Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/70

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■2^ Cv22. Anno feciilido [vulgo primo] Jacobi I. A. D. 1604. nor in the Trefwels of the double foled Shoes, other than the Flanks of any the Hides aforefaid : (y)- nor fhall make or put to fale iii any Year, betweeii the lafl: of September -inA the twentieth oi April, any Shoes, Boots, Bufkins^ Staitops, Slippers or Pantofles, meet for any Perfon to wear exceeding the Age of four Years, wherein, fhall be any dry EiigliJJi. Leather, other than Oalves-fkins or Goat-fkins, made or drefled or NoSaleoi/liew- to be made or drefled like unto Spanijl) Leather, or any Part thereof: (8) nor fhall fliew, to the Intent to slfoes^c'upon P^^ to fale, any Shoes, BoQts, Bufliins, Sta:rtops, Slippers or Pantofles upon the ;ija;zrt'fl)' ; (9) upon Pain the Sunday, of Forfeiture for every Pair of Shoes, Boots, Bufkins, Startops, Slippers and Pantofles, made, fold, Ihewed or put to fale, contrary to the true Meaping of this A6f, three Shillings and four Pence, and the juft and fuH Value of the fa'me. ' . , XXIX. And be it further enadfed for the true Execution of this Statute, That the Maflier and War- ■~ dens of the f^veral Myfl:eri<;s of Cordwainers, Curriers, Girdlers and Sadlers of the City of London for ■ the Time beihg, by what Name or Names foe'er they be incorporated or entitled, or the more Part of ' the faid Mafter and Wardens of every of the faid feveral Myfl:eries, upon Pain to forfeit forty Pounds for every Year that they make Default, the one Half thereof to be to the King's Majefl:y, his Heirs and Suc- ceflbrs, and the other Half to him or them that will fue for the fame, (2) fliallby Virtue of this Ad: four Times in the Year at the leail, that is to fay, once every Quarter of the. Year, or oftncr if need require, as they ware^made and .jiiaji think good, make true SeaVcli and Vfew of and for all Boots, Shoes, Bufkins, and other Wases and in'oTnearLon^ Things whatfocver made of tanned Leather, in all and every Houfe and Houfes, Place and Places, privileged don (hall bs or not privileged, as well within the City oi London and Suburbs thereof, as in every other Place within three ferched. Miles of the fame City, where any Shoemaker, Sadler, Girdler, Currier, or other Artificer, ufing cutting, I W.T M. ' working or dreftine of Leather, doth or fliaill dwell, or occupy any of the Occupations of cutting, work- Seff, I. ;c. 33. Jng pr drefllng of Leather, whether the fame Boots, Shoes, Wares, Stuff, and other Things be inade of ^- i-- tanned Leather, and be wrought according to the Purport, Effect and true Meaning of tliis Statute, or thJ'rTim beInT ^^°'^' ii) And that- it fliall and may be lawful to and for the faid feveral Mafiiers and Wardens of the faid fu(iicietit_mayte fi^veral MyfLeries.whiGh,-'flialI'"be for the Time being, to take, feize and carry away to their feveral com- feized apd car- rnpp Halls, all fuch Boots, Shoes, Wares, Stufl:'or other Things, which the faid feveral Mafters and War- ns away. dens. (hajl'find in, their feveral Searches infufficiently made, curried or wrought. Who may fearch XXX. Provided always. That none of the faid feveral Mafters and Wardens of the faid feveral Com- aiidbs fearchea. panies-of Cordvrainers], Curriers, Girdlers or Sadlers, (hdll fearch any Perfon or Perfons, but fuch as ufe and exercife the Myflery or Occupation of the faid Mafter and Wardens ; (2) and that the Coachmakers dwelling within the faid City of Lon.don, or three Miles from the fame, fhall be under the Survey and Search of the Mafler and Wardens of the Company of the Sadlers of London. Searchers and XXXI. And be it further enacSled, That the faid Mayor of the City of London and the Aldermen for Ss^iers "f Lea- the "Tima being, upon like Pain of forty