Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/427

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I A. D.I 75 8.. Anno tiicefimo feciihdo Georgii IL C. 34: 393 -'I. Provided iilTo, That nothing in. the faid AQ: contained fiiall extend, or be conilrued to ex- as alfo Officers of tl.a tend 'to the charging of the fiiid Ijjty upon any Military O/Kcers fervmg oii the StatV, or belon^- Army, and the HJpi- jng 'to an V of his Ai-ajefty's Garrilbns, Reginicnts Troops, Companies, the Royal Hofpital t'lUj oi Che! lea or the Hofpitals of the Army j any thing to the contrary thereof in any wife notwith- Xil Provided always, and be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid,.That the faid recited and thePenfions, AnnuU M paflld in the tbirty-firft Year of his Majefty's Reign, or this Act, or any thing therein or here- ^^^'"j ^,7;j „f p„, ' in contained, ftiall not charge, or be conftrued, deemed, or taken to charge, any Pcnfion, Annuity, ^^^j,^ ^^_ bytormer yearly Payment, Rent or Sum ifTuing out cf or charged upon any Revenues belonging to his Ma- King's and <>»ecns of llefty in Great Britah:^ that have been bv his Majefty's Royal Predecellbrs, King's or Queens oi En^- England} %nd or by A61 of Parliament, granted unto any Perfon or Pcrfons in Fee or Fee-tail, or till re- -^emed by Payment of any Sum or Sums of iVloney mentioned in any Grant or A61 of Parlia.nent, ith the faid Duty or Payment in the faid recited A61 of one Shilling out c;f every twenty Shillings _^reof by the Year, but that fuch Penfions, Annuities, yearly Payments, Rents, or Sums, fliall toe acquitted and diicharged of, from, and againft the faid Duty, as if the faid recited Acl had never 'been made • any thing therein or herein contained to the contrary notwithiianding. •- , - ' Provided always, and be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That nothing in this and Offices in both UnU "^Kdi contained (hall extend, or be conftrued to extend, to charge any Offices or Employments verfities. in cither of the two Univerfities in that Part of Great Britain called England^ with the Duty h')- S^-e farther z, Geo 3.?. S,

this A61 impofed.

'■, CAP. XXXIV. 'An Aft for the better preventing the Importation of the Woollen Manufadlures of France ' into any of the i-'orts in the Levant Sea, by or on the Behalf of any ol his Majefty's Subjeds ; and for the more eflfedual preventing the illegal Importation of Raw Silk and ■ Mohair Yarn into this Kingdom. < "^TT.H E R E A S the Importation of Woollen Broad Cloth of the Manufadure o^ France into Preambl?,

  • V T ^"^y Pf^rts or .Places within the Levant Seas, by or on the Be.uilf of 5nV///7 Subjc61s, is not

' only a manifeft Difcouragement and Prejudice to the Woollen Manufactures oi Great Britain^ but ' is alfo a Means of affording Relief to the Enemy, and tliercby enabling them to carry on the

  • War againft thefe Kingdoms :' Now for the more effeclually preventing fuch Deftructive Com-

merce for the future, May it pleafe your Majefty that it may be enacted ; And be it enadted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament adembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That from and after the paffing of this Adl, no Woollen Broad Cloth, or Woollen Goods, of the No Wooi:en Manufac- Manufadture of Fr^«f(?, fiiall diredly or indiredily be imported or carried into any Port or Place tuies of France, maybe in the Lw^nf Seas, within the Limits of any Letters Patent or Charter granted to the Governor imported by or on Behalf and Company of Merchants oi England trading into the Levant Seas, commonly calhd TZ*,? P^ ^"y ^"g^ -"^jecr, Turkey Co7npany^ by or on the Account of any Member of the iaid Company, or any Subjcdl oi'^^^^l^^^'-^^J'^'^^^'^ this Realm. ' ' - - > II. And be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That no Woollen Broad Cloth, or other nor may EngliHi Goods Woollen Goods, of the Produce or Manufadture of this Kingdom, Ihall be imported into any Port be fo imported, except or Place in the Levant Seas, within the Limits of the faid Company's Charter, except diredtly from direcdy trom Great this Kingdom, by, for, or on account of any Britifl) Subjea ; unlefs the [mporter ihall produce to unlefs"certificate att ft d his M'ajefty's Ambaffador, or to the Conful, or Vice Conful, or other proper OfScer appornted by ty cheConful be'pro-^ the Levant Company, at the Port or Place where fuch Goods ihall be imported, a Certificate upon duwd from thelaft i'Oath fr6m the Exporter or Shipper of fuch Goods, at the Port or Place where the fame Goods were ^^^cs of Exportation, ^iilaft exported from, that the fame were brought or received from Great Britain ; and in fuch Certifi- *.". '*^,; ^a'<i. Goods are cate Ihall be defcribed the Name of the Ship or Vellcl, and alfo of the Adafter thereof, and the par- °"S'nai.y Bntifh, &c. ticular Day or Tim.e when the fame Goods were imported into laft loading Port or Place from Great Britain ; which Certificate fhall be attcfted by the BritiJI) Conful, or Perfon adling as Confui in his A.bfence, refiding at fuch laft loading Port or Place; and the faid Shipper fhall alfo produce and the Bills of Lading to the faid Britijh Conful, or Perfon adling as Conful in his Abfence, the Bill or Bills of Ladip.g of upon the Exportation the faid Goods, which fhall have been given or made out upon the (hipping thereof from Great Bri f^"" ^"^t Briiain, bs tain; and the faid Conful, or Perfon adting as Conful in his Abfence, ftiall take Notice in the Attef- ^^'? ?"'! "f' ^"'^.n°"- tation of fuch Certificate, that fuch Bill or Bills of Lading were produced to him. '" '^' ^"«H^°"- S III. And be it furtlier enadted by the Authority aiorefaid. That upon granting every Certificate Conful to enter a Dupli- for the Exportation of ^r////^ Cloths or other Woollen" Manufadtures of this Kingdom, for any cate of fuch certificate Port or Place within the Limits of the Charter of the Levant Company, the Conful, Vice Conful, '" a Book 10 be kept for or Perfon acting as fuch, is hertlTy required to enter a Duplicate of the faid Certificate in a Book to ^^""^ P^i^pi'^e j be by him kept for that Purpofe; in which Book the faid Duplicate being entered at the Time of which is to be figned by granting the Certificate, fliall be figned by the Exporter or Shipper of the Goods, taking the Oath ^^^ Exporter; Before required to be taken upon m'aking out fuch Certificate piwhich Book and Entry of the Du- ^"*^ the fame may be ad- plicates of all fuch Certificates ihall be referred to, and received as final Evidence, in all Difputes '"'ff^.d -^ Evidence, and VOL. Vlli. Lee which