Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/170

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< 126 C. 34. Anno vicefinio primo Georgii IT. A. D. 1748. ' vioar tor the Space of two Years from the giving thereof: In which faid in Part recite<^ A£t is contained ' i Ffovifo, That no Peers of this Reahn, nor their Sons, nor any Members of Parliament, nor any Per- ' Ion or Perfons, who, by virtue of an Ait of Parliament made in the firfl: Year of the Reign of his late I Geo. I. c. 54. ' Majefty fCing George the Firft, therein recited or referred to, were allowed to have or carry Arms, ' notwichftinding the Prohibition in the faid A£l contained, of having, wearing or bearing Arms, fhould ' be liable to be fiimmoned to deliver up their Arms or Warlike Weapons; and that neither the faid recited ' Ad- of the nineteenth of his prefent Majefty, nor the faid A£t of the firft Y'car of his faid late Majefty ' therein referred to, fliould be conftrued to extend to exclude or hinder any Perfon, whom his Majefty> • his Heirs or SuccelTors, by Licence under his or their Sign Manual, (liould permit to have or wear Arm;, ' or who Ihould be licenfed to wear Arms by any Writing or Writings under the Ha;id and Seal or Haniis ' and Seals of any Perfon or Perfons autliorized by his Majefty, his Heirs or SucceiFors, to give fuch Li- ' cence, from keeping, bearing or wearing fuch Arms and Warlike Weapons, as in fuch Licence or Li- ' cences fiiould for that Purpoff be particularly fpecified : And it was thereby further eiiacled. That from ' and after the firft Day oi /lugujl one thoufand feven hundred and forty-feven, no Man or Boy within that ' j-'art of Great Britain called Scotland, other than fuch as fhould be employed as OiEccrs and Soldiers in ' his Majefty 's Forces, fhould, on any Pretence whatfoever, wear or put on the Clothes commonly called ' Highland Clothes ; that is to fay, the Plaid, Philibeg or Little Kilt, Trowfe, Shoulder Belts, or any Pare ' whatfoever of what peculiarly belongs to the Highland Garb; and that no Tartan or parti-coloured Plaid ' or StufF fhould be ufed for Great Coats, or for Upper Coats, under the Penalties therein mentioned : ' And it was thereby further enacted, That from and after the firft Day of November one thoufand fevea ' hundred and forty-fix, no Perfon fhould exercife the Employment, Function or Service of a Chaplain iii ' any Family in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland., or of a Governor, Tutor or Teacher of any Child, Children or Youth refiding in Scotland, or in Parts beyond the Seas, without firft qualifying him- felf by taking the Oaths thereby directed and appointed, and caufmg a Certificate of his having fo done ' to be entered or regiftered as is therein direfted, under the Pains and Penalties therein mentioned: Ani ' that it fliould not be lawful for any Perfon in Scotland to keep a private School for teaching EngllJ}}, Latin, ' Greek or any Part of Literature, or to officiate as a Maftcr or Teacher in fuch School for Literature, other ' than as therein mentioned, until the Situation and Defcription of inch private School be firfr entered and ' regiftered, with a Certificate of his having qualified himfelf by taking the Oaths appointed by Law as ' therein mentioned; and fuch Mailer or Teacher is thereby required, as often as Prayers fliall be faid in ' ftich School, to pray or caufe to be prayed for, in exprefs Words, his Majefty, his Heirs and Succefibrs, ' by Name: And whereas it hath been found by Experience, that fo much of the faid Aft as is herein be- ' fore recited is not fufficientor effciEtual to anfwer the Purpofes thereby intended, and that it is necefTarv ' to enforce the fame by fome new Provifions and Regulations ;' Be it therefore enadted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Com- TheLieute- mons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That it fhail