Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/352

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3i8 C. 9. Anno tncefimo fectindo Georgii IL A. D. 1758. the Houfe of any Shopkeeper, whofe principal Dealings (hall be more in other Goods and Merolian- dizes, than in Brandy and Strong Waters (fo as fuch Diftillers and Shopkeepers do not permit or fufFer lippling in his or their Houfes) and in no other, and in no private Houfes whatfoever, with- out the Confent of the Occupier •, nor Ihall any more Billets at any Time be ordered, than there are effe(5tive Marines prefent to be quartered ; and if any Conftable, Tythingman, or fuch like Of- ficer or Magiftrate as aforefaid, {hall prefume to quarter or Billet any fuch Officer or private Man in any fuch private Houfe, without the Confent of the Occupier ; in fuch Cafe, fuch Occupier (hall have his or their Remedy at Law againft fuch Magiftrate or Officer, for the Damage that fuch Oc- Peiaky on Officers quar- cupicr Ihall fuftain thereby ; and if any Marine Officer fliall take upon him to quarter private Men, teriig Piivate Men coil- otherwife than is limited and allowed by this Act, or (hall ufe or ofter any Menace or Compulfion trary to this Atl, &c. ^q ^^y Mayors, -Conftables, or other Civil Officers before mentioned, tending to deter and difcou- rage any of them from performing any Part of their Duty hereby required or appointed j fuch Ma- rine Officer (hall, for every fuch Offence (being thereof convidled before any two or more of the next Juftices of the Peace of the County, by the Oath of two credible Witnefles) be deemed and taken to be ipfo faSio caftiiered, and fhall be utterly difabled to have or hold any Military Employ- ment within this Kingdom, or in his Majefty's Service ; provided the faid Convi£ton be affirmed at ' .^ .. the next Quarter-Seffions of the Peace of the faid County, and a Certificate thereof be tranfmitted Per^ris aggrieved by be- to the Judge Advocate, who is hereby obliged to certify the fame to the next Court-martial ; and ingquartered on, may jj^ (.gfe ^^y Perfon fhall find himfelf aggrieved, in that fuch Conftable, Tythingman, or Headbo- SeTclievJdf-^ ' '■0"S'^> Chief Officer, or Magiftrate (fuch Chief Officer or Magiftrate not being a Juftice of the Peace) has quartered or billeted in his Houfe a greater Number of Marines than he ought to bear in Proportion to his Neighbours ; and (hall complain thereof to one or more Juftice or Juftices of ■the Peace of the Dlvifion, City, or Liberty, where fuch Marines are quartered ; or in cafe fuch Chief Officer or Magiftrate fhall be a Juftice of the Peace, then on Complaint made to two or more Juftices of the Peace of fuch Divifion, City, or Liberty, fuch Juftice or Juftices refpeclively fhall have, and is or are hereby declared to have. Power to relieve fuch Perfon, by ordering fuch and fo many of the faid Marines to be removed, and quartered upon fuch other Perfon or Perfons, as they fhall fee Caufe j and fuch other Perfon or Perfons fhall be obliged to receive fuch Marine* accordingly. Officers and Mattnes to XVIL Provided neverthelefs, and it is hereby enabled. That the Marine Officers and private be furnifhedat the Rates Men fo quartered and billeted as aforefaid, fliall be received and furnifhed with Diet and Small Beer ISaJ^"' their Pro- by (hg Owners of the Inns, Livery Stables, Ale-houfes, Viaualling houfes, and the Houfes of Sel- lers of Wine by Retail, to be drank in their own Houfes, or Places thereunto belonging, and other Houfes in which they are allowed to be quartered and billeted by this A6t ; paying and allowing for the fame the feveral Rates herein after mentioned to be payable out of the Subfiftencc-money for Diet and Small Beer. What Inholders may al- XVIIL Provided always. That in cafe any Inholder or other Perfon on whom any Non-commif- low Men quarter'don fj^^ Officers or private Men fhall be quartered by virtue of this A61 (except on a March, or thcai, -iiiitead ofMcat. gn-jpioyed in Recruiting ; and likewife except the Recruits by them raifed, for the Space of feven Days at the moft, for fuch Non-commiffion Officers and private Men who are recruiting, and Recruits by them raifed) fhall be defirous to furnifh fuch Non-commiffion Officers or private Men with Candles, Vinegar, and Salt, and with either Small Beer or Cyder, not exceeding five Pints for each Manp^r Diem, gratis^ and allow to fuch Non-commiffion Officers or private Men the Ufe of Fire, and the neceflary Utenfils for dreffing and eating their Meat, and fhall give Notice of fuch his Defire to the Commanding Officer, and fhall furnifh and allow the fame accordingly ; then, and in fuch Cafe, the Non-commiffion Officers and private Men fo quartered fhall provide their own ViiS^uals; and the Officer to whom it belongs to receive, or who fhall a£tually receive, the Pay and Subftance of fuch Non-commiffion Officers and private Men, fhall pay the feveral Sums herein after mentioned to be payable out of the Subfiftence-money for Diet and Small Beer, to the Non-commiffion Officers and private Men aforefaid, and not to the Inholder or other Perfon on whom fuch Non-commiffion Officer and private Men are quartered j any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithftanding^ Penalty on taking Mo- XIX. Provided always, and be it enabled by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Marine Of- uoro*' uarterin^? " ^" ^^^' '^^^» ^^ ^^^^^ ^° ^^ taken, or knowingly fufFer to be taken, any Money of any Perfon roaniuar r g. ^^^ excufing the quartering of Officers or private Men, or any of them, in any Houfe allowed by this Aft, every fuch Officer fhall be cafhiered, and be incapable of ferving in any Military Employ- ment whatfoever. Commanding Officerniay * XX. And whereas It may be for the Benefit of the Service for the Commanding Officer to have exchange Marines ia * a Power to exchange the Billcts or Quarters of Marines quartered in the fame I own or Place;' their Quarters } gg jj therefore enadcd by the Authority aforefaid. That the Commanding Officer of Marines in any Town or Place where fuch Marine Forces are quartered, fhall, and he is hereby declared to have Power, from time to time, to exchange any Marine or Marines quartered in fuch Town or Place, for any other Marine or Marines quartered in the fame Town or Place ; provided the Num- ber of Men do not exceed the Number at that Time billeted on fuch Houfes refpcftively, where Conftablet to billet the fuch Men fhall be exchanged; and the Conftables, Tythingmen, Headboroughs, and other Chief (»aic awordingijr, Officers and Magiftrates of the Cities, Towns, and Villages, or other Places, where any of the faid Marine Forces fhall be quartered, are hereby required to billet fuch Men fo exchanged accordingly. XXI. And