Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/385

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. D. 1720. Anno feptimo Georgii Regis. Stat. r. C. 18 20. 34.5 r Perfons having ten Days Notice, and refuting to treat with the Undertakers, or who through any Difa- ility cannot, the Commiifioners fhall ifl'ue their Warrant to the Sheriff of Cbcfler for returning a Jury. Jay order the Jury to view the Place. Jury to enquire of and alfefs the Damages. Commiflioners to give uJgment for the Sums fo afTefTed, and finally determine all Controverfies. Commiflioners to have 100 /. per imumin Chejhire. Commiflioners dying or refilling to a<t, the Survivors, or any feven to appoint new nes. Undertakers may take u. 6 d. per Tun for all Goods, carried on the River till the Charges of ma- ing it navigable are fatisfied, and afterwards not above 9 d. pefTuti. Matters of Barges, C5V. anfwerable or any Mifehief done by their Barges or Crew. Owners or Occupiers of adjoining Lands may ufc Plca- ure-Boats without paying any Duty. The River to be deemed navigable, and free for all the King's Sub- mits, paying the Duties. Owners, ijc. of Lands within five Miles, not to pay Duty for Dung, &c. After he Work (hall be finifhed, Undertakers may retain, out of the clear Produce of the Duties, any Sums by hem advanced. Undertakers may borrow any Sums as the Commiflioners, or any nine (hall think neccfTary, or carrying on the Undertaking, and fhall repay the fame out of the firft clear Produce after the Work is inifhed. After the Work is finifhed, and Charges and Monies borrowed repaid, the Duties fhall be em- Joyed to repair the publick Bridges, &c. in Chejhire, as the Quarter-Seflions fhall direct. So much of the )uties, as the Quarter-Seflions fhall yearly appoint, fhall be employed in repairing the Highways leading the laid River, &c. The Surplus of the Tunnage to be employed in amending other Highways in the aid County. Undertakers dying or refufing to act, the Commiflioners or any thirteen, fhall at their yearly Aftembly appoint others. Undertakers not finifhing the Undertaking in five Years, the Commiflioners, or my thirteen, may appoint others. C A P. XVIII. An Act for enlarging the Term granted by an Act paiTed in the tenth Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, intituled, An Ail for repairing the Road from Highgate Gatehoufe in the County of Middlefex, &Barnet Blockhoufe in the County of Hertford ; and for rep iring the Road leading from the Bear-Inn in Hadley to the Sign of the Angel in Enfield Chafe in the faid County of Middlefex. P R. The Powers, Penalties, &c. in the Private Act 10 Ann. c. 33. continued for feventeen Years from the Expi- ration thereof, as well for the Purpofes in that Act, as for repairing the additional Roads. [Continued by lyGeo. 2. c. 39.] CAP. XIX. An Act for continuing an Act made in the fixth Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, intituled, An A£i for repairing and enlarging the Highways between the Top of Kingfdown Hill and the City of Bath ; and alfo feveral Highways leading to and through the faid City; and for cleanfing, paving, and lightningthe Streets, and regulating the Chairmen there ; and for explaining and making the faid Act more effectual. PR. The Private Act of 6 Ann. c. 1. and all the Powers, Duties, Forfeitures, &c. therein contained, conti- nued for zi Years-, from 1 May ijzi. After 1 May 172 1 fix of the Juftices of Wilts, Somerfet and Glcu-

after, and one for Bath, impowered to put the former and this Act in Execution. Surveyors may make 

Drains, erect Arches, &c. on the contiguous Grounds. Such Satisfaction to be made to the Owner, as three neighbouring Juftices fhall determine. Owners neglecting to fcour their Ditches, Surveyors may fcour the fame, and levy the Charge on the Owners. After 1 May 1721. Chairmen in Bath fhall keep fuch Stands as the Mayor, &c. fhall direct, on Penalty of ten Shillings. [Continued by iz Geo. 2. c. 20. J C A P. XX. An Aft for continuing the Duties on Male, Mum, Cyder and Perry, to raife Money by way of a Lottery, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred twenty- one ; and for transferring the Deficiency of a late Malt- Aft to the Land-Tax for the faid Year ; and for difpofing certain Overplus Money to proper Objefts of Charity -, and for giving further Time to Clerks and Apprentices to pay Duties omitted to be paid for their Indentures and Contrafts ; and touching fniall Quantities of Cyder exported •, and for Relief of Captain John Perry, concerning; Dagenham Breach ; and touching loft Bills, Tickets or Orders: and concerning the Duty of fmall Pieces of Plate ; and to enable the Undertakers for raifing Thames Water in Ycrk-Buildings to fell Annuities by way of a Lottery ; and for Satisfying a Debt, which was charged on the late Duty on Hops ; and for appropriating the Monies granted in this Seffion of Parliament. EXP. XXXI. A ND whereas by an Act palled in the fourth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, for conti- c] , u ,- e f orRe _ ±, nuing the Duties on Malt, Mum, Cyder, and Perry, a Duty of four Shillings per Hogfhead i; t f ot - p £ ,r ons is laid on all Cyder and Perry made for Sale in Great Britain ; and in cafe fuch Cyder or Perry fhould be ex- exporting fmall ported to Places beyond the Seas, a Drawback of four Shillings per Hogfhead is by the faid Act allowed to Parcels of Cyder the Exporters thereof: And whereas Cyder and Perry is often exported in fmall Parcels according to the De- and Perr y» Vol. V. Y y mand