Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/300

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2 66 C. 2 9' Anno tricefimo primo Georgii II. A. D. 1757, of this Act, (hall be appointed to give in and certify, as hereby is directed, the Prices of Grain, Meal,, and Flour, from the refpedlive Markets or Places within their refpective Juril'di>5lions, fhall refufc to difclofe and make known to fuch Meal Weighers, Clerks of the Markets, or other Perfons, who fhall be appointed to make fuch Returns and Certificates as hereby are direcl:ed rcfpcctivcly, and alfo {hall requeft the fame within their refpec^ive Jurifdictlons, the true real Prices the feveral Sorts- of Grain, Meal, and Flcur, fliall be bona fide bought at, or fold, by or for him, her or them re- fpcsStively, at any Corn Market or Corn Markets, or other Place, where Corn, Grain, Meal, or - ^ ^ Flour, is or fliall be ufually, openly, or publickly fold, v/ithin the Jurifdiclion of any fuch Perfon ' •rfna!! glw In a falfs cr or Perfons as aforefaid, who {hall requeft any fuch Account to be given to him or them ; or fhall. colJufive Price, ■ knowingly give in to any fuch Meal Weigher, Clerk of the Market, or other Perfon, who fliall be- appointed in purfuance of this A6t, to give in and certify the Price of Grain, Meal, and Flour, any- falle or untrue Price or Prices of any Grain, Meal, or Flour, bought or fold, or agreed fo to be, or any Price which hath been made by any deceitful Means ; then, and in every fuch Cafe, he, Hie or they fo offending, on being convidted of any fuch Offence by the Oath of one or more cre«  dible Witnefs or Witneflcs, or folemn Affirmation of r.ny credible Witnefs or WitnefTes, being a forfeit ootexcceilngiol.^y^i-fr, or on the ConfelTion of the Party accufed, fhall forfeit any Sum not exceeding ten Pounds, nor lefs than 40 3. ji^r lefs than forty Shillings, as the Magiftrate or Magiftrates, Juftice or Juftices, before whom any fuch Offender or Offenders fliall be convided, {hall think fit and order, every Time he, fhe or they fhall fo offend, and be convicted of any fuch Offence. Where any f^lfc Return XIX. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That if any fuch Court, Magiftrate- n!-ade!t£Srt,Ma ^^ Magiftratcs, Juftice or Juftices, as afore{liid, who {liall have thought proper to have ordered any- giftrate, or Juftice, may, Return to be made of the Price of Grain, Meal, or Flour, within their refpedlive Jurifdiclions, fhallj^, within 'three Days, fum- at any Time within the Space of three Days after any fuch Return fliall have been made, fufpedt. mon aoy Buyer, or Sel- that the fame was not truly and bona fide made; then, and in any fuch Cafe, it fhall be lawful for- !er, or other Perfon gpy f^j^.^ Court, Magiftrate Or Magiftrates, Juftice or Juftices, within their refpedive Jurifdidtions,, likely to intcrma- to fummon before them refpeaively, any Perfon or Perfons who fliall have bought or fold, or fliall, be fufpectcd to have bought or fold, or agreed to buy or fell any Grain, Meal, or Flour, withiiii their refpcdivc Jurifdidions, or who fhall be thought to be likely to give any Information concern- and examine them upon ing the Premiftes, and to examine them refpcdively upon their feveral Oaths, touching the Rates . Odth touching the ^j^j Prices the feveral Sorts of Grain, Meal and Flour, or any of them, were there really and bona- Prices of Grain, Meal, r j _ ^ ^ r u r r i i i • i i r -?• m-- t-- r.nd Flo-jr, within fevea fi"^ Douglit at, or (old for, or agreed fo to be by him, her or them reipective, at any I mie or 1 imes Days before; within the Space of feven Days preceding the fummoning of him, her or them refpeclively : And-, and arty Perfoji who if any Pcrfon or Perfons who fhall be fo fummoncd as aforefaid, fhall negle£l or rcfufe to appear Iha'l not ai'pear thereto. Oil fuch Summons (and Proof fhall be made on Oath of fuch Summons having been duly ferved upon, without juftCiufeiT-cwn, him, her or them, for that Purpofe) or if any Perfon or Peribns fo fummoned fliall appear, and neg-- or^fnali refuletoiive jg^ ^j- refufe to anfwer fuch lawful Qiieftions touching the Premiffes, as fhall be propofed to him» °'^""* her or them, by any fuch CiDurt, Magiftrate or Magiftrates, Juftice or Juftices as aforefaid, within, their refpective Jurifdidions, without fomc jull: or reafonable Excufe, to be allowed of by any fuch.- Court, Magiftrate or Magiftrates, Juftice or Juftices as aforefaid, he, fhe or they fo offending, on-, being convi£tcd of any fuch Offence, either by the Oath of one or more credible Witnefs or Wit- nefles, or his, her or their own Confeifion, before any fuch Court, Magiftrate or Magiftrates, Ju-^ ./orftics rwt extecJing flice or Juftices, fhall, on every fuch Convi£lion, forfeit and pay any Sum not exceeding ten Pounds,, joi. nor lei"sihan/;oi. and not lefs than forty, as any fuch Court, Magiftrate or Magiftrates, Juftice or Juftices,, ai.i forfwearing himfelf, ftiall think fit and order: And if any Perfon, who fhall be fo examined on Oath, fhall wilfully for- incurstbe Fenaltiesof f^ear him or herfdf, every fuch Perfon fhall be fubjed: and liable to be profecuted as for perjury,, ^■^'l^^T' by Indictment or Information by due Courfe of Law; and, if convided, fhall be liable to the Pc--

