Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/696

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676 C. 22. Anno viceiimo nono Georgii II. A. 0.1756. as the Owners or Occupiers of thofe Lands refpedively fhall keep and maintain the refpective Banks, now kept and maintained by them, of a fufficient Height to keep the Waters (except fuch Waters as Ihall overflow by a Breach of the Corporation Banks) draining from the Lands which are defended by the faid Banks, from overflowing into the Lands without the faid Banks. Commiflioners XI. Provided alio, Ihat it Ihall not be lawful for tlie faid CommifTioners to inake any Cuts, Drains, not to mcd le Pams Tunneis or Outlets, through the faid imbanked Lands of 'John Pa>tcrichi, or y-Jm Plke^ Landswh'iil Kfquir'es ; or to ereci any Work or Lngine thereupon, for fo long Time as the Owners or Occupiers of they (hall be thofe Lands fhali keep and maintain their refpective Banks aforefaid. kept imbanked. y^w_ Provided alvv-ays. That no Tax fliali be affefled, I'ated or charged, upon the bordering or other High Lamis High Lands, part.culaily defcnbed in the Schedule to this Adt annexed; but all fuch Lands (hall be for exempted. ^^^^ exempted from all Taxes to be aflelTed, rated or charged, by virtue of this Acl. Difpute concern- XIII. And whereas in tl;e faid Schedule all Lands may not be inclijded that ought to be exempted ingfucii Lands, from fuch Taxes ; be it furdrer enacted. That if any Difpute fliall arife concerning any of fuch Lands n°d'bv'^ew'of i^'^'^ mentioned in the faid Schedule) being to be deemed or not deemed High Lands, the fame Ihall be Comniiffion'er?. determined, upon View, by thirteen or more of the faid CommifTioners. '■ XIV. And whereas tliero is a certain Trad of Fen Land lying within the Townfliip of Ely, Par- ' eel of the within ciefcribed Diftrict, containing by Eftimation three hundred and ten Acres, or the:c- ' abouts, which is called 57;^ Foon Lands, and made ufe of only by the poor Inhabitants of the Pa- ' riihes of Trinity and Saint Mary's in Ely, for the Purpofes of Fuel, who dig their Winters Firing ' therein, and have fo done for near one hundred Years laft paft : And _whereas the cliarging the faid ' Lands v.'ith fuch Tax, as is herein impofed on other. Lands comprized within the Dillridf, are 'hereby taxed with, would be taxing them more than they are able to pay, prevent them from the Moiety only of « Enjoyment of fo neceffa.y a Relief, and tend to the Mifery of many induftrioiis poor Families;' It tiie T.1X to be j^ hereby further enacted. That the Commilhoners under this A&. fhall never lay or inipofe more than Floors Lands, half the Tax on the faid Lands, which they lay or impofe on other Lands within the Diilridt. .' XV. And whereas divers Perfons have been at the Expence of imbanking feveral Land^ within ' the Limits aforefaid, and erecting Rdills for draining the fame;' Therefore in Confideration or fuch Perfons havinE Expence ; be it enaCfed by the Authority aforefaid. That if all or any of the Perfons having fuch Banks and Mills gjjjj-5 ^^^ Mills, fliall at the firft or fecond Meeting of the Commiflioners for putting this Acl in fu"rendering the Execution, furrender up and refl^n to the faid Commilhoners, all fuch Mill or Mills as to them refpec- low Lands in and alfo that certain Low Lands in P)7«(?»r, belonging to '/^^zV/mot Gj/c" Efqu ire, containing one hundred Pymoor ex- and fourteen Acres, or thereabouts (which have been dug out into Turf j fhall be exempted from fuch faTd^Terni.' ' ^ Taxes as aforefaid, during the faid Term of five Years. XVI. And to the End tiiat a fuflicient Sum of Money may be fpeedily raifed for the Purpofes of this Taxes affignabie Aft ; be it further enadfed. That the faid Commiflioners, or any thirteen or more of them, fliall have for Money to be fuij j-'o^/^er and Authority, from Time to Time, by Writing under their Hands and Seals, to aflign over oiio.'.e . jj^^ j:^j^ yearly Kates and Taxes hereby chargeable, or to be charged, upon the faid Fen Lands and Low Grounds, fo defcribed as aforefaid, and every or any Part thereof (the Cofls and Charges of fuch Afiign- inent to be paid out of the faid Tax) as a Security for any Sum or Sums of Money by them to be bor- rowed for the Purpofe aforefaid, to fuch Perfon or Perfons, or their Truftees, as fhall advance or lend the Application of fam.e, to fecure the Repayment thereof, with Intereft, not exceeding legal Intereft; which faid Money fa the ivioney. borrowed, Ihall be applied, in the flrft Place, to pay and difcharge the Expences of obcsining this Aot of I'arliament, and then rtiall be applied and difpofed of in making fuch Cuts, Drains, Dams, Tun- nels and Outlets, and eredfing fuch Works and Engiries, as Ihall be neceflary for draining and im- proving the faid Fen Lands and Low Grounds before-mentioned, and to no other Ufe or Purpofe whatfoever. Taxes to be le- XVII. And be it further enaded. That if any Perfon or Perfons, fo rated and taxed as aforefaid, vied m Default fhall refufe or negleit to pay the Rate or Tax charged upon him, her or them refpectively, within ct Payment. ^^e Space of twenty-one Days after the refpeitive Times of Payment^ to be appointed by the faid Commiflioners (publick Notice thereof being aflixed upon the Market Crofs at Ely, by the Colledlor or Colledtors, Receiver or Receivers, for the Time being) it fliall be lawful for fuch Colic:! or or Collectors, Receiver or Receivers, or fur any other Perfons, by irtue of any Warrant or Precept, under the flands and Seals of five or more of the Commiflioners (which faid Warrant or Precept fuch Commiflioners, or any five or more of them, are hereby impowered and required, from Time to Time, to make, as Occaflon ihall require) to levy the Sum or Sums fo affelTed and rated upon any Goods and Chattels which fhall be found upon all or any of the Grounds and Premiffes fo charged with any fuch Sum or Sums of Money, and the Goods and Chattels fo diiiiained to keep by the Space of five Days, at the Cofts anl Charges of the Owner or Owners thereof; uad if the laid Owner or Owners Ihall i.ot, witiiin the faid Space of five Days, pay the Sum or Sums fo aiTelfed or rated, that then the Goods and Chattels fo difirained Ihall be apprailed by two or more of the Inhabitants of the Parilh where the fame Ihall be taken, or by ether fufficient Perfons, and ihall be fold by the laid Colleiffor or Col- lectors, Receiver or Receivers, for Payment cf the faid Money, an.l the Overplus (if any be) coming Tax to be paid by fuch Sale (after the Sum or Sums fo rated and aireHcd, .T,nd the Charges of takirtg, keeping raid felling by tiw Tennnis, the laid Diftrefs, are deducted) fhall be returned to the Owiier or Owners thereof, upon Demand; out cft^ their ^^^ ^^^ feveral .and refpedive Tenants of all and lingular the faid Fen Lands and Low Grounds, fo Rent, 4 bounded