Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/144

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110 C 31- Anao tricefimo Georgh II. A. D. 1757. Ton 01 Pcifons fo nejilciTir.:^ or rcfufwig to pay the fame-, or to dlftrain upon the Lands, Houfes, Tene- ments or Ilcrcditainciits lb charged with any fuch Sum or Sums of Money ; and the Goods and Chattels then and there founJ, and the Diftrefs fo taken, to keep by the Space of four Days ; and if the Owner of fuch (700J3 and Chattels does not pay the Sum or Sums of Money fo rated or alTelTed within the Space of four 13ays, then the faid Diftrefj to be appraifed by two or more fufficient Perfons, and to be fold by the faid Collector or Collectors for Payment of the faid Money, and the Charges of taking and keeping the faid Diilrefs ; and the Overpius arifing by fuch Sale (if any he) fiiall be returned to the Owner there- PeiionssgivicvcJ ^f; and if any Perfon fhall think liiinlelt or herfelf aggrieved by any of the faid Rates or Alllirments, bytheR^te, maj j-.|j,j^ Pcrfon o'r Pcrfons {ui or may appeal to the General Qunrter-SefTion of the Peace for the faid o aaerVcf- CounCy, or for the fcid Borough, to be held next afcer Demand {hall be made of Payment by the Col- ^arter- c- j^^-^^^ ^^j. (^'ollc(£tors thcrcof, giving Notice of fuch his Appeiil to the Colle6tor or Colleflors ten Days be- fore fuch General Quarter- Scilion of the Peace ; and the iaid JulKccs at their faid next Cjencral Qiiarter- ScfTion of the Peace, fhall hear and determine the fame; which Determination of the faid Juftices iliall be final without any further Appeal therefrom. O;lleaor to pay VIU. And bc it further en aCted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Perfon or Perfons appointed to over the Monies |,g Collcdor or Collectors of the !aid Rates or AlIeiTments Ihall, from time to time, pay into the Hands Ivarde-i?or'^to °^ ^^^ ^^'^ Church Wardens, Overfecrs and Inhabitants, or into the Hands of fuch Perfon or Perfons as Thei/ordcr- they, or any (even or more of them (hall appoint, all fuch Sum and Sums of Money as he or they ihall aud 10 accou'nt collecl, levy Or receive by virtue of the faid Rates or Alfetlrents ; and Ihall alfo account before any two before ihe Juf- Juftices of the Pcace of the faid County, or for the faid Borough, once or oftener, in every Year, if re- tices yearly, or mjij-gj thcrcunto, for all Monies received by him by virtue of the faid Rates ; and (hall pay unto the faid ovl^i'he Balance Churchwardens, Overfeers and Inhabitants, all fuch Monies as fliall, upon making up fuch Account, on makin,i up appear to be remaining in his or their Hands ; and in D-jfaalt thereof, it fhall bo lawful for any two Ju- his Accounts, ftices of the Peace for the faid County, or for the faid Borough, to commit fuch Coliedor to the Com- mon Gaol of the faid County, there to remain until he hath fully accounted and paid the Money fo re- maining in his Hands. Penalty on Per- IX, And be it fuither enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the pnfling of this A(51, powered to adminiiterj fliall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit and pay the Sum of forty Shillings ; one Moiety whereof fliall be paid to the Informer or Informers, and the other Moiety fhall be paid and ap- plied to the Ufe of the Poor of the Parilh where the OiTence fhall be committed. Penalty on Per- X. And be it further ena(5ted by the Authority aforclaid, That from and after the pafling of this A(5l, fonshawking, or if ^jjy Poulterer, Country Chapman, Lader, Kidder, Victualler, Gardener, Fruiterer, Fifh-feller, or expcfing to Sale, ^^^^^ ether Perfon or Perfons, fliall fell, utter or put to Shew or Sale, by way of hawking, or as ;>. Hawker, Provifio°ns'with- "f othervvife, any Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Pork, Poultry, Butter, Cheefe, Filh, Fruit, Herbs, in loooYards of Oatmeal, or other Victuals or Provifion whatfoever, in any private Houfe, Lane, Alley, Inn, Ware- thc^ Marke-, ex- houfe. Street, Stall, common Pailage, or other Place or Places whatfoever, within one thoufand Yards cept in their own ^f ^[^^ |-;,ij Ma>i^(^^ within the County of Surry, but only in his, her or their own Shop or Shops, or in v"r'^et'^^i .'c ^^^ publick Market-place in the faid recited Act and this A<S1: defcribed, and in Market Time only ; every '" * ■ * " ' fi:(.h Perfon being thereof convicted, upon the Oath of one or more Witnefs or WitnefFes, before one or more Jufiice or Juftices of the Peace for the County of Surry, or for the faid Borough (which Oath fucli juftice or Juftices is and are hereby impowered to adminilter) fhall for every fuch Offence forfeit and pay tiie Sum of forty Shillings; oi<e Moiety whereof fhall be paid to the Informer or Informers, and the other Moiety fhall be paid and applied to the Ufe of the Poor of the Parifh where the Offence fhall be committed. Fo'ftitiircE may XI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That all Penalties and Forfeitures by this >•«■ i'^v" ^y ^^^- At. incurred, the Manner of Recovery whereof is not particularly mentioned, fhall be levied by Diltrefs ffefs ind bale J ^j^j y^^^^ ^j: ^|^,^ Offenders Goods and Chattels, by Warrant or Warrants under the Hand and Seal, or Hands and Seals of the Juftice or Juftices before v/hom the Perfon or Perfons fo incurring fhall be con- victed (which W^arrant or Warrants fuch Juftice or Juftices is and are hereby impowered to grant) re- turning the Overplus, if any be, to the Owner or Owners thereof, after deduiSting the faid Penalty or anil for want of Forfeiture, and tiie Charges of fuch Diftrefs and Sale; and in cafe the Perfon or Perfons fo offending and juilincnt Uif- convicted, fnali l;ave no Goods and Chattels fufficient to anfwcr fuch Penalty or Forfeiture, then it fliall

  • ',*iXlmrVi!l"j. ^"^ "•^y ^'^ lawful for fuch Juftice or Juftices, by Warrant to commit fuch Oftender to the Houfe of

' ' Correction, Uiv uny Time not exceeding one Month for the firft Oftence ; and for the fecond, and every other Offence of the fame Kind, for any Time not exceeding three Months, nor Icfs than one Month ; or imtil fuch Penalty or Forfeiture fhall be fully paid. r?rfon?3gerievrd XII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon fliall think him or her- l! Older of Jul- f^if aT;grievtd by r.ny Act, Order or Determination, of any Jufiice or Juftices of the Peace as aforefaid, jHCJ ipay appeal. Ij. ^^,J| ^^^j ^^^ j^,^ lawful for fuch Perfon to appeal to the General Qiiartcr-SefTion of the Peace, to be next holden for the fiid Borough, or for the County of Surry, he or fhe caufmg ten Days Notice in Wri- ting to be given to the Perl'on or Perfons on whofj Oath or Oaths fuch A(5t, Order or Judgment, flali be lb doJie, made pr awarded ; which Juftices at their laid Scffion, upon Proof of fuch Notice being gJVCl