and may be Bants appointed lawful for the refpeftive Lieutenants of any of the fifteen Shires in the faid recited Aft for that Purpofe tn ifl'ue Sum- named, and for fuch other Perfon or Perfons as in purfuance of the fame Aft hath or have been authorized mons for ihede- ^^ j^jg ]V[ajefl;y^ or fhall hereafter be authorized by his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeflbrs, to iftue out Letters Arm'""*-' ° of Summons for the delivering of Arms and Warlike Weapons as is therein mentioned, to nominate and to nominate appoint by Writing under their refpeftive Hands and Seals, fuch Perfon or Perfons as they refpeftively fhall Perfons tore- think fit, to teceivc the Arms or Warlike Weapons fo to be delivered up in Obedience to any fuch Sum- ceivc ilic fame, mons from any Perfon or Perfons fo delivering up the fame at the Days and Places to be for that Purpofe mentioned in any fuch Summons, and the Perfon or Perfons fo nominated or appointed to receive any iuch Arms or Warlike Weapons, fhall tranfmit, or caufe the fame to be tranfmitted to fuch Place or Places as fuch Lieutenant or otlier Perfon atithorized as aforefaid fhall direft. and appoint ; and all and every Perfon and Perfons, obliged by the faid recited Aft to deliver up his, her or their Arms or Warlike Weapons, fliall F'cnaltvofnot iiicur the like Penalties and Forfeitures, and be fubjeft to the fame Punifliments refpeftively, for having or dL-iivering up bearing Arms or Warlike Weapons after the Day prefixed in any fuch Summons, ifiTued in purfuance of Arms, the faid recited Aft, and this prefent Aft, as he, fhe or they are by the faid recited Aft made fubjeft or lia- ble to for having or bearing Arms or Warlike Weapons, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of the faid recited Aft. Part of the re- H. And it is hereby further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That fo much of the faid recited Aft, ci'.ecl Aft rela- yyj^ei-oijy jj- jg enafted. That no Peers of this Realm, nor their Sons, nor any Members of Parliament, nor Siramcnlng of ^^^ Perfon Or Perfons, who by the faid Aft of the firft Year of his late Majefty were allowed to have or car- Fa-rs, s:c to ty Arms, fliould by virtue of the faid recited Aft be liable to be fummoned to deliver up their Arms or War- iiclivcjrupihcir like Weapons, be, and the frme is hereby repealed. vrna-, rtrcaled. IJJ_ y„i;l be it further enacted, That the Prohibition contained in the faid Act of the firft Year of his •^ '"' Geo 'l"'ami ^^^^ '^'^ Majefty's Reign, or in the faid Act of the nineteenth Year of his prefent Majefty"s Reign, or in JO Geo. 'a.'&c this Act, of having, keeping, bearing or wearing any Arms or Warlike 'Weapons, and the Pains and Pe- nt' l:iving Arms, nalties aforefaid, fliall not extend or be conftrued to extend to any Officers or their Affiftants, employed in 1101 to extend 10 the Execution of Juftice, nor to prohibit or hinder any Perfon who is qualified to vote at Elections of Par- PerfonsqinlifieJ iiji|-nent Men, to ferve for any of the above-named Counties ; nor any Heretor or Life-renter, pofl'efred of tv ibcd"^" ^" Eft-ate of four hundred, and lefs than one thoufaiid Pounds Scots valued Rent, to have in his Cuftody, Number of ^o ^c ufed by himfelf, Family or Servants, in the Manner allowed by the Laws now in Force, any Num- Arms limitca. ber of Arms, not exceeding three Firelocks, three Pair of Piftols and three Swords or Cutlafles ; nor to ' Amended by ^ prohibit or hinder any Heretor or Life-renter, poflcfted of an Eftate of one thoufand or more, and lefs than 26GC0.2.C.29. three thoufand Pounds Sects valued Rent, to have in his Cuftody, to be ufed by himfelf, Family or Servants, in the Manner allowed by the Laws now in Force, any Number of Arms, not exceeding feven Firelocks, feven Pair of Piftols and feven Swords or Cutlafles ; nor to prohibit or hinder any Heretor or Life-renter, poflefled