Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/20

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The TITLES of the STATUTES. and a Common or Wafte called Northhigh Heathy within the Paiifh or Townfliip o( Northleigh, in the County of Oxford. 30. An A61 for dividing and inclofing the common Fields, common Paftures, common Meadows, common Grounds, Heaths, and wafte Ground, of Upper Bod- d'nigion, and Lower Boddingoon, within the Parifh of Upper Bcddington, in the County of Northampton, and for fettling a Rate or certain annual Sum of Money to be paid in lieu of the Tythes of certain old Inclofures within the faid Parifh. 31. An Acl for dividing and inclofing the common Fields, common Paftures, common Meadows, common Grounds, and wafte Grounds, in the Manor and Lordftiip of JFoodford, otherwife Halfc JVoodford, in the County of Northamptui. 32. An hSt for dividing and incloftng the common, open, and Arable Fields, and common Meadows, in the Manor and Parifti of Harehy, in the County of Lincoln. 33. An A(51: for dividing and inclofing the open and common Fields, common Meadows, common Ground, and wafte Ground, in the Manor and Parifti of Helmd'jn^ in the County o^ Northampton. 34. An h^ for confirming and cftabliftiing Articles of Agreement for dividing and inclofing certain com- mon Fields within the Manor of JVihiecote, in the County of Warwick ; and alfo for ereding and work- ing one or more Fire Engine or Fire Engines, for the more efFctftual draining the Coal Mines in the faid Manor. 35. An Afl for dividing and inclofing certain open and common Fields, in the Hamlet, Townlhip, or Vil- lage of Upt'.n., in the Parifti oi Blevuhiiry^ in the County of Berks. 36. An Ad for confirming and eftabliftiing certain Ar- ticles of Agreement, tordividin. and inclofing the open common Fields in the Paiifti of Eclithwejion, in the County o Rutland. 37. An kt f(jr naturalizing Anthony Fonblanquc^ and Ni- cholas Bapti/i Auhert. 38. An kt for naturalizing 'fohn Baptift D'abbadie. 39. An A£l for fc|)arating Lawrence Earl Ferrers from Mary LuvHitefs Ferrers his Wife, for the Cruelty of the faiu Larl , and tor fettling a Maintenance for the faid Countefs, out of rhe tftate of the faid Earl. 40. An A6t to enable the Dean j.nd Chapter of the Col- legiate Church of Saint Peter at IVeJlminJIer., aii'l their SuccefTors, to make and grant unto 'James MalLrs a Leafe 01 Leafes of certain Pieces of Ground, Meflu- ages, Tenements, and Hereditaments, comprized with- in certain Limits, for a longer Term of Years than they arc at prefcnt enabled to gr int. 41. An A61 for Sale of the Eftatcs of MarmadukeGwynne Efquire, in the County of Pefnbroke, to difcharge In- cumbrances afte(Sling the fame, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. 42, An A«St for naturalizing John Knight, PUBLICK ACTS. Anno 32 Giorgii II. I. A N A<^ to continue for a limited Time, an A<51 j made in tb.c laft Sefllon of Parliament, intituled. An Act to permit the Importation of failed B ef ^ Pork and Butttr from Ireland, for a luniicd Time, and to amend Ihc faid A(51:. 2. An A£l to continue for a fiirther Time, the Prohibi- tion of the Exportation of Corn, Malt, Meal, Flour, Bread, Bifcuit and Starch ; and alfo to continue for a farther Time, the Prohibition of the making of Lov/ Wines and Spirits from Wheat, Barley, Malt, or any other Sort of Grain, or from Meal or Flour ; and to prohibit for a limited Time, the making of Low Wines and Spirits from Bran. 3. An Aft for granting an Aid to his Majefty by a Land Tax to be raifed in Great Britain, for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-nine. 4. An At for continuing and granting to his Majefty certain Duties upon Malt, Mum, Cyder and Perry, for the Service of the Year one thoufand iQtn. hundred and fifty-nine. 5. An ASt for puniftiing Mutiny and Defertion ; and for the better Payment of the Army in their Quar- ters. 6. An A£l to explain and Amend an Act pafled in the twenty-fecond Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, in- tituled, An Adi for the Tnore eafy and fpeedy Recovery of fmall Debts within the Tozun and Borough ^/Southwark, and the feveral Parifljes (j/'Saint Saviour, Saint Mary at Newington, Saint Mary A4agdalen Bermondfey, Chrift Church, Saint Mary Lambeth, and Saint Mary at Ro- therhith, in the County o/" Surrey, and the feveral Pre^ cinSfs and Liberties of the fame 'y and for extending the Powers and Provifions of the faid Act to fuch Part of the Eaftern Half of the Hundred of Brixton, in the faid County, as is not included in the faid Act. 7. An Aft to indemnify Perfons who have omitted to qualify themfelves for Offices and Employments within the Time limited by Lawj and for allowing further Time for that Purpofe, 8. An Aft for taking off the Prohibition of the Expor- tation of Corn, Malt, Meal, Flour, Bread, Bifcuit, and Starch. 9. An Aft for the Regulation of his Majefty's Marine Forces while on Shore. 10. An Aft for granting to his Majefty a Subfidy of Poundage upon certain Goods and Merchandizes to be imported into this Kingdom ; and an additional inland Duty on Coffee and Chocolate, and for raifing the Sum of fix millions fix hundred thoufand Pounds, by way of Annuities and a Lottery, to be charged on the faid Sub- fi 'y and additional Inland Duty. 11. An Aft to permit the free Importation of Cattle from Ireland tor a limited Time. 12. An Aft to difcontinue for a limited Time, the Duties payable upon f allow imported from Ireland, 13. An Aft for draining and prefervihg certain Fen Lands and Low Grounds in the Parifties of Somerfham, and Pidley with Fenton, and the Parifti of Colne, in the Coun- ty of Huntingdon. 14. An Aft for the more regular and eafy collefting, ac- counting for and paying of Poft Fines, which ftiall be due to the Crown, or to Grantees thereof under the Crown ; and for the Eafe of Sheriffs in refpeft to the fame. 15. An Aft for the better Prefervation of the Turnpike Roads in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland. 16. An Aft to continue, amend, explain, and render more cft'cftual, an Act made in the fixth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, for the better Regulation of Laftage and Ballaftage in the River 77)<7/«^j, and to prevent putting of Rubbifti, Afties, Dirt, or Soil, into the