Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/12

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  1. An Act for rectifying a Mistake in the Marriage Settlement: of Thomas Hopwood.Gent on Elizabeth his Wife in order to raise Portions for younger Children, and to pay Debts.
  2. An Act for the more speedy Payment of the Debts of John Clobery Esq; deceased, and for the raising Portions and Maintenance for his Children.
  3. An Act to enable Thomas May Gent, to sell Lands in the County of Suffolk, which were settled upon his Marriage, and to convey other Lands in the same County, of a greater Value, to the same Uses.
  4. An Act for vesting the real Estate of Joseph Gardiner and Sarah his Wife, late the Estate of William Ridges Esq; deceased, in Trustees, to be sold for Payment of the Debts and Legacies therein mentioned, and for applying: the Residue of the Money upon the Trusts therein specified.
  5. An Act for Sale of several Western Manors, and Lands, the Estate of Arthur Lacy Esq; for discharging a Mortgage thereupon, and for laying out the Surplus Monies in the Purchase of Demesne Lands, to be settled to the same Uses.
  6. An Act for vesting the Manor of Exton, and other Lands in the County of Somerset, late the Esate of Thomas Sidersin Esq; deceased, in Trustees, to be sold for Payment of Debts.
  7. An Act for the speedy and effectual making a convenient Way out of Chancery Lane to Lincoln's Inn Fields, and Places adjacent.
  8. An Act for settling of the Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, late of Robert Merefield and John Merefield, Esquires, deceased, and for ascertaining the Proportions between the Widow of the said Robert, and his surviving Children.
  9. An Act for the settling all Differences concerning Dame Mary Bond's Will, and for performing the same.
  10. An Act for charging the Estate of Sir Thomas Robnson, Baronet, with seven thousand Pounds, for the Portion of Anne his Sister ; and for settling her Estate upon the said Sir Thomas Robinson, in lieu thereof.
  11. An Act for confirming a Lease and certain Indentures between the City of Norwich, and Richard Barry, Esq; George Sorwold, Gent, and James Soame, Merchant, and for enlightening the Streets of the said City.
  12. An Act for settling the Estate of Catharine-Fitzgerald Vlilers, and raising of Money for Payment of Debts, and better securing the Portions of her five younger Children by Edward Fitzgerald Fillers, Esq; her late Husband,
  13. An Act to enable Edward Mansell, Esq; to Mortgage or sell the Inapropriate Rectories of Llanriddian, and Penrice, for Payment of Debts, and railing Portions for younger Children, and for settling the Manor of Henleys, and other Lands, of more Value.
  14. An Act for the selling the Reversion and Inheritance of the Farm of Nethercott in the County of Oxon, for Payment of the Debts and Legacies of George Harrison, Esq; deceased.
  15. An Act for vesting certain Lands and Tenements of in Josiah Child, Baronet, deceased, in Trustees, for the better Performance of certain Covenants entered into by the said Sir Josiah Child, upon the Marriage of his eldest Son with the Daughter of Sir Thomas Cooke, Knight.
  16. An Act to supply the Loss of certain Indentures of Lease and Release, heretofore made by Philip Holamn, Esq; deceased, to George Holman his Son, now also deceased.
  17. An Act to enable Henry Butler, Esq; to make Lease of Part of his Estate in Lancashire, for Discharge of incumbrances thereupon.
  18. An Act for vesting Part of the Estate of Thomas Cowper, of the City of Chester, Esq; in Trustees, for Payment of Debts.
  19. An Act for confirming the Sale of the Manor of Stansall, and certain Tenements in the County of York, made by Thomas Barlow, Gent, and for settling other Lands of greater Value to the same Uses, and for vesting other Lands and Hereditaments in Trustees, to be sold for purchasing other Lands to be settled to the same Uses.
  20. An Act for selling the Manor of Fenham in the County of Northumberland, for the Payment of the Debts of Thomas Riddell, Esq; and Edward Riddell his Son, and raising Portions for the Daughters of the said Thomas Riddell.
  21. An Act for Sale of Part of the Estate of Charles Hore Esq; for Payment of his Debts, for settling other Part in Trust, for raising a Portion and Maintenance for Elizabeth his only Daughter by his former Wife, and for making a Jointure for Mary his now Wife, and for a Provision for the Children by the said Mary.
  22. An Act to enable Dalby Thomas, Esq; to sell Lands in Islington in Mlddlesex, settled on his Marriage by Dorothy his now Wife, as Part of her Jointure, he settling another Estate of equal or greater Value in lieu thereof.
  23. An Act to enable Trustees to make Sale of the Inheritance of the twelfth Part of several Manors, Lands, and Tenements of Bluet Wallop, Esq; during his Minority, and to purchase other Lands with the Money to be raised by such Sale, to be settled for the same Uses, as the said twelfth Part was settled.
  24. An Act to enable Leonard Wessel, Esq; to sell the Manor of Acres-fleet in the County of Essex, settled on his Marriage with Sarah his now Wite, as Part of her Jointure, laying out the Money arising by such Sale in Purchase of other Lands.
  25. An Act for taking the Estate in Law, of several Messuages and Lands, mortgaged to Jeffery and Samuel Howland, and their Heirs, out of Wriothesty Russel, commonly called Lord Marquis of Tavistock, and his Lady.
  26. An Act for confirming a Lease of a Piece of Ground from the Rector, and Churchwardens of the Parish of St. Martln's Orgars, London, for Liberty to build a Church thereon, for the Worship and Service of God in the French Tongue, according to the Usage of the Church of England.
  27. An Act for Sale of the Estate of Bryan Janson, Esq; deceased, for Payment of Debts, and Provision for his Wife and Children.
  28. An Act for the Ship Martha of Morgan to trade as a free Ship.
  29. An Act for the naturalizing Theodore "Jacabson, and others.
  30. An Act for the naturalizing of Oliver D' Hartcourt, and others.
  31. An Act for naturalizing John Burges, and others.
  32. An Act for the naturalizing John Richard, Jacob Dabbadie, and others.
  33. An Act for naturalizing Francis Vandertyd, and Agneta Vandermesed, Henry Loeman, and James Gabriel Le Tresor.
  34. An Act for naturalizing Isaac Delagarde, John Batere, and others.