Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/408

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374 C. 28. Anno tricefimo fecundo Georgii II. A. D. 1758. and to have and ufe fuch from what Place he, {he or they fhall think fit, or can have the fame ; and alfo to have and ufe fuch E£ddinganHLin'n,&c. j^edding. Linen, or other neceffary Things, as he, flie or they fliall have Occafion for and think orL^n be*fuppi"ed with, ^'^' ^'^ ^^^^^ ^'^ fupplied with, during his, her or their Continuance under any fuch Arreft or Com- %vithout purloining' or '">tment, Without purloining or detaining the fame, or any Part thereof, or inforcing or requiring dfTaining the.eof, or ll^n■'^ her or them, to pay for the having or ufing thereof, or putting any Manner of Reftraint or obliging ihem to pay for Difficulty upoii him, her or them, in the ufing thereof, or relating thereto j and no fuch Prifoner or tie lame. Prifoners {hrdl pay any thing in refpe<£l thereof to any fuch Sheriff, Under Sheriff, Bailiff of any Liberty, Gaoler, Keener, or other Perfon as aforefaid. The L, C. Juftlces of the V . King's Bench, Common Coi ' a j^ XJ^LVkJII KJi Lilt, V.^WUIL KJi J^^LIJCUUCf ^ lJl l.ll^ X IllIU L/V-lll^, J i CIIIV L VV ^J Ji LllV-111, LUliCLllCi Vv'ICIl CnC IVlaVOr with the Mayor and two ^j^j J-y-r^ r^f «-1-,p A l,l,-rrr,P,-, rvr -..rirW f-hr,-P rvf <-hf> Al,i,-,>-.-,"n /f fVlP f'Mr r,r /".^./.„ ..,;^U„... .U- ^/I ^ Aldermen of London, . for ihe Frifons within lOr tm the faid City ; and the the lai L. C. Juftices, and L C. Peace _ . _ ^ ., ^ ^.^ „ Baron, with thrwjufh- (-Qj^s in the faid Counties oi Mfddltfex and i'w/v^'rcfpeilively j are hereby refpedtive'ly require"d',"with dUfex^nd Surry,°for the a^l.convenient Speed, to meet, from Time to Time, at fuch Place as they fliall thinic ht and ap- Prionsinthe faidCoun. point, and there to fettle and eflablifti a Table of the Rates and Fees which fhall be allowed to be tits; taken by any Gaoler or Keeper in London, or in the fcveral Counties oi Middlcfex and Surry where to meet and fettle aTa- the fame hath not been already ell:ablillied ; and where the fame hath been already eitablifned they ble of the Fees to be ta- are hereby refpetflively authorized to meet together as aforefaid, and vary the fame from Time to .u .... 7'i,j^e 33 ^.j^ey {^2lW fee Occafion ; and the Juftices of the Peace of every oiher Couniy, Riding Divifion, City and^Place, for and in refpe^l of the Gaols and Prifons in each other refpedlive ken by the refpedive Gaolers thereof ; theVSiaTL'octXn; County, Riding, Divifion, City, Town and Place, arc hereby refpcaively r.uchorized and re-

, „. . , r- quired, at any General or Quarter Seffion ot the Peace to be held for fuch Countv Rirlino-

