Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/756

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736 C. 40. Anno vicefimo nono Georgii II. A. D. 1756. the Vulielj on ?ena!ty of 20 s. fo hi piid on Convidlicn to tht; Informer, an3 may be ]e- vicJ by Diftiefs and Sale, Jufticemay funi' jiion Defjnlier for Non-pay- ment of Tolls, and ili'ue his cf Money, ana to be paid in fuch Manner as the faid Mayor, AlJermen and Commons, in Ccmmoa Council afiembled, fiiail tliink fit or reafonable i anything herein before contained to the contrary not- witliftanding. •• 0^vner'sName XXIX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the twenty-ninth aid Tonnage to Day oi' September one thoufand feven hundred and fifty fix the Owner or Owners of every Hoy, Barge, bi.- Fainted on VeiTel, Lighter or other Craft (other than fuch Crafts as are herein before excepted) which fliall pafs v.'ith Goods on board through any of the Arches of the faid Bridge, fhall caufe his, her or their Name or Names and Place or Places of Abode, together with the Tonnage of fuch H05', Barge, Vefle!, Lighter or other Craft to be- painted on fome confpicuous Place or Part thereof; and the Owner or Owners of every iuch Floy, Barge, Veffel, Lighter or other Craft (except as aforefaid) who fhall omit fo to do, fhall, over and befides the Toll lierein before appointed to be paid forpaffing through any of the Arches of the faid Bridge, and the Penalty herein before inflifted in cafe of Non-payment thereof, forfeit the Sum of twenty Shillings every Time any fuch Hoy, Barge, VeiTel, Lighter or other Craft (other than fuch Crafts as are herein before excepted) ihall pafs with Goods on Board through any of the Arches of the faid Bridge, without having the Name or Names and Place or Places of Abode of the Owner or Owners thereof painted on fome confpicuous Place or Part of fuch Hoy, Barge, Veffel, Lighter or other Craft, as alfo the Tonnage thereof; and every fuch Forfeiture {hall be paid on the Convidfion of every fuch Of- fender or Offenders by his, her or their Confeffion, or on the Oath of one or more credible Witnefs or Witneffes before any Juftice of the Peace of the City, County, Divifion or Place where fuch Owner or Owners fhall live or be found, to the Perfon or Perfons who fhall make Information or Complaint to fuch JufLice of any fuch Omiffion or Default as aforefaid; and on the Offender or Offenders on fuch Conviflion refufmg or negleding to pay the Money which fhall be forfeited as aforefaid, the fame may and fhall be levied by Diftrefs and Sale of the Offenders Goods, rendering to the Owner or Owners thereof the Overplus, if any, after the reafonable Charges of every fuch Diftrefs and Sale {hall be paid. XXX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful for any Juflice or Juftices of the Peace of any County, City or Liberty, within whofe Jurifdiftion any Perfon or Perfons fubject and punifliable by this Adl for neglefbing or refufing to pay any of the Tolls or Sums of Money herein before appointed to be paid for any fuch Hoy, Barge, Veffel, Lighter or other Craft which fliall pafs through any of the Arches of the faid Bridge with Goods on Board, or who {hall ne- .^"r'r/^'f'^' S'sfl: or refufe to pay any Compofition Money agreed to-be paid by him, her or them, in lieu of fuch vymgtiereo, 'j"olls, ihall refide or be found, to fummon before him or them the Party or Parties accufed of Neglect or Refufal to pay the fame Tolls or Sums of Money or Comipofition Money ; and on Appearance of tfie Parties accufed, or on his. her or their Contempt in not appearing, upon Proof on Oath by one or more credible Witnefs or Witneffes of the Service of fuch Summons or Summonfes on the Party or Parties againft whom the fame was or were granted, or of leaving the fame at his, her or their ufual Place of Abode, with (bme Perfon there, of his, her or their Family, every fuch Juftice and Juftices is and are hereby required to proceed to the Examination of the Witnefs or Witneffes upon Oath (which Oath every fuch Juftice is hereby authorized to adminifter) and thereupon to hear, adjudge and determine con- cerning -the Matters complained of, an J to iffue Warrants for recovering the Money forfeited or due, by Diftrefs and Sale of the Offenders Goods, (o as the Offender or Offenders be thereof firft duly convicted by any fuch Juftice in like Manner as Juftices may do for any Offences committed within their refpeetive Jurifdiflions ; and every fuch Warrant and Aft done by any fuch Juftice, and by any Conftable, Heaoho- rough, Tythingman or other Perfon, in Obedience to the Warrant of any fuch Juftice, fliall be as effec- tual in Law, as if the fame had been granted or done within the proper Limits of their own JurifdiiStion. Tolls not rate- XXXL And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, I'hat the Tolls and Duties payable by this able to any Tax. Aft fhall not be rated or taxed for or towards the Land Tax, Church, Poor, or any other Rates or Taxes, Ward or Parochial, or for or towards the Repairs of any Highways. Tolls &c veflcd ..jXXXII. And be it further enafled by the Authority aforefaid. That all and fingular the Tolls and Duties in iheCit'y, and raifed and impofed by this Aft, and all other Money v/hich (hall be levied or recovered, or received by vir- to be apphed tue hereof, fliall, from and after the faid twenty-fourth Day of june, be and the fame are hereby vefted in for the Purpofes the faid Mayor, Commonalty and Citizens of London, and their Succeffors ; and the Money arifmg there- of this Ait. from fhall be recovered, accounted for, paid and applied in fuch Manner, for fuch Time, and for fuch Pur- poies, as by this Aft is direfted. ' XXXin. And forafmuch as the borrowing Money upon the Credit of this Aft will be the mofteffeftual Common Coun. ' Method to accomplifh the Ends defigned thereby :' Be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That ths faid Mayor, Aldermen and Commons of the faid City, in Common Council affembled, fliall and may, and they are hereby impowered from Time to Time to borrow under the Common Seal of the faid City, upon the Credit of the fiiid Tolls and Duties created by this Aft, any Sum or Sums of Money at a Rate or Rates of Intcreft not exceeding four Pounds per Centum per Jmium, which faid Money fo to be borrowed fhall be applied to the Purpofes of this Aft-. XXXIV. And to ihe End the faid Tolls and Duties may be duly accounted for, }?e it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That it fliall and may be lawful to and for the faid IIayor, Aldermen and Corn- ell triay borrow Money on the Credit of the Tolls. C'lcrlv and othei OSicrrs to be appointtd. CoUeOors to give Securiiy. mons of the faid City of Lofidoa, in Common Council affembled, to nominate and appoint a (ironer Perfon or Perfons to be their Clerk or Clerks, and fuch other Officers under them, for the Execution ot the Pow- ers hereby vefted in them, as they fhall deem proper; which Clerk or Clerks" fliall write and keep proper Entries from Time to 1 imc of all fuch Matters, Proceedings and Things, as ftiall be done in purfuanceof this Aft; and likewife to nominate and appoint fuch Perfon or Perfons to be Receiver or Receivers, Col- leftor or Colleftors of the faid Tolls or Duties, as they fhall think fit, who {hall give Security for the due accounting for, and paying into the Chamber of the faid City oi' Loud:/!, the Monies by them collefted, and for their Honefty and good Bt;haviour in their Office nr Place of Colleftor or Colledfors, Receiver or Recei- vers; and all Perfons by this Aft liable to pay the faiJ Tolls or Duties, or any of them, are required to pay