Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/359

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.A. D. 1758. Anno tricefimo fecundo Georgii IF. C. 10.. 325 Force, and be duly obferved, pra(5tifed, and put in Execution, throughout this Kingdom, forraifingy levying, colledling, and paying, the Subfidy of Poundage of twelve Pence in the Pound by this Att granted, as fully and effeilually to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the fame or the like Powers, Au- thorities, Rules, Diredions, Penalties, Forfeitures, Clauies, Matters, and Things were particularly repeated and re-enaiSted in the Body of this prefent AtSl. III. Provided neverthelefs. That if any af the Goods and Merchandizes, charged with the Subfidy pHze Goods a"e to he .by this A&. impofed, have been, or during the Continuance of this prefent War with France, fhall charged only with the be taken and brought into any Port of this Kingdom by any of his Majefty's Ships or Vcllels of Duties payabfe by a^ War, or by any private Ships or Veflels of War, and fhall be condemned as lawful Prize, the 3° Geo. 2. d. iS. fame lliall not be liable to any other or further Duty, than what they are refpedlively charged with, by an Ad made in the thirtieth Year of his prefent Majefty, intituled. An A£i for the Relief and En- couragement of the Captors of Prizes, ivith rrfpeil to the Brifg'nig and Landing Prize Goods in this Kingdom j unlefs the faid Goods and Merchandizes fo taken and condemned as Prize, fhall, for Home unlefs taken out of tJie Confumption, be taken out of any Warehoufe wherein they are fecured under the Provifions of Wareh.ufes tor Home the faid Aft ; in which Cafe, the Perfon or Pcrfons fo taking out the faid Goods and Merchandizes Coniumption. fhall firft pay up the Subfidy by this Ad granted, as well as all other Duties payable to his Adajcfty thereon. IV. Provided alfo, and it is the true Intent and Meaning of this Ad, that the Importers of To- Allowance to he made bacco fhall, upon paying down the Subfidy hereby granted, have the fame Allowance with refped '° ^"^ importer of Jo- to this Subfidy, as they are intitled to by any Law now in Force upon Tobacco imported ; but in ^^"^'^1°^" p*^'"S*^°^'* cafe the faid Subfidy hereby granted, (liall not be paid down as aforefaid, and the faid Importers ^^ j l • ^j ihall become bound to his Majefty, his Heirs or SuccefTors, with one or more fufficient Sureties, to pa°y"mcnt ot^'thTDuty '^"' be approved of by the Colledor of the Port where the Tobacco fhall be imported, with the Gonfent ^ ' of the Comptroller of fuch Port, in one or more Bond or Bonds, at the Eledion of the Importer, for Payment of the faid Subfidy within eighteen Months, to commence at the End of thirty Days after the Mafler's Report of the Ship, or to commence from the Merchant's Entry of the Goods wUhin thofe thirty Days, v/hich fhall firft happen ; that then the Importers fhall, in fuch Cafe, have, and the rmporfjfs to- and be intitled to, the fame Allowances and Difcounts, with refped to the Subfidy hereby granted, liave the ufual Allow or for paying the fame before the Bonds become due, as they are at this Time intitled to by any Law ances and Difcounts, now in Force upon Bonds given for Tobacco imported ; any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. V. Provided always, and it is hereby enaded and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That in all Drawback of the Duty- Cafes where any Goods or Merchandizes, that have paid the Subfidy hereby granted, fhall at any ^""^^^.'^ "P°" ^^^.'^■^ Time or Times be again exported by any Merchant or Merchants, within three Years from the Im- f °" ySx°s. °^' ""' portation thereof, the Subfidy by this Ad granted, and which fhall have been adually paid for fuch Goods, Wares or Merchandizes, fhall, without any Delay or Reward, be paid unto fuch Merchant or Merchants who fliall export the fame, or the Security vacated ; except for fuch Goods or Mer- Exception-, chandizes, as by any former Ad or Ads of Parliament it is declared no Drawback fhall be paid or allowed upon Exportation of.. , VI. Provided always, and be it enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That fo much M-oney as fliall Drawback of the Duty from time to time be paid for the Duties granted by this or any former h£i or Ads of Parliament allowed on Paper ui-d wbatfoever, for any Quantities of Paper which fhall be ufed in printing any Books in the Latin, •" pf'"t'ng Books in tha Greek, Oriental, or Northern Languages, within the two Univerfities oi Oxford or Cambridge, or b^t"^!! Univ"ifu°fs" '" either of theim, by PermifTion of the Vice Chancellors of the fame refpedively, fhall and may be ^ drawn back and repaid in fuch Manner as is prefcribed by an Ad made in the tenth Year of the Reign of Queen Anne, intituled. An Aci for laying feveral Duties upon all Soap and Pe/per made in si is ^refcrihei hy Ad Great Britain, or imported into the fame ^ and upon chequered and Jhiped Linens imported; and upon cer- Jo-Anns, cb, 19. tain Silks, Callicocs, Linens, and Stuff's^ printed, painted, or Jlained; and upon feveral Kinds of Stampt Vellum, Parchment, and Paper ; and upon certain printed Papers, Pamphlets, and Advertifemenis, for: raifing the Sum of eighteen hundred thoufand Pounds', by way oj a Lottery,, towards her Majejtys Supply ; aria for Hcenftng an additional humber of Ha chiey Chairs ; a7id for charging certain Stocks of Cards and Dice ; and for better fecunng her Maje/ffs Duties to arije in the Office for the Stamp Duties by Licences for Alarriages and otherzvife ; and for Relief of Perjons who have not claimed their Lottery Tickets in due Time y fir have loft Exchequer Bills, or Lottery Tickets ; and for borrowing Money upon the Stocky Part of the Ca'~ pital of the South Sea Company, for the life of the Publick. VII. Provided always, and be it enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That. fo much Money as Like Drawback allowed fhall,. from time to time, be paid for the Duties granted by this or any former Ad or Ads of Par- fn^Paper ufed in printing. liaraent whatfoever, for any Qiiantitics of Paper which fhall be ufed in printing any Books in the ^"^^^ '" ^^e leaned Latin, Greek, Oriental, or Northern Languages, within the Univerfities of Scotland, or any of them, verfitk*^Vscotland'" ^ PermifTion. of the Principal of the fame rel'pedively, fhall and may be drawn back and repaid in fiich Manner as is prefcribed by a;n Ad made in the tenth Year of the Reign of Qi^ieen Anne, in- tituled. An Act for laying feveral Duties upon all Soap and Paper made in Great Britain,, or imported into the fame; arid upon, chequered and friped Linens imported ; and upon certain Silks, Callicoes, Linens, and Stuff's, printed, painted, or Jiained ; and upon feveral Kinds of Stampt- Vellum, Parchrnent, and Paper %,^ and upon certain printed PaHrs, Pamphlets, and Advertifemenis, for- raifmg the Sum of eighteen hundred- thoufand Pounds, by ivay of a Lottery, towards her Mafflys Supply ; and for Hcenftng an- additional Num— her of Hackney Chairs y and for charging certain. Stocks of Cards and Dice ; andfor better fecuring her Ma— jefly^ s But'us to arif iu the Office for the Stfini^ Duties b^ Licence far Marriages and otherwife -y. and for Relief