Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/400

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3^0 C, 41. Anno vicefimo quarto Georgii II. A. D. 1751. Colleflor or other chief Officer at fuch Port or Place, who is hereby directed and' required to caufe fuch and to be tnnf- Goods to be examined by the faid Certificate, to fee that they agree therewith ; r.nd if upon fuch Exami- offic^r-Mnted^""" '"^ ^^" ^^ found that fuch Goods agree with the Certificate in all Refpeds, then fuch Certificate by tSie TreafLry. ^'^^" be tranfmitted by him within the Space of one Month after he receives the fame, to the Perfon ap- pointed by t' e High Treafurer or Commiffioners of the Treafury for the Time being, for keeping the Accounts herein after-mentioned ; and the fame Goodj {hall be difcharged by the Officer who examines them, and fhall and may be taken away and difpofed of by fuch Perfon or Perfoiis to whom they are coii- figned, or to whom they of Right belong or appertain. Tcbicco, &c. XVI. And it is hereby further enacted, That if any Tobacco, Tobacco Stalks or SnufF fhall, from ? h' 'V'^it^ ^^^ ^^^^ '^^ '"^^ twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand fcven hundred and fifty-one, be found laden Certificate, ^jj Board any Ship or Vcffel whatfoever, at any Port or Place in Greai Britain, without fuc'i Certificate as aforefaid being firft had and obtained, or without fuch Certificate being on board any fuch Ship or Veflel with the Goods to which the fame belongs ; or if upon Examination it fliall appear that fuch Certificate is forged or counterfeited, or that it does not agree in all Refpefts with the Goods to which the fame le be forfeited, belongs ; then, and in any or either of i'uch Cafes, all fuch Tobacco,. Tobacco Stalks, ai-.d Snuif, and the Cafl<s, Chefts, Cafes, or other Packages containing the fame, fhall be forfeited and lofl:, and fhall and may be feized and profecuted by any (Jfficer or Officers of the Cuiloms, in the IIanncr herein after and the Mafter (jj-j-eiled ; and the Mafter or other Perfon or Perfons taking charge of any fuch Ship or V^efTel, Ships or to pay . pel . y ef]r(>]g^ {hM forfeit and lofe fix Pence prr Pound Weight for every Species of the Goods aforefaid ; and if Penalty of coun- any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever Ihall counterfeit, forge, eraze, or in any wife alter any fuch Certificate terteiting fuch jig js herein laft before mentioned and defcrihed, or fhall caufe or procure the fame to be counterfeited, ertucate. forged, erazed, or altered in any Refpeft, he, fhe or they fo offending (haU forfeit and lofe the Sutn of one hundred Pounds, to be fued for, recovered, levied, and divided, in the Manner as herein after is exprefled. I.and-waiters XVII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the faid twenty-ninth Books for E;itryj)ay of September one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-one, the ColL'ftor and Comptroller, or other chief Tobac'co"To^be *^^'^^ °^ Officers of the Cuftoms in the Port of Loiidm, and alfo at every Port or Place in Great Britain, tranfmitted where any Tobacco fhnll be imported, after the faid twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand (even monthly to the hundred and fifty-one, from any of his Majefty's Plantations in America, do once in every Calendar Month Officers appoint- tranfmit or deliver to fuch Perfon as fliall be deputed and appointed by the High Treafurer, or Com- rt^by theirea- miffioners of the Treafury for the Time being, to receive the fame, one of tlie Land-waiters Books, in ' which his Account is entered and kept of the landing and difcharging of Tobacco imported in any Ship or with Copies of VefTel at fuch Port or Place, from any of his Majefly's Plantations in America; and alfo true and exadl Hx orution'&c Copies of every Entry of Tobacco for Exportation, and of the feveral and refpeftive Indorfements relating por a 1 n, c. (.j^g^gjg^ whlch are delivered to the Searcher or Searchers, or any other Officer or Officers, at fuch Port and Accounts of or Place where any fuch Tobacco is entered and fhipped for Exportation to foreign Parts ; and alfo true ft 00"" b'^^the ^■"'^ exaift Copies of every Account which, purfuant to the Direftions herein before given, fhall be de- ljnpo'r'ter/&:c.^ livered to any Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms at fuch Port or Place, of Tobacco intended to be ma- nufaftured by the Importer or Importers thereof, on his, her or their ovi?n Account, or which fhall be de- livered by the Importer or Importers thereof to any other Perfon or Perfons -whatfoever to be manufadlured for the Account of fuch Importer or Importers ; and alfo true and exad Copies of every Account which, purfuant to the Direftions herein before given, fiiall be delivered to any Officer or Officers at fuch Port or fold by him. or Place by the Importer or Importers of Tobacco fold by them to any other Perlon or Perfons whatfo- GiScerappointed ever : Which faid feveral Accounts are to be kept by the faid Perfon who fhall be deputed as aforefaid by by' the Treafury the High Treafurer or Commiffioners of the Treafury for the Time being, who is to keep proper Books, ei the Ac^"mr ^"'^ enter therein the faid feveral and refpeftive Accounts fo tranfmitted" or delivered to him ; which fe- ccoun s, .ygj.^j Entries fhall be made, and an Account thereof kept, in fuch Manner and Form, that the Marks and Nurnbers on every Hoglhead, Cafk or other Package of Tobacco, with the Weights thereof, at the linportation thereof, may be compared and chequed with the Marks, Ntmibers and Weights, at the Ex- portation thereof, or when fold or delivered for Home Confumption, or to be manufadured, to the Intent that the Identity of all fuch Tobacco imported, exported, fold, or delivered to be manufaiftured, may fe end where any thereby known and afcertained ; and when any Thing fhall appear to him to be done or pradtifed at anv rearTo be doX' ^^'^" °^ Place, contrary to the Diredions and Intentions of this Aft, he fhall immediately tranfmit an Ac- afainfl: this Aft, '^°"^' thereof in Writing to the Commiffioners of the Cuftoms for the Time being, at London, or zt Edin- immediately to burgh refpeftively, under whofe Management the fame fliall happen ; and a Copy of fuch Reprefentations tranfmit to the made by him to the Commiffioners of the Cuftoms, either at London or Edinbitro_l?, fiiall be by him, once in ^fThTciftoms ^^^y ^'^ Months, laid before the Commiffioners of his R'lajefty's Treafury, or the High Treafurer for the iL Account""" Time being ; and if any Colleftor, or other chief Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms, at any Port or Place thereof, f'f Great Britain, fttall neglect or refufe to tranfmit and deliver one of the Land-waiters Books, and a true and totheTrea- Copy of every Entry of Tobacco for Exportation, and of the feveral Indorfements relating thereto, herein Mo*'nt'hT '" "" tiefore-mentioned and defcrihed, and alfo true Copies of all or any or either of the Accounts herein bcforc- Penalty'on Col- '"'-'"tioned and defcrihed, within the Time and Times herein before limited and appointed for that Pur- ifftors, &c. not P°^^i ^e and they fo neglefling or refufing (hall forfeit fifty Pounds for every fuch Ncgledt or RefiiHil, to tranfmitting be fucd for, recovered, levied and divided in the Manner herein aftej- expreffed^ Und-waite,s XVIII. Books, &0.