Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/382

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348 C. 16. Anno tricelimo fecundo Georgii 11. A. D. 1758. further ena£ied by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufaiid feven hundred and fifty-nine, no Perfon or Perfons fhall lay, throw or put any Kub- . bifh, Earth, Sand, Afhes, Dirt, Filth or Soil, in any Street, Lane, Court, Common Way or Paf- or cf fweeping or throw ing any Rubbifh &c, ioto an^ of the Kenneh But none are liable to foneit for fweeping be- fore their HoulJes imme' dia.ely after Snow, Thaw or Rain. Penalty of hying Rub- bi(h, Alhes or Soil, &c. 'n any of the Streets or Common Ways in Lon- . • i • i /•'•i r-y- ' c t ' i t' ' V •' ' -.,-.._.- don, Weftminfter, orthei^ge* Within the faid City of London^ or the Liberties thereof, or in the Suburbs thereof in the faid Suburbs thereof, Qouniy of MicUlefex ; or in any Street, Lane, Court, Common Way or Paffage, in the faid City of Wejimvifter^ or the Liberties thereof ; or in fuch Part of the Liberty of the Dutchy of Z^Kf/7/?^r as lies in the County of Middle/ex; other than fuch as is or are allowed by Law to be laid or heaped up to drain, ready for the refpc£tive Scavengers or Rakers, within their feveral PrecintSts, to carry away; or fweep, throw, carry or otherwife put, any Rubbifh, Earth, Sand, Afhes, Dirt, Filth Si the County of Middlefex other than fuch as fhall be fwept away by the refpedlive Inhabitants before their refpedlive Habitations : And if any one fhall offend in the PremilTes, and fhall be thereof con- viiSled in the Manner by this Ad direded, he, fhe or they fo offending fhall, for every fuch Of- fence, forfeit and pay the Sum of ten Shillings. XIV. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That nothing before in this A6t contained fhall extend to prevent any Inhabitant within the Limits herein before mentioned, or his or her Servant, from fweeping immediately after Snow, Thaw or Rain, into any Kennel or Channel within the Limits aforefaid, any Ice, Snow, Dirt or Soil, which by Means of any fuch Snow, Thaw or Rain, fhall be before his or her Houfe or Tenement (other than and except Rub- bifli which fhall be caft out, thrown or put, in any fuch Street, Lane or Paflage, within the Li- mits aforefaid, from repaired or decayed Buildings or pthcrwife) or to inflidl any Penalty on any fuch Inhabitant, or his or her Servant, in refpeft of his or her fo doing. LefTees and Occupiers of XV. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That it fliall be lawful for the Layftailsto infpeft the LcfTec ot LefTces, Occupier or Occupiers, for the Time being, of the Layftalls of the faid City of Streets and Common London^ and he and they is and are hereby required, either in Perfon, or by fome proper Servant to irltkfrof Offfnders"ir' ^^ deputed by him or them, and at his or their Charges, to go about and infpc(5l: the feveral Streets, thePjemilTesi Courts, Lanes and Common PalTages, in the faid City of XoWow, and the Liberties thereof, every Day in the Year {Sundays excepted) and to give Information from Time to Time to the Mayor of the faid City for the Time being, or fome Alderman of the faid City, of every Perfon or Perfons he or they fhall at any Time difcover or dete£l ofl^ending in the Premides, in the faid City of London ^ or the Liberties thereof, contrary to the Intent of this Adl, fo that every Perfon and Perfons fo of- fending in Londcn, or the Liberties thereof, may be proceeded againft, as by this Ad is directed, for every fuch Offence.

  • XVI. And in cafe fuch LefTee or LefTees, Occupier or Occupiers, or his or their Servant, fhall
  • duly, from Time to Time, make and perform the Infpe£lion hereby direded to be made in Londorty
  • and the Liberties thereof, according to the Intent of this Aft, and give Information againfl the
  • Perfons found offending in the faid City of London, and the Liberties thereof, to the Mayor of the
  • faid City for the Time being, or fome Alderman of the faid City ;' Be it further enaded by the

Authority aforefaid. That fuch Leflee or LefTees, Occupier or Occupiers, of the faid Layflalls for the Time being, fhall and may, between the firfl Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and allowed to Ship annually fifty-ninc, and the firfl Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and fixty, fhip or caufc to be fliip- asBaiiaft from any Lay- j £ Layflall of the faid City of London, as and for Ballaft, but on no other Account or ftalls in London, 2000 Vv 1 /- ' 1 1 r i-> n- /-> n- . r>L- o ' • ^ Tr n- t T7- m 1 . . ^nd on performing their Duty therein, they are Tons of Dung, &c. lut fcefore (hipping there- of, they are to obtain a Ctrtifica'c from the Mayor, and d< liver the fame at thcBalUfl Office] the faid Quaatity to be ti'lufivt of the 3000 allowed by A(t ^ (Ji-o. 2. but fubieft to like Rc- guiatiboe, &c. Pretence whatfoever, on board of any Collier, or Coafting Ship or Ships, Veflcl or VefTels, in the faid River, any Quantity of Dung, Compoft, Earth or Soil, not exceeding two thoufand Tons in the whole; and atfo fhall and may after the faid firfl Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and fixty, yearly in every Year then following, fhip or caufe to be fliippcd, from any Layflall or Lay- ftalls of the faid City of London, as and for Ballafl, but on no other Account or Pretence whatlo- evcr, on board any Collier or Coailing Ship, VefTel or VefTels, any Quantity of Dung, Compofl, Earth or Soil, not excetrding two thoufand Tons. XVII. Piovided neverthelefs, That fuch faid LefTee or LefTees, Occupier or Occupiers of the faid Layftalls, or the Infpedor or Infpedors who fhall be employed by or under him or them, fhall do his or their Duty in the PremifTes, dircded and intended by this Ad, and fhall yearly, after the faid firfl Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and fixty, before the fhipping of any Part of the faid additional two thoufand Tons of Dung, Compofl, Earth or Soil, obtain a Teftimonial or Certifi- cate thereof, under the Hand of the Major of the faid City of London for the Time being, and fhall deliver fuch Certificate or Teflimonial at the Ballafl Office of the faid Mafler, Wardens and AlTr- ■ftants of the faid Trinity Honfc, before the faid firfl; Day of June in every fuch Year, after the faid firfl Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and fixty and which faid additional two thoufand Tons of Dung, Ccn)polt, Earth or Soil, fhull be bcfidcs and exclufivc of the (aid three thoufand Tons al- lowed by the ("aid herein before recited Ai made in the faid fixth Year of his prefent Majcfly's Reign, to be yearly fliippcd and tranfported as Ballaft; but fuch faid two thoufand additional Tons of Dung, Compoft, Earth or Soil, by this Ad allowed to be yearly fhipped and tranfportcd as aforefaid, are to be, and fhall be, fubjcd and liable to the like Penalties, Payments, Orders, Reftridions and Regulations, as in and by the faid firft herein before recited Ad arc cnaded and declared, concern- ing Dung or Compofl thereby allowed to be fhipped or tranfportcd as or for Ballaft, other than fuch thereof as arc altered or varied by this nrefcut Ad. XVm. And