Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/704

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666- C. 20; 21.' Anno primo Georgii II. Stat. 2. A. D. 1728. '•'•tqtofie or demolifh any Houfeor HouLs, erected or to be erected for the Ufe and Service of any Turnpike Gate or ported fqr Turnpike Gates, or {hall wilfully and malicioufly break down or demolifh any Lock, Sluiceor Floodgate, erected or to be erected by Authority of Parliament upon any navigable River, for preferving or fecuring the Naviga- tion thereof, and fhall be lawfully convicted of the fame refpectively, upon Indictment before any of his Majefty's JufHces of Affize, Oyer and Terminer, or general Gaol Delivery for the County, City, Town, Borough or Corporation, where fuch Offence or Offences refpectively fhall be committed, every fuch Per- fon and Perfons fo offending, and being thereof lawfully convifted, -{hall be adjudged guilty of Felony, and every fuch Felon and Felons fhall be fubjeft and liable to the like Pains and Penalties, as in Cafes of Felony ; and the Courts by and before whom fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall be tried, fhall and hereby have Power and Authority to transport fuch Melons for the Space of feven Years, in like Manner as other Felons are direfted to be tranfported by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm. III. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Action or Suit fhall be commenced againfl any Perfon or Perfons for any Thing done in Purfuance of this prefent Aft, that in every fuch Cafe the Aftion or Suit fhall be commenced within fix Months next after theFaft committed, and not afterwards, and fhall be laid and brought in fuch County or Counties, Place or Places, where the Caufe of Aftion fhall arife, and not elfewhere ; and the Defendant and Defendants in fuch Aftion or Suit to be brought, fhall and General Mue, rea y plead the General Iffue Not guilty, and give this Aft and the fpecial Matter in Evidence at any Trial to be had thereupon, and that the fame was done in Purfuance and by the Authority of the faid Aft; and if it fhall appear fo to be done, or that fuch Aftion or Suit {hall be brought after the Time before limited for bringing the fame as aforefaid, or fhall be brought in any other County or Counties, Place or Places, that then the Jury fhall find for the Defendant or Defendants ; and upon fuch Verdict, or if the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs fhallbe nonfuited, or difcontinue his, her or their Aftion or Aftions after the Defendant or De- fendants fhall -have appeared, or if upon Demurrer Judgment fhall be given againft the Plaintiff or Plain- tiffs, the Defendant or Defendants fhall and may recover treble Cofts, and have the like Remedy for the fame as any Defendant or Defendants hath or have in other Cafes by Law. To be read, &c. IV. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Aft fhall be publickly read at every •TheAQ sGeo. Quarter- Seflions, and at every Leet or Law-Day, during the Continuance thereof, and that this Aft, and a. c. 3 ; j. for ma- ever y p art thereof, fhall continue in Force for the Term of five Years, and from thence to the End of the m'ore'eftlaual, ^cn next Seflion of Parliament, and no longer. is continued by 20 Geo. 2. c. 47.' and wade perpetual by 27 Geo, a. c. 16. CAP. XX. An Act for erecting a Workhoufe in the City of Canterbury for imployingand maintaining the Poor there, and for better enlightning the Streets of the faid City. P R. After 1 May 1728. Corporation to be erected at Canterbury. To be chofen by Inhabitants rated to the Poor, on the I a ft Tuefday in June 1728. Inhabitants to meet in the feveral Parifli Churches between Nine and Twelve in the Forenoon to elect. May purchafe Lands, tiff, not exceeding 4.00 /. per Ann. Parishes re~ fufing to choofe Guardians, two JufHces, Shwrum units, or any three, may choofe them. None compelled to ferve two Years together. Guardians to meet on the firft Tuefday in July 1728. to choofe a Prefident and Receiver, to be chofen yearly. And a Schoolmafter, Clerk and other Officers. Guardians to hold a Court monthly. Prefident may hold a Court oftner, on three Days Notice. Any feven Guardians may caufe an extraordinary Court to be holden. the Hofpital of poor Priefts in the City of Canterbury, with its Reve- nues, vefted in the Guardians of the Poor of that City. In Truft to imploy the Profits for the Mainte- nance of the Poor of the Corporation. Guardians at any Court may affefs the Inhabitants for the Ufe of the Hofpital. Perfons grieved may appeal to the Quarter-Sefiions. . Corporation to maintain all the Poor in the 14 Parifhes, &c. Guardians may order the Conftables, tiff, to compel Vagrants and Beggars, &c. to work in the Workhoufes. May bind' out Apprentices, and inflict corporal Punifhment. Committee may fend poor Perfons to the Workhoufe, or otherwife relieve them. Coporation may agree with any Parifh in Kent, for fetting to work their Poor ; but not thereby to create a Settlement. Receiver before the Determination of his Office to account for all Monies, tiff, in his Hands. Elections of Prefident, tiff, to be by Ballot. No Prefident or other Officer liable to the Penalties of 25 Car. 2. c. 2. Poor Perfons re- fufing to be placed in the Workhoufe to receive no Relief. Guardians to allow Relief to poor Perfons who fhall fall fick, tiff. Lamps to be lighted in the publick Streets from 1 Sept. to 1 May, yearly. A Rate not exceeding 3 d. per Pound per Ann. for fetting up and maintaining the Lights. Perfons aggrieved may ap- peal to the Quarter-Seflions. Colleftors of the Lamp-Duties to account. CAP. XXI. remain undetermined. EXP 35 Geo. i.e. 38. His Majefty may appoint five of the Judges of Scotland to be a Court of Delegates, to determine Appeals, as the Delegates appointed by 4 Geo. 1. c. 8, might. Claims containing a Demand of Money afFefting a for- feited Eftate, Court to iffue a Debenture for fuch Money, and Exchequer to pay it in the firft Place. All Books, tiff, relating to forfeited Eftates to be delivered up by the Commiffioners before z June 1723, into the Exchequer. Regifters, tiff, not delivering them up, Barons may fummon them ; and on Contempt may commit them to the Common Gaol. The Books to be delivered into the Court of Delegates by 12 June CAP.