Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/348

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300 C.3-5' Anno decimo odavo Caroli II. A.D. 1666. Jncoirageme;it of Filhery. Enl'orced by I Geo. I. Stat. 2. c. iS. §. 1 and further proijidid for by 5 Geo I . i. i3. ZT,Geo.z. c, 26. feci. 7. 26 Ceo. z, c, 9. Ifie of Man. Farther Provi- fions concerning Cattle, 20 Car. z c. 7. 22 Car. 2, c. 13. 32 Car. A. c 2. 3 IV, Sf Af. c, 8 the fame fhall be fo found or feized; the other Half to be to his or their own Ufe that ftiall fo feize'th"' fame. II. And for the better Encouragement of the Fifhery of this Kingdom, be it further enacted by the Au- thority aforefaid, That if any Ling, Herring, Cod or Pilchard, frcfh or falted, dried or bloated, or any Salmons, Eels or Congers, taken by any Foreigners, Aliens to this Kingdom, fhall be imported, uttered,, fold or expofed to Sale in this Kingdom; That then it fhall and may be lawful for any Perfon or Perfons to take and feize the fame ; the one Half thereof to be difpofed of to the Ufe of the Poor of the Parifh where the fame fhall be fo found or feized ; the other Half to his or their own Ufe which fhall fo feize the' fame. 30 Geo, 2. <:. 21 fef 30. 33 Gcoi 2. IT. 27. III. Provided always. That nothing in this A£l: fhall be conllrued to hinder the Importation of Cattfe from the IJle of Man in this Kingdom of England., fo as the Number of the faid Cattle do not exceed fix hundred Head yearly : (2) And that they be not of any other Breed than of the Breed of the IJle of Man; (3) and that they be landed at the Port of Che/ler, or fome of the Members thereof, and not elfewhere, IV. This Ad to continue until the End of feven Years, and from thence to the End of the firfl Seffion of the next Parliament. [Made perpetual by 32 Car. 2. c. 2. §. z.] 5 J'F. & M, c.z, 3 1 Geo. 2. c, 40. and 32 Geo, z. 13 & 14 Car. 2. C. 22. 29 &30 Car. 2. 1 fac. 2. c. 14.. 7 & 8 W. 3. C. 17. 12 & 13 W. 3. c. 6. 12 Ann, fat, i. c. 10. joGeOi I. C.17. Clergy taken away from no- torious Thieves jn Northumber- land and Cum- berland. CAP. III. An Aft to continue a former A<51 for preventing of Theft and Rapine upon the Northern Bor- 1 ders of Engla^id, ' lyl/HEREASan Aft was made in the fourteenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord the King J ' VV that now is, intituled. An ASl for preventing of Theft and Rapine upon the Northern Borders of ' England ; which Aft is very near expiring, and hath been found very necelTary for the Prefervation of j ' thofe Places, from that great Number of lewd, diforderly and lawlefs Perons, that ufually frequented ' thereabouts :' (2) Be it therefore enafted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice , I and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament afiembjed, ; i That the faid A£t, and every Cla.ufe and Claufes therein contained, and all and every the Powers and Au- ' ' thorities thereby given, be, continue and remain in Force, until the End of feven Years from the Expira- I tion or Determination of the forementioned Aft. . ■'; II. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Benefit of Clergy fhall be taken away j from great, known and notorious Thieves and Spoil- takers in the faid Counties of Northumberland, Cum- herland, or either of them, during the Continuance of this prefent Aft, who fhall be duly convifted for Theft done or committed within the faid Counties, or either of them : (2 j Or otherwife. That it fhall and ■ may be lawful to and for the Juflices of the AlKze, and Commiflioners of Oyer and Terminer, or Gaol-deli- ■' very, before whom fuch Offenders fhall be convifted within the faid Counties, or either of them, to tranf- ' .«  port or caufe to be tranfported the faid Offenders, and every of them, into any of his Majefty's Dominions H in America, there to remain, and not to return ; any former Law, Statute or Ufage to the contrary in any j wife notwithflanding. [Continued till 24 June 175 1, &c. by 17 Geo. z. c. 40. J i CAP. IV. An Aft for Burying in Woollen only. Woollen Manufaftures encouraged, c. 3. §. 2. And farther Provifions made relating hereto by that Aft, Woollen. The Penalty. Provifo for Perfons dying of the Plague. Repealed by 30 Car. 2. Stat. r. None fhall be buried but in Cmt'tnued liy ^Sc 5W.&M.C.24, Encouragement for bringing Gold and Silver into theReaim. Silver or Gold brought in to be coined. 1 3 Sf 14 Car. z. .. 31. CAP. V. An A61 for encouraging of Coinage. HEREAS it is obvious. That the Plenty of current Coins of Gold and Silver of this Kingdom is of great Advantage to Trade and Commerce ; For the Increafe whereof, your Majefly in your ' Princely Wildom and Care hath been gracioufly pleafed to bear out of your Revenue Half the Charge of ' the Coinage of Silver Money : (2) For the preventing of which Charge to your Majefty, and the En- couragement of the bringing Gold and Silver into the Realm, to be converted into the current Money of this your Majefty's Kingdom, We your Majefty's dutiful and loyal Subjefts do give and grant unto your ,Majefty the Rates, Duties or Impofitions following, and do befeech your Majefty that it may be enafted; (3) and be it enafted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the ■Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament alTembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That whatibever Perfon or Perfons, Native or Foreigner, Alien or Stranger, fhall from and after the twentieth Day of December one thoufand fix hundred fixty and fix, bring any Foreign Coin, Plate or Bullion of Gold or Silver in Mafs, Molten or Allayed, or any Sort of Manufafture of Gold or Silver, into his Majefty's Mint or Mints within the Kingdom of England, to be there melted down and coined into the current Coins of this Kingdom, fhall have the fame there afEiyed, melted down and coined with all conve- •nient Speed, without any Defalcation, Diminution or Charge for the Affaying, Coinage or Wafie in Coinage.: (4) So