Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/526

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506 C. 23. Anno vicefimo fexto Georgii II. A. D. 1753. io,ccol. to thf tifs MortimiT, sitI h!?r Truftees, the full and clear Sum of teii thoufiind Pounds, or fo much thereof, as Coui.tcis of Ox- together with the Legacy of fcveji thoufand Pourds bequeathed to the Truftees of the Cottonlan Library, in manner above mentioiicd, fhall bc; fufficient, in cafe the. laid Legacy ihall, before that Time, take efFeil, to pay the Pr'cc: for_ the fajd Hnrlian Collci'lton of Manufcripts, lb as. the faid Collection, until fuch Time as the laid General Repofitory fliall be erected and provided for the Reception thereof, fnall remain in the Place where the fame is now lodged, or in fome other convenient Place to be approved by the faid Truftees, or the major Part of them fo affembled, and fhall be there preferved and maintained at the Cofts and Charges of the faid Countefs of Oxford and Countcfs Alortlmer, and her Truftees: After Payment of which feveral Sums of twenty thoufand Pounds, and ten thoufand Pounds, fo much Money fhall and may be iflued ar.d applied by Order of tl.e faid Truftees, or the major Part of them fo afibmbled, as fhall ' A General Repo- ^"^ iuflicieat to di fray the Expence of erecting or providing the faid General Repofitory, and of the necef- ' fitory to be pro. fary Furniture thereof, and of fuch Cabinets, Book-Cafes, and other Conveniencies or Embcllifhments, vid'sd thereout, as the Condition of the feveral Colleilions -in the faid General Repofitory contained fhall require; and alfo and other neccC Qf" (-(^g Expencc which may be incurred in preferving and maintaining the faid Mnjtum or Collection of Sir ul&n'^xY^r-mc--^^-"^^ 5/3««^, at his faid Manor Houfe at Chelfca, during fuch Time as the faid Alujcum or Collection fhall fcrving" the Mu- remain there, and in removing the faid Mufeum or Collection; and alfo in removing the Cotionian Lihrcry, feuiti, Sec. and the Additions thereunto made or to be made, and the Harh'tan CnlleSiicns of MamfaiptSy to the faid "ooool to he' General Repofiiory; which Expence being defrayed, the Sum of thirty thoufand Pounds fhall and may ■put out :it Inter- I'lc refer.ycd to be placed out at Intereft, by Order of ihe faid Truftees, or the major Part of them, in any eft in thepublir.tGe'neral Tvieeting afl'embled, in any Parliamentary Security or Securities, or to be lent, from Time to Time, Funds,<i3_ in.Part,-:or in the who®, upon the Credit of any Taxes or Duti;s impofed by Parliament, at fuch Intereft ^fi ei^s"] ^ ,*^fcir the.Forbearance of fuch Lojin, as by aoy Aft impofing fuciii Taxes or Duties, or any other Act, fliall ^c, be iirjijted; the Iiit;reft of . which Sum of ihirty thoufand Pounds fo referved, fhall and may be ifiued and applied, by like Order of the faid Truftees, or the major Parr of them fo aflembled, for and towards Pay- ment of the Salaries and Allowances which, in manner aforefaid, fliall be affigned by the faid Truftees to the Officers and Servants attending or affifting in the-faid General Repofitory, and for and towards the Payment of fuch other Cofl-s and Charges as the Cuftody aiid Prefervation of the faid leveral Colleclions, and the Repairs or Alterations of the faid General Repofitory, a:nd the due Execution of the Truft hereby repofed in the faid Truftees,' {hall require : And if after Payment of the faid firft-mentioned Sum of tv/enty thoufand Pounds, and of the faid Sum of ten thoufand Pounds, or Part thereof, upon the Contingency herein before mentioned, and after Payment of fo much Money as the Expence of eredting, or providing and furnifliing the faid General Repofitory, and of fuch Cabinets, Book-cafes, and other Conveniencies and Embellifhments, and of main- taining or preferving the faid Mufeum of Colle£lion of Sir Hans Sloane at the faid Manor Houfe at Chelfca, The Surplus, if and of removing the faid feveral Collections to the faid General Repofitory, fhall amount to; and if after ■ any, referved for referving the lalt-mentioned Sum of thirty thoufand Pounds for the Purpofes aforefaid, any Surplus fhall the futu;';D>f^'o-^.g,^J^i,-^ QjT ji^g jvlQj^ies fo raifed by virtue of this Aft, the fame fhall be referved for the future Difpofuion

  • i:ion of farlia- r n i- ,.

i,^g„( . or Parliament. .XLIX. Provided always. That in the mean time, until fuch Surplus fhall be difpofed of by Parlia- ment, it fhall be lawful to and for the faid Truftees, or the major Part of them fo affembled as aforefaid, and may be pla, to place Out or lend the faid Surplus, or any Part thereof, upon fuch Securities, and upon fuch Credit, as «edoutatinterert,jj^gy ^^^ herein before impowered to place cut or lend the faid Sum of thirty thoufand Pounds herein be- the uTm of tiiis fore-direftcd to be rcf^rved, the Proceed or Intereft thereof, until the Principal Money fnall be fo dif- Aft, pofed of by Parliament, to be applied to fuch Ufes, for the better accomplifliing the Defign of this Aft, as by the faid Truftees, or the major Part of them, in any General Meeting aflembled, fliall be limited and direfted. CAP. XXIII. A«n Act for granting to his Majefty a certain Sum of Money therein mentioned out of the Sinking Ftind -, and for applying certain Surplus Monies remaining in the Exchequer, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-three •, and for the turtiier ap- propriating the Supplies granted in this Seflion of Parhament; and for enlarging the Time limited by an A6t of the lafb Seffion of Parliament for fublcribing Anniuties after the Rate of three Pounds per Centum -per Ammriiy and three Pounds ten ShilHngs per Cen- tum per ylnnum, into the Joint Stoci< of Annuities •, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. MOST gracious Sovereign; We your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Suhjefts, the Commons oWrait S?vto?2 in Parliament aifembled, being deftrous to raife the necefiarySuppiieswhicKwe havcchearfull/ '•ranted to your Majefty in this Seffion of Parliament, for the Service of the Year one thoufand fcven hundred and fifty-three in the caficft Manner wc are able for the Benefit of your Majefty's Subjefts; and alfo to ufe fuch Ways and Means therein, as that your Majefty may have the better and more fpecdy Et- feft of the laid Supplies, have rcfolved to give and grant unto your Majefty the Smn of four hundred and twenty thouland Pounds out of theSurplufles, .Exceilesand Overplus Monies, or othcrRevenues compoiuig the Sinkins; Fund; and to that End and Purpofc do moft humbly befcech your Majefty that it may bc enafted, and Be it enadkd by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords 2 i^pi-