and Tuftices at their Oe- ^ .- ' r^-^ a- r>i r xi- i • ^ c i . ""'"■>» ^viuing, neral or Quarter Seffion sL^'vifion, City, T own or Place refpeftively, with all convenient Speed, to l^ttl. and eftablilh of th'^ Peace, to make a Table of the refpcif^live Rates and Fees, uhich fliall be allowed to be taken by any Gaoler or likeTablesof Fees to be Keeper within their refpe£tive Jurifdiftions, where the fame hath not been alrcrdy fettled and taken by the Gaolers eltabiifhcd, and where the fame hath been already fettled and eftabliftied, then to vary and Turil'lflions^^^ * ^^^'" the fame, from Time to Time, as there ihall be Occafion; and that the refpedire Tables 'T^v fth* Fees for of fuch Fees, which fliall be fo made, varied or altered, for or in rcfpecl of the feveral Gaols Lor,don° Middkfex and ^"d Prifons within the City of London^ and Counties ot Middkfex and Surry aforefaid, fhall SuriyC.aois, to be figncdbe figned from Time to Time, by the faid Lords Chief Juftices, and Lord Chief Baron, or two by the Perfons making of them, and the Mayor and two Aldermen of the faid City o^ Londi, or by three Aldermen or altering the fame: of ^he faid City of London without the Mayor, and by three Juftices of the Peace of the Counties of Thofe for other Places to y]^/^^//^_y g^j Surry refpe£lively, within their refpe£live Jurifdidions, by whom the fame fhall be ^h*'ouane!bcCs"'"^"P'^*^^^^^^^ varied or altered; and that the Tabk-s of fuch Fees, which iliall be made or al- t e Quarter c ion , jgred or varied, for or in refpe6l of the reft of the faid Gaols and Prifons, fhall from Time to Time be figned by three or more of the Juftices of the Peace who fhall fo make, or vary, or alter the fame and to be reviewed, con- at any fuch General or Qiiarter Seflion of the Peace as aforefaid, and fhall be afterwards reviewed s or Ai- )f Great , . . . . . . :fpc<Slive Circuits, Counties, within their feveral Circuits next alter the making, or varying, or altering of any fuch and be afterwards figned Table of Fees; and the fame fhall be afterwards figned by the refpc£l:ive Judges of AlTize, or Ju- by them. ftices of Great Seftions, who fhall refpe£tively review, confirm or moderate the fame, and three or I more Juftices of the Peace of fuch refpedive County, Riding, Divifion, City, Town or Place, uii- der their rcfpcctive Hands, for and in refpecSt of the refpeSiive Gaols and Prifons within their re- fpeclivc Circuits, Counties, Ridings, Diifions, Cities, Towns or JurifJiftions. ! Rules and Orders for the ^^' ^^'^ ^c it alfo enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That proper Rules and Orders for th^ I better Government of better Government of the rcfpeftive Gaols and Prifons in that Part of Great Britain called England., i the Gaols and Prifoners and of the Piifoiicrs who are or fliall be therein, where fuch Rules and Orders have not already been ' therein, to be made by made, fhall, with all Convenient Speed, be made by the hvera.1 Courts m !Fe//n/in//er Ha/I, for and w^'^^^-nfierHaTrVor '" ^^^P^^ of the feveral Gaols or l^rifons belonging to fuch Courts refpec^ively ; and by the faid the c'^o'ls belonging to Lords Chief Juftices, and Lord Chief Baron, or any two or more of them, together with the Mayor , luch c iirts; ^"d two Aldermen of the faid City of London, or three or more Aldermen of the faid City of London d b thrL C Tufticej without the faid Mayor, for and in refj)e£l: of the Gaols and Prifons within the faid City of London; i »nd L^c.Bdron, with 'and by the faid Lords Chief Juftices, and Lord Chief Baron, or any two of them, for the Time the Mayor and two Al- being, together with three or more Jufticcs of the Peace, for and in refpe^t of the Gaols and Pri- i dcrmcn, for thofe within fopg within thc faid Counties of Middle/ex and Surry; and by three or more Juftices of the Peace of and Suriyi or Juflicc or Jufticcs of Great Stflions rcfpc<Slive]y, at the next Aflizcs or Great Scflions which fhall and by 3 Juftices of thc be held by them rcfpccSf ivcly, within their feveral Circuits, after the making or altering of any fuch I'eacc lor ihofe in any Other County, &c. Thefc to be afterwards reviewed, and may be altered by thc Judges of Aflijie, and Juftices of Great Sefljons refj)ectively. Rules