Pounds likewife to be levied and imployed, fliall likewife yearly pointed by Uie ^PPOJnt eight qf the moft fubftantial, honeft and expert Perfons, being P>eemen of fome of the Compa- M.)yor, &c. of nies of Cordwainers, Curriers, Sadlers or Girdlers within the City oi' London, whereof one fhall be a f^andon. Sealer, and keep, a Seal for the Sealing of Leather, to be prepared, who fliall alfo be fworn before the faid Mayor, and Aldermen for the Time being, to do their Oflice truly j (2) which faid Searchers and Sealers iiiall view and fearch .all and every tanned Hide, Skin or Leather, which (hall be brought as well to the Market at. Z^rt//f»-te//, as to any other lawful Fair or Market therefore ufually appointed within three Miles of the faid City, whether the fame be fufficiently and throughly tanned and throughly dried, ac- cording to the Purport and true Meaning of this Statute, or no; (3) and finding it fuffaciently and throughly tanned and throughly dried, in fuch Manner and Form as by this Statute is appointed, fliall feal the ■<:.,:. I-.., . fame with the faid Seal. SeafcWftg a'n'd XXXII.. And be it further enafted by the Autltority aforefaid. That all Mayors, Bailiffs and other Head feaiing-oiLea-^ Officers for the Time being, in all other Cities, Boroughs arid Market-Towns of this Realm, and all par'ts"o'f the^" Lotds of Liberties, Fairs and Markets out of the Circuit or Coinpafs of the faid three Miles, fliall upon Realm, like. Pain of forty Pounds likewi'e to be levied and imployed every Year that they make Default therein, appoint and fwear yearly two, three or more Perfons, of the mpfi; honeft and fkiiful Men within their fe- veral Offices or Liberties, by their Difcrefioh, to fearch and view within the Precincft of their faid Offices, Liberties and Authorities, (2) which fliall, as often as they fliall think good, or need fliall be, make hke .- • Search within their Liipits,- and Avail have a Mark or Seal prepared for that Purpofe: And that the faid Searchers, or one of them, fliall keep the fame Seal or Mark, and with the fame Ihall feal and mark fucli ■. . Leather as they Ihall find fufiicient, and no other: (3) And if the faid Searchers, or any of them, do find any Leather fold- or offered to be fold, or brought to be fearched or fealed, which fliall be tanned, wrought, converted or ufed contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Statute, or any Leather infufficiently curried, or any Boots, Shoes, Bridles, or any other Thing made of tanned or curried Leather, ently. tanned, curriad or wrought, contrary to any Provifion in this prefent A6f, it fhall be lawful to the laid Searchers, or any of them, to feize all fuch Leather, Shoes or other Wares made 01 Leather : (4) and to retain the fame in their Cuftody, until fuch Time as the fame be tried by fuch Triers, and in fucli Manner and Form, as is hereafter in this Statute appointed. Six Triers of - XXXIII. And to the End there may be an indifferent and equal Courfe eftabliflied for the Trying of a'rpiMiwdiri ^^ ^^' ..Rich Leather, Boots, Shoes, and other Wares made of Leather, as fliail be feized by Virtue of this Afr ; London. '" ('Z}. Be it enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That the Mayor of the City of London for the Time being, within fix Days after Notice to him given of any Seizure made of any Leather, red and unwrought, within t^ie J:urifdi(5fion of the faid City, or tliree Miles diftant .from the fame, either by the Owner or Owners, or by the Seizers of the faid Leather, fliall eleft and appoint fix honeft and ex]iert R'len, whereof there (hall be of the .be;:ter Sort of the Company qf Cordwainers. qi Ldndpfi ty^o, of- the better' Sort of th; Curriers of Lfff{don'tv'o, zad olhcT two of the better Soft of TVftn'erSMh'gZwiJX'-^MMnrkct, wholball be no -Kin* or