Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/387

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A . D» 1 7 5 S'^ Anno tricefimo fecundo G e o r g 1 1 II. C. J 9>. 353 CAP. xrx. An Ad: to explain and amend an Ad pafled in the thirtieth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, for granting to his Majefty feveral Rates and Duties upon Indentures, Leafes, Bonds, and other Deeds; and upon News Papers, Advertifements, and Almanacks; and upon Licences for retailing Wine ; and other Purpofes in the Caid A6t mentioned ; fo far as the fame relates to fome Provifions with Regard to Licences for retailing Wine; and to preferve the Privileges of the two Univerfities in that Part of Gr^^^ Britain called England^ with refpedt to Licences for retailing Wine. « "IT r H E R E A S by an A^: pafTed in the thirtieth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, inti- Preamble.

  • YV tuled. An Jci for granting to his Majejiy feveral Rates and Duties upon Indentures ^ Zf^j, Act soCep. a. f. ij*
  • BondSi and other Deeds ; and upon Nexus Papers^ Advertifements^ and Almanacks and upon Licences
  • for retailing Wine ; and upon Coals exported to Foreign Parts ; and for applying from a certain Time the
    Sums of Money arijingfrotn the Surplus of the Duties on Licences for retailing Spirituous Liquors ; and
  • for raifng the Sum of three millions by Annuities., to he charged OJi the faid RateSy Duties., and Sums of

' Money ; and for making perpetual an Act made in the fecond Year of the Reign of his prefent Majrjly,

  • intituled^ An Act for the becter Regulation of Attornies and Solicitors ; and for enlarging the 'Time

Recital of a Clagfe 19

  • ven hundred and fifcy-feven, no Perfon whatfoever, unlefs authorized and enabled, by taking out the faid Act.
  • fuch Licence as is therein prefcribed, fubje£t to the Payment of fuch Duties as are therein refpec-

' tivelv charged thereupon, fhould fell or utter by retail (that is) by the Pint, Quart, Pottle, or Gal-

  • Ion, or by any other greater or lefTer retail Meafure, or in Bottles, in any lefs Quantity than fhould
  • be equal to the Meafure of the Cafk or Veilel in which the fame fhould have been or might law-
  • fully be imported, any Kind of Wine or Wines, or any Liquor called or reputed Wine, upon Pain
  • to forfeit for every fuch Offence, the Sum of one hundred Pounds : And whereas the faid Penalty
  • of one hundred Pounds inflicted by the faid recited A£l of the thirtieth Year of his prefent Majefty's

' Reign, on all Perfons felling Wine, or other Liquor called or reputed Wine, by Retail, without a

  • Licence, in many Inltances is found to be attended with great Inconvenience, and the greateft Qir-
  • cumftances of Hardfhip, and fcarce ever to be recovered, on account of the largenefs thereof; and
  • which faid Penalty the Commiflioners for Management of the faid Duties are not inverted with any

' Power to mitigate :' Now thererefore. Be it enacSted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by The Commifficners arc and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this pre- impowered to R>itigate, fent Parliament alTembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That it fhall and may be lawful to ^^ ^^'"^ '^'^"""'"' *^* and for the Commiffioners for Management of the faid Duties, or any two of them, where they fhall re°c°ted u"^'?-'" *^* fee Caufe, to mitigate or leffen the faid Penalty of one hundred Pounds already incurred, or ' hereafter to be incurred, by all or any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, by virtue or in Confequence of the faid recited A£t: of the thirtieth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, as they in their Difcre- but the Cofts and charges tion, ftiall think fit ; the reafonable Cofts and Charges of the Officers and Informers, as well in ma- of the information and •king the Difcovery, as in the Profecution of the fame, being always allowed over and above fuch Profecution, &c. are to Mitigation; any thing contained in any former A61 of Parliament to the contrary notwith- ^^ *'^°"^'^ °^" ^nd landing. ^°^^ ^"^^* Mitigation.

  • II. And whereas Doubts and Difficulties have arifen on the faid recited Act of the thirtieth Year
  • of his prefent Majefty's Reign, whether Wine Merchants and other Perfons applying for a Num-
  • ber of Wine Licences at one Time, for enabling divers Perfons to fell Wine by Retail, were or

' are intitled to the Benefit of the feveral Difcounts, Drawbacks, and Allowances ufually made and

  • allowed to Perfons paying for a Number of Stamps at the fameTime, amounting to ten Pounds, and
  • upwards :' Now therefore, for obvirting fuch Doubts and Difficulties for the future ; Be it enacted ^'oDlfcount or Draw-

by the Authority aforefaid. That no Perfon or Perfons whatfoever paying for ! Licences at one and the fame Time, or at different Times, (hall be intitled to back, or Allowance whatfoever, for or on account of fuch Payment for any cences whatfoever ; but that the faid Duty impofed by the faid in Part recited Aft of the thirtieth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign on Wine Licences fliall be paid by all Perfons applying for the fame, clear of all Difcounts, Drawbacks, and Allowances whatfoever ; any thing contained in any former Act of Parliament to the contrary notwithftanding. _ III. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That no. Perfon or Perfons whatfoever licenfed, or to be licenfed, by virtue of the faid in Part recited A£t: of the thirtieth Year of his pre- fent Majefty's Reign, to retail Wine, ftiall, by virtue of one Licence, keep more than one Place, One Licence to ferve but Houfe, Shop Vault, Cellar, Warehoufe, or other Place, for felling or uttering Wine by Retail ; and one Houfe.or Hhce, that every Retailer of Wine ftiall caufe the "Word WINE to be written or exprefled in legible Retailers to have the Characters, either on a Sign hung out, or in fome vifible Place ip.or near the Door in the Eront of Word wine, expreffed his or her Houfe, Shop, Vault, Cellar, Warehoufe, or other Place, made ufe of for the retailing of °" ^*^^5'S"'*"'"°*'^"» Wine, to denote that fuch Retailer is a Dealer in Wine, and fubjeft and liable to take out a Licence *"^' Vol. VIII. Zz • for