Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/733

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A. D. 1756. Anno vicelimo nono Georgii II. C. 34* 713 Treafurer of his Majefty's Navy, upon Bills to be made forth by the CommifTioners of the Navy, to Bounty Money be paid according to the Courfe thereof, without Fee or Reward, unto the Officers, Seamen, Marines, i^^^tg'! l" [{,'5 Soldiers or others that fliall have been adually on Board any of his Majefty's Ship or Ships of War, Navy°officc, or Privateer or Privateers, in any Adion where any Ship or Ships of War or Privateers (hall have fof 3" "Wen oiji been taken from the Enemy, funk, burnt or otherwife deftroyed, fince his Majefty's Declaration of ^'j^'sh'-pj^^*' War againft France, dated the faid feventeenth Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-fix, war taken or five Pounds for every Man which was living on Board any Ship or Ships fo taken, funk, burnt or deftroyed. otherwife deftroyed, at the beginning of the Engagement between them ; the Numbers of fuch Men Numbers to be to be proved by the Oaths of three or more of the Chief Officers or Men which were belonging aicL-nained to the faid Ship or Ships of War, or Privateers of the Enemy, or belonging to any of them, "l'°" '^^^ • at the Time of her or their being taken as Prize, funk, burnt or otherwife deftroyed, before the Mayor, or other Chief Magiftrate of the Port within any of his Majefty's Dominions, whereunto any Prize, or Officers or Men of fuch Ships as were funk, burnt or otherwife deftroyed ftiall be brought, or before the Britiflj Conful or 'ice Confu!, ]-efiding at any neutral Port to which fuch Prize, or Officers or Men Ihall be brought ; which Oaths the faid Mayor, or other Chief Magiftrate of any fuch Port, or Con- ful, or Vice Conful, are hereby refpe6lively impowered and required to adminiftor, and fhail forthv/ith grant a_ Certificate thereof without Fee or Reward, diredled to the Commilhoners of the Navy; upon and a Certificate producing which Certificate to the Commiffioners of his Majefty's Navy, together with an authentick 'J" ^^ gpnted Copy of the Condemnation of fuch Ship fo taken ; or if fuch Ship be funk, burnt or otherwife de- procfuced^to the ftroyed, on producing only a Certificate from the Mayor, or other Chief Magiftrate or Conful, or Vice Commiffioners Conful as aforefaid, the faid Commiffioners of his Majefty's Navy, or iuch Perfon or Perfons as they °f. '^^ Navy, fliall appoint for that Purpofe, fliall, according to the Courfe of the Navy, within fifteen Days, make ship's Condem. out Bills for the Amount of fuch Bounty, directed to the Treafurer of the Navy, payable to, and to nation ; uniefs be divided amongft the Officers, Seamen, Marines and Soldiers on board his Majefty's Ships of War, ^j^'jlP '^e'*'"'^ in Manner, Form and Proportion as by his Majefty's Proclamation to be iffued for that Purpofe fliall be oividend^o be diretfted and appointed ; and amongft the Owners, Officers and Seamen of any private VefTel or Ship made according of War, in fuch Manner and Proportion as by any Agreement in Writing they Ihall have entered into f°„'[ejPup" for that Purpofe fhall be direfted. _ cUmtion. XXII. Provided neverthelefs. That in all Cafes where fuch Oath and Certificate cannot be admi- -^^1,^^^ f , niftered and granted at the firft Port whereunto any Prize, or Officers or Men of fuch Ships as fliall Oathand c?r- be taken, funk, burnt or otherwife deftroyed fliall be brought, fuch Oath or Oaths relating to any tificate cannot Prize or Prizes that fliall be taken, or to any Ships of his Majefty's Enemies, that fliall be funk, burnt at thelfri "pon or otherwife defliroyed as aforefaid, fliall and may be adminiftered and taken by and before the Mayor, °' ' er other Chief Magiftrate of any Port within any of his Majefty's Dominions, or by or before the Bri- ^^g^iJ2nAl'^i' tijh Conful or Vice Conful, refiding at any Neutral Port whereunto any Prize or Prizes, or Officers or any other Poit j Men of any Ships belonging to his Majefty's Enemies, as fliall be taken, funk, burnt or otherwife deftroyed, (hall at any Time afterwards be brought (Proof being firft made by Affidavit before fuch Per- Oath being fon or Perfons of the Inability of making fuch Oath or Oaths, and obtaining fuch Certificate, at the ""^?. of '"c faid firft Port) and the Mayor, or other Chief Magiftrate, Conful or Vice Conful, Ihall thereupon f,tvolu grant fuch Certificate and Certificates as are herein before dire<51:ed ; which Certificate and Certificates fliall be good and e(Fe6^ual to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the fame were granted by the Mayor, ^^"^"there. or other Chief Magiftrate, Conful or Vice Conful of the Port to which fuch Prize or Prizes, Officers upon to be or Men as aforefaid fliall be firft brought ; any Thing herein contained to the contrary thereof ir ?ny valid, wife notwithftanding. XXIII. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That the Bill or Bills to be made out Bills for Bounty for the Bounty hereby granted to the Commanders, Officers, Seamen, Marines., Soldiers and others paJJ'to Agents of his Majefty's Ships of War, for taking, finking, burning or otherwife deftroying any Ships ofW^r- * or Privateers belonging to any of his Majefty's Enemies, (hall be mad? payable to fuch Perfon or Per- fons as fhall be authorized and appointed by the Flag Officers or Flag Officer, Captains or Captain, Officers or Officer, Ships Companies, or Ship's Company and others intitled thereunto, in like Man-r ner as herein before is direded for the nominating and appoiating Agents for Appraifements and Sales to be made as aforefaid ; the fame to be diftributed and divided by the faid Perfon or Perfpns fo au- and divided thorized and appointed amongft the Captors, in fuch Manner, Form and Proportion as aforefaid ; the ^^""^^ '^^ feveral Shares of which Captors, if not legally demanded within three Years after publick Notification, 5^™ not de- and alfo of fuch as fliall run from his Majefty's Service, fliall be applied to the Ufe ©f Greetizukh Hof- manded wiiiiin pitd ; and that the Bill or Bills to be made out for the Bounty hereby grante.l to Privateers for taking, ^e'^*'^-!'^"'^*" burning, finking or otherwife deftroying a»iy Shjps ^of Va^ oi- Privateers belonging to any pf his Ma- G^rr™wi'ifhHof- jefty's Enemies, fliall be ma ' . . .- . t, /- by the Owner or Owners, funk, burnt or otherwife deftroyed ... and Proportions as (hall have been agreed on by them as, aforefaid, asreed. XXIV. Provided always, and be it enac'led. That if any Ship, Veflel or Boat taken ^s Prize, or ships or Goods any Goods therein, fliall appear and bo proved in the Court of Admiralty to h^ve belonged to any of belonging to iiis his Majefty's Subje6s of Great Britain or Irchmd, or any of the Dominions and Ten'itories •'emaining ^^^■^[*g>^^^^^^- and continuing under his Majefty's Protedion and Obedience, which were before taken or f4rprized the Enemy, and by any of his Majefty's Enemies, and at any Time afterwards again furprized ^nd retaken from his retaken by the Majelty's Enemies by any of his Majefty's Ships of War, or any private Man of War o.r other Ship, ^/"Frivateers Veflt;] or Boat under his Majefty's Proteftion and Obedience, that then fuch Ships, Veflels, Boats and -^ Goods, and every fu?h Part and Parts thereof as aforefaid, forjuerly belonging to fuch his Majefty's Vol, VII, 4 Y . " Subjeds,