Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/361

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A.D. 1667. Anno decimo nono Carqli 11. C. 5, 6. 313 (3} Item, That the fald Houfe, with the Grounds therewith inclofeil, he had and ufed as a common Gaol > and Vork-houfe for the ftvid County in Manner as is after exprcfied. (<|} ftim. That an Overfeer be there- i in placed by like Order, and by like Order be reinoveable from 'I'imc lo 'I'imc ; whicii Overfeer (hall have i the Charge, Cuftody and Government of the Prifoners to him committed, according to this Aft, and fhall have fifty Pounds per Annum during the Execution of his Office, and ten Pounds per Annum for his De- '■ nuty ; but ihall therefore take no Fees for Receiving, Delivering or doing any other Service relating to th<^ /' .Piilbners, from or of any the laid Prilbners. (5) Item, That tlie faid Juflices by like Order from Time to ■ Time {hall and may, by Approbation of the Ordinary, ]irovide and appoint fome meet and difcrect Mini- 1 fter to read Divine Service according to the Orders of the Church o' Evojaiid, unto the Prifoners, at lead ' ' four Days in the Week, That is to fay, on the Lord's Day, i-ach IVedncfdaj, and each Friday and Satur- day, and oftner if the faid Juftices Ihall appoint, and to take Pains in inflructing them each I^ord's Day at ' the leaft, for which they may allow him thirty Pounds />«■ Annum or after that Kate, the Reft of the Pro- • • fits to be for Repairing the Houfe, and towards finding a Stock for to fet the Prifoners on work. (6) Itfrn, That any Perfon charged with fuch Offence only for which Clergy is allowable, if (o be he be needy and in- '. digent, and not likely to maintain himfelf in Gaol, may by Warrant of the Juflice or Juftices of the Peace, ' to whom JurifdiiStion in that Behalf appertaineth, be committed to the faid Wcrk-houfc in order to his Trial ; (7) and if any Perfon fhall be committed to the ordinary Gaol, who fliall be or become fo indigent, J he may by Warrant of three Juftices of Peace, whereof one to be of the Riorum, be removed from the j ordinary common Gaol to the faid lioufe ; all which Prifoners fo committed or' removed fliall be in the Cu- ■ ftody of the Oveifeer, and be ordered and demeaned in the faid Houfe, and conveyed to the Seffions or to ; the Gaol-delivery, by like Warrant, Way and Means, as the Prifoners in other Gaols by the Laws and ; Statutes of this Realm are to he ordered and demeaned. ] ' V. And becaufe the faid V/ork-houfe is diftant from the ordinary common Gaol,' the Prifoners by Or- ' der from the Seffions or Gaol-delivery may, in order to their Trials, be removed to the common Gaol, to ' I he the more ready for their Trials. (2) Itern, That the faid Overfeer fhall give Security for the Stock, and ; be liable to fuch Regulations and Orders for Accounts and otherwife, as the Seffions fhall from Time to •! Time make for fetting the poor Prifoners on work there, which fnall be obeyed and obferved. That a convenient Stock be from Time to Time raifed at the Charge of the County. (3) Ite?n, That the faid Ju- p . ftices of the County in Devon may put in ure all the Powers in this Aft, as other Juftices may in any other >f ',,"'"'" j County by Virtue thereof: _ _ teTct'o' tz% z^ I VL Saving to the King's Majefty, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, and to every other Perfon and Perfons, and Car.i-c ao. their Heirs, Succeflbrs, Ex-ecutors and Adminiftj-ators, all Rights, Titles, Claims and Demands whatfo- 4^ s '^■^■i'!^' * ■ever, into or out of the faid Meflliaaes and Premifles, as if this Aft had never been made. f. u. 8 6f 9 . ?^. 3. c. 27. it & tz 0^. ■}. c. ig. I y^nn.Jlat.i, c, 6, ^Ann.c.g, 9 Geo. i. f. 28. 11 Geo. t, c. zz, 11 Geo, z, c. zo. 16 Geo, z. c. -^vk Z'j Geo, z. c. ■^& ly, and ja Geo, z, c. z8. ) CAP. V. j An A£t extending a former Aft concerning Replevins and Avowries, to the Principality of | Wales and the County Palatines. , 1 HERE AS by an Aft of Parliament, intituled. An ASf for the more fpeedy and effe^ual Proceeding it Car, z,z,j, I upon D'lftrejfes and Avowries for Rents, Provifion is made where any Plaintiff fhall be nonfuit be- • j ' fore Iffue joined in any Suit or Replevin, by Plaint or Writ lawfully returned, removed or depending in 1

  • any of the King's Courts at Wejhninfter ;' (2) Be it enafted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and !

. with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parlia- ' jjient affembled. That the (aid Aft, and all the Powers and Provifions thereby made for Caufes of Replevins i depending in his Majefiy's Courts of Weftininfter, {hall be extended and be of the fame Force and EfRcacy in all Claufes of Replevin, which are or fhall be depending in his Majefty's Court of Common Pleas for the County Palatine oi Lancafer, the Courts of the Great Seffions of his Majefty's Principality of Wales, the Lancater, . , Court of the Great Seffions or Affizes for the County Palatine of Chejler, and the Court of Common Pleas Wales, I ifor the County Palatine of Durham, as fully and as amply for and during the Continuance of the f;;id Aft, ^I'^fi^'^i'" as if the faid Courts had been mentioned therein. " : CAP. VI. , An Aft for Redrefs of Inconveniencies by Want of Proof of the Deceafes of Perfons beyond i the Seas or abfenting themfelves, upon whoie Lives Eftates do depend. '

  • T7 HERE AS divers Lords of Manors and others have ufed to grant Eftates by Copy of Court-Roll Prenf. . '■

' VV for one, two or more Life or Lives, according to the Cuftom of their feveral Manors ; and have ^ A"°- '^' '*■

  • alfo granted Eftates by Leafe for one or more Life or Lives, or elfe for Years determinable upon one or i
  • -more Life or Lives ; and it hath often happened, that fuch Perfon or Perfons for v^'hofe Life or Lives fuch ■

■' Eftates have been granted, have gone beyond the Seas, or fo abl'ented themlelves for many Years, that the i ' Leffors and Reverfioners cannot find out whether fuch Perfon or Pe;fons be alive or dead, by Reafon ■ '

  • jwhereof fuch Leffors and Reverfioners have been held out of Poffeffion of their Tenements for many i

' Years, after all the Lives upon which fuch Eftates depend are dead, in regard that the L:tTors' and Re- ■; ' verfioners when they have brought Aftions for the Recovery of their Tenements, have been put upon it .' ' to prove the Death of their Tenants, when it is almoft impoffible for them to difcover the fame :' . j Vol. m. S f 11. For i
