Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/548

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.^28 C. 34' A. D. 1753, and CD. »^[!hfs]Parlfli • J • ^, ■ rChuich"] 1 r Banns "I ... r'«.,ro„^ ^^V Parents "1 ,, • were married in this ,-,, i by t • ^ „„ with L-onlent o; ■-. ,■ thia LChapel J -' LijicenceJ LLiiiaidians J Day of in the Year rRe61:or-1 by me J. J. I Vicar I LCurateJ A Ti ■ E F This Marriage was Ibleinnized between us p' j^ '" the Prefcnce '^'^ q jj Pevfonsconvia- , XVI, And he it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon fhal!, from and after the ed of making a twenty-fifth Day of March in the Year one thoufand feven hundred and lif'ty-four, with Intent to elude the [^j^'^j^^'j-i^"^ Force of this Act, knowingly and wilfully infert, or caufe to be inferted in the Re^ilter Book of fuch gi ^e>, pj^j-jf}^ or Chajjelry as aforefaid, any falfe Entry of any Matter or Thing relating to any Ma.riage; orfalfely oiof forging, &r. make, alter, forge- or counterfeit, or caufe or procure to be fallely made, altered, fo.-ged or counterfeited, any fuch Entry, or aft or affift in falfely making, altering, forging or counterfeiting any fuch Entry in fuch Regifter; or falfely make, alter, forge or counterfeit, or caufe or procure to be falfely, altered, forged or counter- crof forging,&c.feited, or affift in falfely making, altering, forging or counterfeiting any fuch Licence of Marriage as afore- any Licence, ^^j^j . qj. mjej- qj- publiih as true any fuch falfe, altered, forged or counterfeited Regiiter as aforefaid, or a Copy thereof, or any fuch falfe, altered, forged or counterfeited Licence of Marriage, knowing fuch Regiiter or Licence of Marriage refpeflivcly, to be falfe, altered, forged or counterfeited; or if any Ferfon or of defTroying fhall, from and after the faid twenty-fifth Day of March, wilfully dellroy, or caufe or procure to be de- w)t]) an I'i intentfl-foyed, any Regiiler Book of Marriages, or any Part of fuch -Regifter Book, with Intent to avoid any Mar- °' ° riage, or to fubjeiSt any Perfon to any of the Penalties of this A6l; every Perfon (b offending, and being to fuffer Death, thereof lawfully convi£ted, ftiall be deemed and adjudged to be guilty of Felony, and fhall fuffer Death as aFelcr., without Benefit of Clergy. Marriages of the XVII. Provided always. That this Aft, or any Thing therein contained, fhall not extend to the Mar- Royai Family, xm%&i of any of the Royal Family. and of Quakers XVIII. Provided likewife. That nothing in this Aft contained fhall extend to that Part of Great-Britain and Jews, and of(,jj]]gj ^^5^/^,.,^ nor to any Marriages amongft the People called J'z^^.^vrj-, or amontrft the Perfons pro- Perfons 111 Scot- r rr:.. _ ..l _ ^,_. .-/T. 0.1: ■_.. ...1 u„.u ^i,.L)__-:._ ^_ L„.. j-..„i, aI^..-..,.? n,.n 1. , ° r .1. _ n__„i_ _.S._i iami°"or"bevo°nd f^ffi'ig ^hc 'Jcivijh Religion, where both the Parties to any fuch Marriage fliall be of the People called the Seas, except- .^"i?'^'.?, or Perfons profefling the ^i w^y/j Religion refpeftively, nor to any Marriages folemnized beyond ed. the Seas, This Aft to be XIX, And belt further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Aft fhall be publickJy read in read inaliPar.fliall Parifh Churches and publick Chapels, by the Parfon, Vicar, Minifter or Curate 'of the rcfpeftivp churchi-s and Parifhes or Chapelries, on (bme Sunday immediately after Aborning Prayer, or immediately after Eening piiMick Chapels.. p^^ygj.^ if there flialt beno Morning Service on that Day, in each of the Montiis o/ September, OSioLer, November and December, in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-three, and after- wards at the fameTimes, on four feveral Sundays in eacti 'Year, (that is to fay,j The Sundi.ys next before the twenty-fifth Day oi A'larch, twenty-fourth Day oi June, twenty-ninth Day of September, and twenty- fifth Day of December refpeftiveiy, ibr two Years, to be computed from and immediately after the firfl Day of January in the faid Year one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-four. CAP. XXXIV. An Aft to explain, amend and continue feveral Laws more efFeifliially to prevent the fpreading of the Diftemper which now rages amongft the horned Cattle in this Kingdom ; the Jing S mail uc icuuiil ui icpducu; itiiu lui dnicmjii.g uj miicii ui iiic net or IMC tvventy-foLirth of his prefenc Majeliy for regolating the Commencement of rhe Year, and for correcting the Calendar now in Ufe, as relates to the Time of eleding publick Officers of the City of Chejier. 'HERE AS the contagious Diftemper amonpft the horned Cattle fli!l continues to rage in this Kingdom: And whereas the feveral Lav/s made to prevent the fpreading o( the faid Uiitemper (which have been found ufeful and beneficial) are near expiring;' M.iy it therefore plcafe your Majefty The Ai>s for i^^i it may be enafted, and be it enafted by the King's moll Excellent Majelty, by and witii the Adice prcvenrinj the ^^.^j Coiifent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this piefent Parliament ailembled, fjireading of the . - . -_ ... . .^- ..,^. ... IJidrmper a- inongft horned L'attlv, v'z. jt)Gco.2.c.5. - "- tinuc