Manner and Form as they only do for any other Fines and iet ' (laments (o certified before them. fln.%. . ,. 7 . xoAm.c.xc,. xi Am. fiat.,.. 09, 19 Sf 21. I Crt. 2,r. 36. 3 C„. I. c. 7 & »,. X, Gu. 2. t. 3 o. 18 Gu. a. c 24' I7 B

. f, ;6. 2+ G«. z. c. 46. 29 C«. 2. <■. 15. W 32 C7«. 2. c. 32. " ' J


An Aft for Shipping in Englifh Bottoms. The Statute of 5 R. 2. Stat. 1. c. 3. cc 4 H. 7. c. 10. prohibiting zxp - the bringing in, or but in Englifl) Ships, repealed. The Penalty where any ° 'V.' c ' f ' Merchandize fhall be (hipped or difcharged, but in E>i?lijb Ships. There fhall be no croffing of the Sea I *s 6 ' with any Hoy or Plate of an Englijh Subject's. Hoys, b'c. may crofs the Seas as far as Cam in Normandy, »4 R - . 2. c. 6. csV. In what Cafe Merchants may ufe Strangers Ships. To continue five Years. In what Cafe Mc'r- '* El - '5- chants of Brijlol may ufe Strangers Ships. 5 El, c. 5. §. 9.


An Act for the continuing the making of Woollen Clothes in divers Towns in the County of Essex.

con late ' then next following, no Perfon or Perfons whatfoever fhall ufe or exercife the Feat or Myftery of Making, ham, mayui ' Weaving or Rowing of woollen Clothes, long or fhort, or Kerfies, pinned Whites, or plain Streights, the making of ' to the Intent to put the fame to Sale, but only in a Market-Town where Cloth hath continually been c ' ot , h or f 'if"' 1 ufed to be made by the Space of ten Years then laft paft, or in a City, Borough or Town Corporate, hive Xne before ' upon Pain of Forfeiture for every fuch woollen Cloth or Kerfie made, woven or rowed out of fuch the Statute of ' City, Borough, Town Corporate or Market-Town, five Pounds : 4 * 5 Ph. &- M. ' II. And where alfo it is provided in the faid Aft, That it fhall be lawful to any Pcrfon then ufing^- 5- ' or exercifig the Feat or Myftery of Making, Weaving or Rowing of Cloth or Kerfie, to inhabit or V .'p^&'m ' dwell where he then did dwell, and there to ufe the Making, Weaving or Rowing of Cloth or Kerfie c . 5. 'no Cloth ' ' as he hath heretofore ; any Thing in the faid Aft notwithftanding : fhall Ik- made to ' III. And where it is further provided by the faid Aft, That it fhall be lawful to all and every rdl but in »

  • Perfon or Perfons which then did, or after that Time fhould inhabit or dwell in any of the Shires of M" kct -Town,

' North Wales or South Wales, Chefhire or Lancajhire, Wejlmorland, Cumberland, Northumberland, Bifhoprick _. ' , , .

  • ol Durham, Carnival, Suffolk, Kent, the Town of Goddelmlne in the County of Surrey, or Torkjbire, f what Placet 1 *
  • being not within twelve*Miles of the City of York, or in any of the Towns or Villages near adjoin- may make Cloth

' ing to the Water of Strowd in the County of Glouce/ler, where Clothes have been ufually made by the out of a Market- ' Space of twenty Years then laft paft, and having been an Apprentice to the Occupation of Cloth-making, Town.

  • or ufed the fame by the Space of feven Years, to fet up, ufe and exercife the Feat or Myftery of Making,
  • Weaving or Rowing of woollen Cloth, out of a City, Borough or Market-Town, as before that Time
  • they might have done ; any Thing in the {aid Aft to the contrary notwithftanding :

' IV. And forafmuch as the Towns or Villages of Backing, Wcftbarfold, Dedham and Cockjhall in the 1 County of Effex, be fair large Towns, and as well planted for Cloth-making as the faid Town of Goddtl-

  • mine or better, and few Towns in this Realm better planted for that Purpofe, and have been inhabited

' of a long Time with Cloth-makers, which have made and daily do make good and true Cloth, to the

  • great Commonweal of the Country there, and nothing prejudicial to, or for the Commonwealth of this

' Realm:' (2) Be it therefore ordained and enafted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That it fhall be lawful to all and every fuch Perfon and Perfons which now do inhabit or dwell, or hereafter fhall dwell, in the faid Towns or Villages of Backing, Wejlbarfolcl, CockJIiall and Dedham or in any of them, now ufing or exercifing, or that hereafter fhall ufe or exercife the Feat or Myftery of Making, Weaving or Rowing of Cloth or Kerfie, by the Space of ("even Years at the leaft, or have been Prentice thereto by the faid Space of feven Years, to inhabit and dwell in the faid Towns and Villages of Backing, JP'ejibarfald,

Coskfiall and Dedham and in every or any of them, and to ufe the Making, Weaving or Rowing of Cloth
