Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/440

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394- C. 20. Anno odravo Georgii Regis.' A. D. 1721. did before they were paid unto, or received by the faid Receivers or Collectors, or before the fame were . . paid or lent into the Exchequer as aforefaid. EKche"iier ftaS XVI. And it is hereby en'acted, That the fame Bills to be re-iffued from Time to Time, or at any b'eft re-ifiued'.fqr Time, at the Exchequer as aforefaid, fhall be fo re-iffued for the Principal Money to be contained therein, Principal and and for fo much Intereft as was due thereon, and allowed by the Teller at the refpective Time and Times' Intereft due, &c w hen fuch Bill and Bills were laft paid into the Exchequer. Receivers to keep XVII. And be it enacted. That every Receiver General of any the Revenues, Aids, Taxes or Supplies, a fair Book of belonging or to belong to his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, fhall keep a fair Book or Books of Ac- Accmmcs, of counts in Writing of all the Monies by him received, in which he orchis Deputy or Deputies fhall truly Monies received, enter all the Sums which fhall have been received by him or them for every fuch Revenue, Aid, Tax or Supply, together with the Names of the feveral Collectors from whom the fame, or any Part thereof was received, the Days when, and the Sums paid, how much thereof in Money, and how much thereof in fuch Exchequer-Bills, and what Exchequer-Bills fhall have been exchanged by every fuch Receiver Ge- Perfons concern- nerai, purfuant to this Aft; to which Accounts every Perfon concerned lhall have free Accefs at all fea- ei, to fonable Times, without Fee or Charge; and the faid Accounts {hall conltantly lie open atone certain Accounts wUh- Pl ace > within the Limits of his Receipt for that Purpofe; and if fuch Receiver lhall neglect to keep fuch out Fee, &c Book or Books, or to enter therein any Sum or Sums of Money by him received and paid as aforefaid, by Penalty on Re- the Space of three Days after the Receipt or Payment of the 1 fame, or ihall refufe any Perfon or Per- ceiver negie£iing f ons concerned to inipect fuch Book or Books without Fee or Reward as aforefaid, every fuch Receiver, or refuting, &c f or ever y f ucn Offence, fhall forfeit the Sum of one hundred Pounds, to any Perfon or Perfons who fhall fue for the fame, to be recovered by Action of Debt, or upon the Cafe, Bill, Suit or Information, in any of his Majeity's Courts of Record at Weft?yiinjier, wherein no EfToin, Protection, Privilege or Wager of Law fhall be allowed, or more than one Imparlance. New Bills to be XVIII. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe any of the Lie^or^BUl^fil- Exchequer-Bills, which ihall be current as aforefaid, fhall be filled up by Writing or Indorfements made led up or defaced, thereon as aforefaid, or fhall by any Accident be defaced, it fhall and may be lawful for the Commiffi- =nd to have like oners of the Treafury, or any three or more of them, or the High Treafurer for the Time being, and Currency, &c. ne or they are hereby authorized and impowered, by their or his Difcretion, from Time to Time, to caufe new Bills to be made forth at the Receipt of Exchequer, in Lieu of fuch Bills which fhall be fo fil- led up or defaced, which Bills fo filled up or defaced, ihall be cancelled at the Receipt of Exchequer, and kept there on a File or Files for that Purpofe; and fuch Bills fo to be made forth in Lieu thereof, fhall have a like Currency, and fhall in all Refpedts be fubjecl to the fame Rules, Methods and Continu- ance, as the j£ ills fo filled up were intended to have been by this or any other Aft, and fhall bear the fame Numbers, Dates and Principal Sums, and carry the like Intereft, as were born and carried by the Bills fo cancelled refpectively. Treafury may XIX. And it is hereby enafted, That for the greater eafe and difpatch of Publick Bufinefs at the Ex- caufe Exchequer chequer, it ihall and may be lawful to and for the Commiffioners of the Treafury, or any three or more Bills, for ™y of them, or the High Treafurer for the Time being, and he or they are hereby authorized and enabled, ing'eoooi. each, > n ca ^ e ne or the y fhall fo think fit, to caufe Exchequer-Bills, for any large Sums not exceeding five to be made forth thoufand Pounds each, to be made forth at the Receipt of Exchequer, and to be placed as Caih in the faid in Lieu of Prin- Receipt, in Lieu of the like Value of the Principal contained in the faid Exchequer-Bills made forth for cipal for Bills of ] e fl" er Sums, which at the Time of making fuch large Bills fhall happen to be in the faid Receipt, which Exchequer "Lc/ ^* a ^ ^e at the ^ ame Time cancelled and difcharged, and be kept there on a File for that Purpofe; and Such new Bills fuch new Bills for fuch large Sums fhall or may be iffued at the faid Receipt, and have the fame Curren- tohave likeCur- cy, and be in all Refpedts fubject to the fame Rules, Methods, Continuance, and carry the like Intereft, rency, &c. as if an d have the fame Security, Benefits and Advantages; and the fame Pains of Death, and other Pains, originally iffued. p ena ) t i e s anf j Forfeitures, for any Crime or Offence relating thereunto, fhall be inflicted, incurred, and put in Execution, as if they ff.d been originally iffued by Virtue of this or any other Act for the faid leffer Bills; any Thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. Forging fuch XX. And it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons fhall forge Bills, &c. Fe- or counterfeit any Exchequer-Bill, made forth by Virtue of this or any other Act of Parliament, before lony. the fame fhall be paid off and cancelled, or. any Exchequer-Bill to be renewed, or made forth in Purfuance of this Act, or any Indorfement or Writing thereupon or therein, or tender in Payment any fuch forged or counterfeit Bill, or any Exchequer-Bill, with fuch counterfeit Indorfement or Writing thereon, or fhall demand to have fuch counterfeit Bill, or any fuch Exchequer-Bill, with fuch counterfeit Indorfe- ment or Writing thereupon or therein, exchanged for ready Money by any Perfon or Perfons, Body or Bodies Politick or Corporate, who fhall be obliged or required to exchange the fame, or by any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, knowing the Bill fo tendered in Payment or demanded to be exchanged, or the Indorfement or Writing thereupon or therein, to be forged or counterfeit, and with Intent to defraud his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, or the Perfons to be appointed to circulate or exchange the fame or any of them, or any other Perfon or Perfons, Body or Bodies Politick or Corporate; then every fuch Perfon or Perfons fo offending, being thereof lawfully convicted, ihall be adjudged a Felon, and fhall Undertakers for 'fuffor as > n Cafes of Felony without Benefit of Clergy. circulating Bills XXI. And it is hereby further enacted, That the Undertakers for circulating the faid Bills or fuch of to have Cuftody them as ihall be current, fhall, from Time to Time, have the Ufe and Cuftody of one Part of all the ofChtques, &c. Chequ s, Indents or Counterfoils, of all the Exchequer-Bills to be circulated or exchanged by them, to be<'elivered from which the faid Bills are or fhall be cut, in order to prevent their being impofed upon by counterfeit '"h° E £ C p e<luer or forged Bills, and that fuch Parts of the faid Cheques, Indents or Counterfoils fhall be delivered back J*' "Jiw " "^0 the Exchequer by fuch Undertakers, when the fame Bills are to be cancelled and difcharged. be " ncelkd ' XXII. Pro-