Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/315

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A. D. 1757. Anno tiicefimo primo Georgii II. C. 32. '2S Defender fliall and may recover the full and real Expences he may have been put to by any fuch Ac- tion or Suit. Goldfmiths Company in London^ or any of the Maries or Stamps appointed to be ufed for markuig Wrought Plate at Torky Exeter^ Br'iJioU Chejier^ Norwich^ or Newcajile upon Tyne^ or any Mark, Stamp or ImpTcflion, to refemble any JVIark, Stamp or Impreflion, to be made with any Mark or Stamp to be ufed by the faid Company in London^ or by the Wardens or Afl'ayers at any of thu Other Places aforefaid, in purfuance of the faid Adt, or any other A(5ls of Parliament then in Force ; or Mark or Stamp with any fuch counterfeit Mark or Stamp, any Wrought Plate of Gold or Silver, or any Wares of Brafs, or other bafe Metal, filvercd or gilt over, and ref^rmbling Plate of Gold or Silver ; or tranfpofe or remove from one Piece of wrought Plate to another, or to any Vefiel of fuch bafe Metal, any oi the Marks, Stamps or Imprc/Tions, made or to be made, with any of the Marks or Stamps of the faid Company, or oi the faid Wardens or Aflayers, ufed, or to be ufed, in pur- fuance oi the faid or any other Ad then in Force; or caufe or procure any of the laid Offences to be committed, or fell, exchange, or expofe to Sale any Manufacture of Gold or Silver, or exporc the fame with any fuch forged, counterfeit, or tranipofed Mark, Stamp or ImprefTion, knowing the fame to be forged, counterfeited or tranfpofcd, was made liable for every Offence, to the Forfeiture I of one hundred Pounds ; and for Default of Payment, to Imprifonment, in Manner therein men- tioned : And whereas notwithftanding the Penalty or Punifhment infliiled by the faid Claufe, great Quantities of Gold and Silver Plate of a bafe and inferior Standard, with fuch forged, counterfeit or tranpofed Marks, Stamps and Impreflions, are now frequently vended in this Kingdom, and alfo exported to foreign Parts ; and ic is neceffaiy that all Perfons guilty of fuch Practices for the future, Ihould be fubjeited to exemplary Punifhment, in order to deter, as far as may be, the Com- mifllon of Offences, manifeilly tending to the Detriment of the fair Trader, and the Diminution of the Wealth, the Credit, and the Commerce of this Kingdom ; Be it therefore enabled by the The recited Claufe r«. Authority aforefaid, That the faid Claufe fhall, from and after the fifth Day of July one thoufand P"led. feven hundred and fifty-eight, be, and is hereby repealed. XV". And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon whatfoever, from Penalty of forging or and after the faid fifth Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-eight, fhall caft, forge or counterfeiting the Stamp counterfeit, or caufe or procure to be caft, forged or counterfeited, any Mark or Stamp ufed, or "'^^'^ ^°^ '"^'"'^'"S ^^^» to be ufed, for making Gold or Silver Plate in purfuance of the faid A61, or of any other Act or c"id"A^"of iiGeol^V. Adts of Parliament now in Force, by the Company of Goldfmiths in London, or by the Wardens, c. a6. &c. by the Gori- or AfTayer or Affayers, at To7-k, Exeter, Brijlol, Chejier, Norwich, or Newcajile upon Tyne, or by fmiths Company, &c, any Maker or Worker of Gold or Silver Plate, or any or either of them ; or fhall caft, forge or counterfeit, or caufe or procure to be caft, forged or counterfeited any Mark, Stamp or Impreflion, in Imitation of, or to refemble any Mark, Stamp or Impreflion, made or to be made, with any Mark or Stamp, ufed or to be ufed as aforefaid, by the faid Company of Goldfmiths in London, or by the faid Wardens, or Affayer or Affayers, or by any Maker or Worker of Gold or Silver Plate, or any or either of them; or fhall mark or ftamp, or caufe or procure to be marked or ftamped, or of marking Plate, c'^o. any Wrought Plate of Gold or Silver, or any Wares of Brafs, or other bafe Metal, filvered or gilt ^]^. ^ forged or coun- over, and refembling Plate of Gold or Silver, with any Mark or Stamp which hath been or ftiall t" eited Stamp ; "be forged or counterfeited, at any Time either before, on, or after the faid fifth Day of July, in Imitation of, or to refemble any Mark or Stamp ufed, or to be ufed as aforefaid, by the faid Com- pany of Goldmiths in Loyidon, or by the faid Wardens, or Affayer or Affayers, or by any Maker .or Worker of Gold or Silver Plate, or any or either of them; or fhall tranfpofe or remove, or or of tranfpofing the caufe or procure to be tranfpofed or removed from one Piece of Wrought Plate to another, or to Mark imprefTed from .any Veffel of fuch bafe Metal as aforefaid, any Mark, Stamp or Impreifion, made or to be made, °"" ^'^^ '° ^'^°"'"i by or with any Mark or Stamp ufed, or to be uied as aforefaid, by the faid Company of Goldfmiths in London, or by the faid Wardens, or Affayer or Affayers, or by any Maker or Worker of Gold or Silver Plate, or any or either of them; or fhall fell, exchange, or expofe to Sale, or export out or of feliing or exporting of this Kingdom, any Wrought Plate of Gold or Silver, or any Veffel of fuch bafe Metal as P'^te with a forged, aforefaid, with any fuch forged or counterfeit Mark, Stamp or Impreflion thereon, or any Alark, *^"""'^^!^'^"^' ° "^"'■" Stamp or Impreffion, which hath been or fhall be tranfpofed or removed from any other Piece of ^^ ^ . *' ' Plate, at any Time either before, on or after the faid fifth Day of July, knowing fuch Mark Stamp, or Impreffion,- to be forged, counterfeited or tranfpofed, or removed as aforefaid; or fhall wilfully ^r of having any fuch and knowingly have, or be poffeffed of, any Mark or Stamp which hath been or fhall be forged or Sramp m Po%nioa j counterfeited, at any Time, either before, on or after the faid fifth Day of July, in Imitation of, ' or to refemble any Mark or Stamp ufed, or to be ufed as aforefaid, by the faid Company of Gold- fmiths in London, or by the faid Wardens, or Affayer or Affayers, or by any Maker or Worker of Gold or Silver Plate, or any or either of them ; every fuch Perfon offending in any, each, or either is Felony, without Be- ef the Cafes aforelaid, being thereof lawfully convided, fhall be adjudged guilty of Felony, and ""-fi": ° ^^•'ey- Ihall fuffer Death as a Felon, without Benefit of Clerev. Arwr.ded by 32 c.e. 2. ,^ f. 24. Vol. VIII. Go CAP.