  • '-T^d"'^Tr*avcl'abo-« ^i^l^ies Pcrfons convidfcd of wilful and corrupt Perjury are fubjedt and liable to ; provided that the-

VM^te'ificnnhe Place Party or Parties fo fummoned be not obliged to travel above five Miles from the Place or Places oi-. cf his Abode. his, her .or their Abode. When an Order fliallbe XX. And be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid, That whenever any Court as afore- made for making Bread faid, Magiflrate or Magiftrates, or Juftices of the Peace, fhall order any Bread to be made withift. for Sale of any other ^ their rcfpcctive Jurifdldions, of or with the Flour or Meal of any other Cirain or Grains than, ^•idw'i w-'^Flour'"' "^V^'^^^ or to be mixed with the Flour of Wheat, or to be made with the Flour or Meal of any iDiWo « or our, QX.Y.ZX Sort or Sorts of Grain or Grains, either fcparate or mixed together, all Perfons who fhall: make any Bread for Sale, in any Place where any fuch Order or Orders ihall at any Time be made,, fhall, from Time to Time, make Bread with fuch mixed Meal or Flour, in every fuch Place and' Places, in fuch Manner as they fliall be required and ordered by any fuch Court, Magiftrate or Ma- B*k«rs to conform to giftratcs or Juftices as aforefaid, within their refpciStive Jurifdictlons, and fhall, from Time to Time,. itKb Order, and itiakc " •- --. .. .._.- .-.._... . -..^. /-, the Bread of fuch Weight •pd Coodncfe, andat fuch Price,. a» flail thertifl be. . , . . - - -i ■ , l- 4jr<£ied, Premifles, and fhall be convidted of any fuch Offence in the Manner herein after preicribed by this. A£.t, fhall forfeit any Sum not exceeding five P&unds, nor lefs than forty Shillings, as the Magi--^ en Penalty of fcrfciti-ng ftrate or Magiftrates before whom any fuch Offender or Offenders^ fhall be coiividcd fhall think fiti. Rot exceetiioj 5J. agj, and Older, tvery Time c^ fhe or they fhall fo offend and be convi<Stcdj XXL An*