Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/482

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4^2 C. 45 — -50. Anno vicefimo quinto Georgii II. A. D. 1752. cil nflcmbled, or the major Part of them, fhould from Time to Time, under their Common Seal, order and appoint; and by the faid Acl feveral Powers and Authorities were granted to and veflcd in the faid Bailiffs and Burgeffes, and their SuccelTors, for the better collecting the faid Duties, and carr^'ing on the faid Work, and executing the feveral Trufls thereby in them rcpofed: And whereas great Frauds and Abufes have of late Years been committed in the Execution of the feveral Trufh repofed in the faid Bailiffs and BurgelTes of Scarborough aforefaid by the faid A£l:, particularly by the Mifapplication of the Sum of three thoufand Pounds, which had been raifed by the laid Bailiffs and Burgefles o{ Scarborowh in Common Council affembled, by Mortgage of the new Pier Duties payable at Nevjcajllc; which (aid Sum of three thoufand Pounds, and alfo the Sum of three hundred and feventy-nine Pounds eight Shil- lings and four Pence, have been by the faid Bailiffs and fome of the Burgeffes and Alembers of the faid Borough of Scarborough, applied in Difcharge of their own Bonds, and private Debts and Engagements or retained in their Hands, and no Part thereof applied according to the Directions of the faid Ad: • whereby the Works of the faid Pier have been in a great meafure neglected, and the laudable Intentions of the Lcgiflature fruftrated, and rendered ineffeftual, to the manifeft Detriment of the Publick :' To the End therefore that the like Frauds and Abufes may be prevented for the future, and that the feveral Sums of Money arifmg from the feveral Duties given and granted by the faid lail recited Act for and towards the enlarging, extending, improving and repairing the faid J'ier, may be duly applied to the Pur- pofes defigned by the faid AiSt, and for the better maintaining and fupporting the Harbour of Scarborouvh aforefaid ; which cannot effedtually be done, but by diverting the faid Bailiffs and Burgeffes of all Powers and Authorities given them by the faid Act, and by vefling the fame in other Truftees j May it pleafe vour Majelly that it may be enacted, l^c. ' The Powers granted by the recited Aft to the Bailiffs and Burgeffes to ceafe. New Commiflioners ' appointed ; with Power to audite the Accounts of all Monies received and difburfed bv virtue of the ' recited Act. Duties and Forfeitures to be paid to the Commiflioners or their Order. The Commif- ' fioners at their firft Meeting to choofe a Clerk, Surveyor and Receiver of the Duties. Accounts to be ' fbated yearly, and to lie open for publick Infpeftion. Accounts to be laid before the Juftices, and paffed ' by them. 5 /. Penalty on Perfons prejudicing the Harbour by emptying Ballafl, &c. or otherwife and ' to be levied by Diitrefs and Sale. For want of Diftrefs the Offender to be committed. Stones mav be ' taken from wafte Grounds, is'c. for the Works of the Pier, paying 5 s. by the Year to the Corporation. ' Bailiffs, isc. to deliver upon Oath all Books and Writings relating to the Duties, on Penalty of 20/.' ' Bailiffs, l^c. not repaying their Proportions of the A4onies mifapplied, or retained in their Hands with ' Intereft, may be fued by the Commiflioners, and the Charges thereof to be paid out of the Duties l2c. ' No Part of the A£t of 5 Geo. 2. hereby repealed, except what relates to the Appointment of the Bai- ' liffs, y^. The Powers thereby granted, to veil in the Commiflioners. Rights, ISc. of the Burgeffes ' referved." CAP. XLV. An Aft for the more eafy and fpeedy Recovery of Small Debts within the City and County of the Citj- of Canterbury^ and the Liberties and Precindts of the fame. P R. CAP. XLVI. An Aft for repairing and widening the Road from Alemouth through the I'own of Alnxvick to Rothbnry, and from thence to the Town of Hexham ; and alfo the Road leading out of the aforefaid Road between Almvick and Rothbury, to Jochy's Dike Bridge in the County of Northumberland. P R. [Certain Tolls granted for 21 Years.] CAP. XLVII. 'An Aft for repairing and widening the Roads from the eaft End of Mouk Bridge, near the Suburbs of the City of Tork, to New Malton, and from thence to Scarborough in the North Riding of the Countv of York ; and alfo from Spittle-houfe, in the Eaft Riding of the faid County, to Scarborough aforefaid. P R. [Certain Tolls granted for 21 Years. J CAP. XLVIII. An Aft for repairing and widening the Road leading from a Part of the Road (direfted to be repaired by an Aft paffed in the lafl Seffion of Parliament, from Carlijle to Navco/ile upon Tyne) near Gkrr.uclt, to another Part of the Road {io making from Carlijle to Newcnjile) upon'Shildon Common in the County of Northumberland. PR. [Certain 1 oils granted for 21 Years.] CAP. XLIX. ^" ^^1° '■'^P^i'"g t'ls High Road from the Town oi Shravflmry through Crcjfage, Harley, Much JVenlock^ by Mucklcy Crojs, and through Morvilk to Bridgenorth in the County of Salop. P R. [Certain Tolls granted for 21 Years.] C A P. L. ^^^^ ^° fepairing the Road from the north End of Mailing Street, near the Town of Zravf, to JHtch Lrofs, and from the north End of Mailing Street aforefaid, to the Broil Park Gatei and from Of- kam