Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/18

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The TITLES of the STATUTES. 23. An Acl to permit the Importation of Salted Beef, Poik and Butter from Ireland^ for a limited 7"ime. 29. An A61: for the due making of Bread ; and to regulate the Price and Aflize thereof; and to punifti Perfons who fliall adulterate Meal, Fl.Tur or Bread. 30. An Act for applying the Money granted by Parlia- ment towards defraying the Charge of Pay and Cloath- ing for the A^ilitia, for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-eight ; and for defraying the Ex- pences incurred on Account of the Militia, in the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-feven. 31. An A6t for granting to his Majefty certain Sums of Money out of the Sinking Fund for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-eight ; and for im.powering the proper Officers to make forth Du- plicates of Exchequer Bills, Tickets, Certificates, Re- ceipts, Annuity Orders, and other Orders, in lieu of fuch as fhall be loft, burnt, or otherwife deftroyed ; and for obliging the Retailers of Wines, commonly called Sweets or JWade IFhieSy to take out a Wine Li- cence. 32. An Act for repealing the Duty granted by an Act in the fixth Year of the Reign of his late Ma- jefty, on Silver Plate, made, wrought, touched, aflayed or marked in Great Britain ; and for granting a Duty en Licences, to be taken out by all Perfons dealing in Gold or Silver Plate ; and for difcontinuing all Draw- backs upon Silver Plate exported; and for more effec- tually preventing Frauds and Abufes in the Marking or Stamping of Gold or Silver Plate. 33. An Adt for enabling his Majefty to raife the Sum of eight hundred thoufand Pounds, for the Ufes and Pur- pofcs therein mentioned ; and for further appropriating the Supplies granted in this SefTion of Parliament. 3+. An A6t for inlarging the Times for the firft Meetings of CommifTioners orTruftees, for putting in Execution certain A£ts of this SefTion of Parliament j and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. •35. An A6t to continue feveral Laws therein mentioned, for granting a Liberty to carry Sugars of the Growth, Produce or Manufacture of any of his Majefty's Sugar Colonies in America^ from the faid Colonies dircfi^ly Into Foreign Parts, in Ships built in Great Britain^ and navigated according to Law; for the prevcjiting the committing of Frauds by Bankrupts; for giving fur- ther Incouragcment for the Importation of Naval Stores from the Britijh Colonies in America; and for prevent- ing Frauds and Abufes m the Admeafurement of Coals in the City and Liberty of IVeJhninjhr ; and for pre- venting the Stealing or Dcftroying of Madder Roots. 36. An Aft for continuing certain Laws therein men- tioned relating to BritiJIj Sail Cloth, and to the Duties payable on Foreign Sail Cloth ; and to the Allowance upon the Exportation of BritiJJ) made Gimpowder; and to the Incouragcment of the Trade of the Sugar Colonies in America ; and to the Landing of Rum or Spirits of the Britijh Sugar Plantations, before the Du- ties of Excifc arc paid thereon ; and for regulating the Payment of the Duties on P'oreign Excifeablc Liquors; and for the Relief of 77;^w^/x (Vatfon^ with regard to the Drawback on certain Eajl Indian Callicoes ; and for rendering more commodious the new PafTagc leading from Charing Cro/s. 37. An Alt to permit the Exportation of certain Qiianti- ties of Malt nov/ lying in his Majefty's Storchoufcs; and to allow the liounty upon fuch- Corn and Malt as •was ftiippcd and cleared ff)r /re/and^ on or before a li- luitgtl Time j and to authorifc the Tranfportfttion of Flour, Meal, Bread and Bifcuit, to the Iflands of Guerrijey and Jerfey^ for the Ufe of the Inhabitants there, in lieu of the Wheat, Malt or Barley, which may now, by Law, be tranfported to thofe Iflands. 38. An A6t for applying a Sum of Money granted in this Seffion of Parliament towards carrying on the Works for fortifying and fecuring the Harbour of Ali/^ ford in the County of Pembroke. 39. An Adt for vefting certain MeiTuages, Lands, Tene- ments and Hereditaments, for the better fecuring his Majefty's Docks, Ships, and Stores, at Port/mouthy Chr.tham and Plymouth^ and for the better fortifying the Tovn of Portfmouthy and Citadel of Plymouth^ ij> Tri..lees, for certain Ufes ; and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. 40. An Act to afcertaln the Weight of Trufies of Straw, and to punifli Deceits in the Sale of Hay and Straw in TrufTes in London^ and within the Weekly Bills of Mortality, and within the Diftance of thirty Miles thereof; and to prevent common Salefinen of Hay and Straw from buying the fame on their own Account to fell again ; and alfo to relirain Salefmen, Brokers, or Faitors in Cattle, from buying on their own Account tOk fell again, any Live Cattle in £o«7/«i«, or within the Week- ly Bills of Mortality, or which are driving up thereto. 41. An A(5t to amend and render more eftedtual an A£t pafTed in the twenty-ninth Year of his prefent Majef- ty's Reign, intituled. An A6i for inckfing by the ynutnal Confent of the Lords and Tenants^ Part of any Coynmony for the Purpofe of planting and preferving Trees fit for Ti7nber or TJjiderwood; and for more effeSiually preventing the unlawful Dc/iriiilion of Trees. 42. An A6t for making perpetual feveral A6ts therein mentioned, for preventing Theft and Rapine on the Northern Borders of England; for the more efi^edtual punifhing wicked and evil difpofed Perfons going armed in Difguife, and doing Injuries and Violences to the Perfons and Properties of his Majefty's Subjeds, and for the more fpeedy bringing the Offenders to Juitice ; and alfo two Claufes to prevent the cutting or breaking down the Bank of any River, or Sea Bank; and to prevent the malicious cutting of Hop Binds ; for the more effedtual Punilhment of Perfons malicioufly fet- ting on Fire any Mine, Pit, or Delph of Coal, or Canal Coal ; and of Perfons unlawfully hunting or taking any Red or Fallow Deer in Forefts or Chafes ; or beating or wounding the Keepers or other Officers in Forefts, Chafes or Parks ; and alfo fo much of an A(St as relates to the Power of appealing to the Circuit Courts in Civil Cafes in Scotland. PRIVATE ACTS. Anno 31 Georgii II. 1. A N A£t to enable John Earl of Sandwich, Wcllbare jt. Ellis Efquirc, and Tho7uas Potter Efquire, to take in Great Britain, the Oath of Office as Vice IVcafurer and Receiver General and Paymafter General of all his Majefty's Revenues in the Kingdom of Ireland^ and to qualify thcmfelves for the Injoyment of the faid Offices. 2. An A6t for transferring certain South Sea Annuities, ftanding in the Name of the late Trcafurer to the CommifTioners for building fifty new Churches, unto the refpcdtive Re6tors of eight of thofe Churches, and for veiling certain Sites for Churches purchafed by the faid Conmiiffioners, in 'I'ruftecs, in order to fell the lame fgr the Purpolcs therein mciUioucd. 3. An