Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/200

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156 C, 3r, 32, Anno vicefimo feciincio Georgii II. A. D. 1749. alfo in all and every of his Majefty's Colonies and Dominions in America, as if fuch Perfon had taken an Oath in the ufual Form. Penslty if fa'.fi: I[. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That any Perfon making (uch folemn Affirtna- Affirming. j-jq,-) or Declaration, who fhall he lawfully convicted, wilfully, falfiy and corruptly to have affirmed or de- clared any Matter or Thing, which, if the fame had been depofed on Oath in the ufual Form, would have amounted to wilful and corrupt Perjury, every fuch Perfon fo ofiending fhall incur the fame Pains and Pe- nalties, as by the Law and Statutes of this Realm are enadled againft Perfons convicted of wilful and cor- rupt Perjury. Not to extend III. Provided, and be it enafted, That no Perfon being of the faid Church or Congregation called the to Criminal Moravian or United Brethren, fliall by virtue of this Act be qualified to give Evidence in any Criminal Cau- Cai'es, &c. fgs^ o[- [g ferve on Juries ; any thing contained in this Aft to the contrary notwithftanding. Mjravians firm- IV". And be it further enaifled, That every Perfon who is a Member Oi the faid Church or Congregation, moncd lo do any who fhall refide in any of his Majefty's Colonies in America, who fhall at any 1 ime after the faid twenty- '""■"■)' ^^"'"^^ fourth Day of June one thoufand fevcn hundred and forty-nine, be fummoned to bear Arms, or do military to be dikharged ggf^ipg^ in any of his Majefty's faid Colonies or Provinces of .<f;3^;-/a7, fhall, on his Application to the Go- vernor or Commander in Chief of the faid Colony or Province, or to fuch Officer or Perfon, by whom fuch Perfon fhall have been fummoned or required to ferve, or be muftered, be difchargcd from fuch Perfonal Ser- upon Payment vice; provided that fuch Perfon, fo defiring to be difcharged from fuch Perfonal Service, contribute and f Vd • ^^^ ^'" P^y ^^'"^ ^nra of Money as fliall be rated and afleffed on him in lieu of fuch Perfonal Service, fo as fuch Sum ' fliall be rated, aftelTed and levied, and be in fuch F|roportion, as is ufually rated, affefled, levied and paid, by other Perfons refiding in the fame Colony or Province, who are by reafon of Age, Sex, or other Infirmity, unable to do Perfonal Service, and who are pofleffed of Eftates of the fame Nature as the Perfons defiring fuch Difcharge. and producing a V. And Co prevent any Doubt which may arife, whether any Perfon, pretending or claiming to be a f ""'"iVfh '"of Member of fuch Church or Congregation, is aftually a Member thereof. Be it further enacted by the Au- the faid Church thority aforefaid, That all and every Perfon and Perfons whatfoever, who fhall, as a Member or Members itc. 'of fuch Church or Congregation, claim the Benefit of this A61:, or of any Matter or Thing herein con- tained, fliall, at tlie Time when he or the'/ make fuch Claim, [iroduce a Certificate figned by fcmeBifhop of the iaid Church, or by the Paftor of fuch Church or Congregation who iinU be-nearell to the Place where iuch Claim is made ; and fhall be examined concerning the Matters contained in the faid Certificate, and the due Execution thereof; and fuch Perfon fo afSrming to the beft of his Knowledge and Belief in Manner horcin before-mentioned, or proving by the Teftimony of other legal Witnels, that the faid Certi- ficate was duly executed by fuch Bifliop or Paltbr, and. alfo afHrming, that he Is aftually a Member of the faid Church, known by the Name of Unitas FrrUnmi, or United Bretiiren, fliall be adjudged, deemed and taken to be aftually a Member of the faid Church or Congregation, and as fuch fhall be intitled to the Be- nefit of this Aft. Penalty of falfe VI. And be it further enafted. That any Perfon who fliall be lawfully convifted of haing wilfully, falfiy AiBrmmg. and corruj^tly affirmed or declared in Manner aforefaid, that fuch Certificate was duly executed, or that he is a Member of fuch Church, when in Faft fuch A.finTiation is untrue, fuch Perfon fo falfiy arnrming, and being duly convifted thereof, fhall incur the fame Pains and Penalties, as by the Law and Statutes of this Realm are enafted againft Perfons convifted of wilful and corrupt Perjury. VII. And that it may be known whether fuch Bifhops and Paftors, fo figniiig fiich Certificates, be of the Church known by the Name of Unitas Fratrum, or Urdted Bretliren, within the Meaning of this Acl:, Be it The Advocate further enafted. That the Advocate of the faid Church or Congregation of the United Brethren for the time to lay before being, fhall lay, or caufe to be laid before The CommiJJionersfcr Trade and P'antations, in order that the f.:me 'f^.L.TrV,-,^ mayVemain in their Office, a Lift or Lifts of all the Hifliops of the faid Church of the United Brethren, who Lifts of the Bi- are appointed by them to grant Certmcates as aforefaid, together with then- hand-wnting, and ufual Seal ; fliops appointed and that, from time to time, the faid Advocate fhall lend to the faid Commifjioners for Trade and PJnnta- to grant Ccrtifi- tions, the Names, Hand-writing, and Seals of any Biftiops, that flinll be hereafter conf;crated and appointed catec, &c. jjy thp.p ^5 aforefaid, and the Names of fuch Paftors as fliall be authorized by the faid Advocate or Bifhops to give Certificates in any of his Majefty's Colonies in America. Publick Aa. Vin. And be it enafted and declared by the Authority aforefaid. That this Aft flial! be deemed, adjud-^cd and taken to be a Publick Aft ; and fhall be judicially taken Notice of as fuch by all Judges, Juilices^ and other Perfons whatfoever, without fpecially pleading the fame. CAP. XXXI. An Aft for opening and making a new Road from the Eaft End of AVw direct in the Parlfh of Saint y^hn Soiitlivjark , to and through the fcveral Places therein mentioned ; and for keeping the laid Road in Repair for the fiiture. P R. Certain Tolls granted for 2 1 Years. CAP. xxxn. An Aft for enlarging the Term and Powers granted by an Aft pafted in the ei^liteenth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, for repairing the High Road leading from Borough Bridge in the Cnu.nty of i'crx, through Northallerton in the fame County, to Croft Bridge on the River Tees ; and from thence Through Darlingtonin the County of Durham, to the City of Durham ; and for making the fame more effeftuai. PR. The Aft iS Geo. 3. c. 8. continued tor 21 Years. CAP.