Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/438

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404 C. 36. Anno tricefimo fecundo Georgii II. A.D.1758. 667,771! 19s. 7d. fcr XV, And it is hereby alfo further enadted by the Authority aforefaid, That out of all or any the ^-rv^r &c ^•'^^"'^"d • ^'^^ °^ Supplies provided as aforefaid, there (hall and may be ifTued and applied any Sum or Sums xkJYei'iT-^^^"^ '"of Money not exceeding fix hundred fixty-feven thoufand feven hundred fcventy-one Pounds nine- 2,5001. to make good ^^^'^ Shillings and feven Pence, for the Charge of Tranfport Service, for the Year one thoufand the like Sum iffued by feven hundred and fifty-eight, including the Expence of Vidualling his Majefty's Land Forces his Majefty to John Mill within the faid Year; and any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding two thoufand five hundred Efqu;re and to be p^d Pounds, to make good the like Sum ilTued by his Majefty to John Ml/i Enquire, to be by him paid ever by him to ihe ViC- ^.1^7-011 j t l 1 i •• /-> i --r^ -' r o i 1 1 xr-r^ tuallers, &c. of South- °^'^ ^° ^"^ Vidtuailers and Innholders of the County and 1 own or boiitharnptoji, and other Viflu- amptcn, in Confideration allers and Innholdcrs in the like Circumftanccs, in Confideration of the great Expences they were of their Expences in put to by the Hejftan Troops having been fo long billetted at their Houfes, purfuant to an Addrefs quarrenng (he Hefnan of this Hfufe; and any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding eleven thoufand four hundred and TrCT' Jlf^vx^' l"" fifty Pounds, to make good the like Sum ifTucd by his Majefty to the Judges of EnplancL Scotland nuke good the like Sum i jrr , •« • ri-oi- r Aii.-r'i-TTr'^i n ifVufd by his Majefty in ^rtd JValcs, m Augmentation ot tocir Salaries, purluant to an Addrels ot thisHouie; and any Sum Auamer.tation of the or Sums of Money not exceeding feven hundred fcventy-eight Pounds fixtecn Shillings and fix Jiu!ets .'•alaries. Pence, to make good to his Majetty the like Sum, which has been iflued purfuant to the Addrefs of 772'- i6s. 6d. tcmake fhis f^Qufj^ to Jane Hardin ge Widow, Admitiiftratrix oi Nicholas Hat dinge Efquire deceafed, in brhis^Ma-'eft' ^Tjone R^P^vment and full Satisfaction of the like Sum due unto her for the Balance or Surplus of the faid Hardinge/Balanceof her -^^^'^^^^ -^-'^"'^^'s Account, for printing Journals of the Houfe of Commons; and any Sum or Huiband's Account for Sums of Money not exceeding fixty-nine thoufand nine hundred ten Pounds fifteen Shillings and )f Perth Eftate, Dukc of Perth, or io much of the faid Debts as fliall be remaining unfatisfied, according to the fe- purfuant to Aft veral Decrees in that Behalf refpectively made by the Lords of Seflion in Scot/and, and purfuant to 25 Geo. z. c. 41. ^^ ^Q^ of the twenty-fifth Year of his prefent Majefi:y, intituled. An ASi for annexing certain for- J'titcd E/iaies in Scotland to the Crown unalicnably and for making SatisfaSiion to the lawful Creditors thereupon ; and to ejiablijh a Method of managing the fame ; and applying the Rents and Profits thereof for the better ci'uilizing and i?/ipro'ving the Highlands of Scotland, and preventing Diforders there for a4,37j!. 6s. nd. 3 q. the future; and any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding twenty-four thoufand three hundred'fe- to replace to the Sinking yenty-one Pounds fix Shillings and eleven Pence three Farthings, to replace to the Sinking Fund F«p.d the Ike Sum paid ^y^^ jjj^^ g^^,^ p^^jj ^^^^ ^^ ^ji^ fap^g, to make good the Deficiency on the fifth Day of July one thou- tha'^Deficiency of tl ad- ^^""^ feven hundred and fifty-eight, of the additional Stamp Duty on Licences for retailing Wine, ditional Stamp Duie;, Duty e-ii Coals exported, and Surplus of the Duty on Licences for retailing Spirituous Liquors, &c. on 5 July 17^8. made a Fund by an Act of the thirtieth of George the Second, for paying Annuities at the Bank o^ England^ after the Rate of three Pounds per Centum on three millions, as alfo the Life Annuities 8,881 1. IIS. lod. 2q. payable at the Exchequer, and other Charges thereupon; and any Sum or Sums of Money, not to replace to'heS.nking gj^^j^gjjj^g gjgj^j. t^Qufand eight hundred eighty- one Pounds eleven Shillings and ten Pence Hal f- thereo'ut, t'o'^ma^ke good peiny, to replace to the Sinking Fund the like Sum paid out of the fame, to make good the Defi- the D ficiency of the cicncy on the fifth Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-eight, of the Duties on Glafs Du ies n Glafs, &c. and Spirituous Liquors, to anfwer Annuities on fingle Lives payable at the Exchequer, granted by on 5 July 1758. an Adt of the nineteenth of George the Second ; and any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceed- 15,0001. wrhout Ac- j^ fifteen thoufand Pounds, to be paid into the Chamber of the City of London, to be applied to-' count, towaids repairing ^ii- • •]• j-i • ^ir>rr 1^1 urjr>-j'i L.ndon Bridge, Wards the nnproving, widening and mlarging the Paliage over and through London Bridge^ without Aft 29 Geo. 2. c. 40. Account, other than as is diredled for the Monies raifed by an A<S1: made in the twenty-ninth Year of his prefent Majcfty's Reign, intituled, An A£l to improve^ widen and inlarge the Paffagc over and 20,000 1. fo the Found- through London Bridge; and any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding twenty thoufand Pounds, ling Hoip!tai, to be paid upon Account, towards enabling the Governors aud Guardians of the Hofpital for the Maintenance Without Fee. ,,j^j Education of expofed and deferted young Children, to receive all fuch Children under a certain Age, to be by them limited, as fhall be brought to the faid Hofpital ; and alfo towards enabling them to maintain and educate fuch Children as are now under their Care, and to continue to carry into Execution the gDod Purpofes for which they were incorporated ; and that the faid Sum be ifTued and paid for the Ufe of the faid Hofpital without Fee or Reward, or any Deduction whatfoever ; 30,0001. to the Fotind- and any further Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding thirty thoufand rounds, towards enabling )ing Hofpital, f< r re ^^p Govcrnors and Guardians of the Hofpital for the Maintenance and Education of expofed and drrn"!?' /h^ill be'^'bmu ht'^'^'^'^^^'^ young Children, to receive all fuch Children under a certain Age, to be by them limited, thither before I Jan.^ 2^^ ^'^'1 be brought to the faid Hofpital before the firft Day of January one thoufand feven hundred 176', to be paid and fixty, and alfo towards enabling them to maintain and educate fuch Children as are now under without Fee. tiieir Care, and to continue to carry into Execution the good Purpofes for which they were incor- lo.oroi. towards mail- porated ; and that the faid Sum be iflued and paid for the Ufe of the faid Hofpital without Fee or timing the F.rts and Set- K.eward, or any Deduction whatloever ; and any Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding ten thou- tlem fits in A nca, j^, j Pounds, to be imployed in maintaining and fui)porting the Britijh Forts and Settlements upon l,23ol. toR Long D. D. , /-, n r in ■ 1^0 n "-^rn/r i- i r 1 ^ < IJJ to enable him to dif- ^'1^ Coft- of Africa ; and any Sum or Sums or Money, not exceeding one thoufand two luindred ana charge a Mortgage upon eighty Pouiids, to be paid to Roger Long Doctor in Divinity, Lowndes Aftronomical and Geome- thc Eftic devifcd by T. trlcal Profeifor in the Univerfity of Cambridge^ without Account, to enable him to difcliarge, in Lc*nd<-!« Eq; for the purfiiancc of the Will of Thomas Lowndes 1-^fquire, (the Liventor of a Method for meliorating the ^rmraran"dCerm™'l^'"'^ ^^'^ ^^ ^^^ Kingdom) a Mortgage upon an Efirate devif-d for the Endowment of the faid Piofeifoifnip in c-tn- Pfofefl'orihip by the faid Tho?nas Lowndes, and to rciinburfc to the faid Roger Long the Intcrcft Mo- b.K^e. 1 niCS