Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/463

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A.D. r759' Anno trlcefimo tertio Georgii II. C. 9. 429 themfelves, then fuch Juftice or Chief Migiftrate fhall, and he is hereby required forthwith to cer- tify under his Hand that fuch Perfon or Perfons is or are duly iniifted ; fetting forth the Place of the Birth, Age and Calling of him or them refpedlively (if known) and that the fecond and third Se£ti- ons of the Articles of War for the better Government of his Majefty's Marine Forces while on Shore in Great Britain or Ireland, were read to him or them, and that he or they had taken the Oath of Fide- lity mentioned in the twelfth Se6tion of the faid Articles of War ; and if any fuch Perfon or Perfons, fo to be certified as duly inlifteJ, fhall refufe to take the faid Oath of Fidelity before the faid Juftice or Chief Magiftrate, it fhall and may be lawful for fuch Officer, from whom he has received fuch Mo- ney as aforefaid, to detain or confine fuch Perfon or Perfons, until he or they fhall take the Oath before required; and every Officer of Marines that fhall a6t contrary hereto^ or offend herein, upon ■Piioof thereof upon Oath made by two Witnefles, before a General Court-martial to be thereupon called, (hall, for fuch Offence, be forthwith cafhiered and difplaced from fuch his Office, and fhall be thereby utterly difabled to have or hold any Civil or Military Office or Employment within this Kingddm, or in his Majefty's Service. XLIII. Provided always, and it is hereby declared, That all his Majefty's Marine Forces, as well Marine Forces being. . Officers as private Men, (hall, from Time to Time, during their being refpedively borne as Part ^°"*^' '^^' ^'^'^'^^ of the Compliment of any of his Majefty's Ships or Veffels, be fubjeft or liable in like Manner, in of'warTrri'iab]eto be^ all Refpe6ls, as any Officers or Seamen employed in his A^lajefty's Sea Service are fubjeft and liable governed by the Rule* to be governed and proceeded againft, and punifhed for Offences committed by them during the eftablidied by Aft zz. Time they fhall be borne as Part of the Compliment of fuch Ships or Veffels, according to the Pur- ^^o- *• «• 33> port, Tenor, Effe6f and true Intent and Meaning of an ASt of Parliament made in the twenty- fecond Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled. An Aci for amending^ explaining, and reducing into one A£i of Parlia?nent.y the Laws relating to the Governtnent of his Majcjiys Ships, Veffels and Forces by Sea-y this prefent A61, or any Thing herein contained notwithftanding.. C A P. IX. An A(5l for preventing the exceflive Ufe of Spirituous Liquors, by laying additional T^u-For former Law: on^ ties thereon; for ihortening the Prohibition of making Low Wines and Spirits from XT. t/S'^"^/^^^^^ "Wheat, Barley, Malt or other Grain, and from Meal, Flour and Bran; for encou- ^24- zzCdr. 2.^.4, raging the Exportation oi Briti/fo made Spirits; and for more effecflually fecuring ^©>g ;;/■. 3-^;,jo;^* the Duties payable upon Spirits, and preventing the fraudulent relanding or Importa- *^9 ^i-^- 19-^ tion thereof. 1°. rlw'.tl'.ti. I Ann, ft. 2. c. 14,. 4 Am. c. 12. 12 Ann, ft. 2. c. 5. 3 Geo, I, c. 4. 6 Gn, i. f. 21. 8 Geo, i. c 18. 11 Geo. 1. c. 30. 2 G;o. 2. c. t%. 6 Geo, 2. c, 17. 7 Geo. 2. ri. 14. 9 Geo, 2. (•. 23. 10 Geo, z, c, 17. II Gee. 2. c. 26. 15 Geo, 2, c, 25. 16 Geo. 2. c, 8, 17 Geo. 2. c. 17. 19 Geo^ 2. c. 12. 20 Geo. 2. c. 39, 24 Gee. 2, c. 40. 26 Cfo. 2, c. 13. 27 Gfs. 2. f. II. 31(7^.2.^.36. 32 C^o. 2. f. 29. WHEREAS the high Price of Spirituous Liquors hath been a principal Caufe of the Di- Preamblci^ minution of the Home Confumption thereof, and hath thereby greatly contributed to the Health, Sobriety and Induftry of the common People : And whereas it is therefore of the utmoft: Importance to the publick Welfare, that fome timely Provifion fhould be made for preventing the Return of all thofe Mifchiefs which muft unavoidably enfue, in cafe fuch Spirituous Liquors fhould again be fuffered to be fold at as low a Rate as formerly : And forafmuch as the moft effec- tual and expedient Method of continuing the high Price of Spirituous Liquors, v/ill be by laying

  • a large additional Duty on fuch Spirituous Liquors ;' May it therefore pleafe your moft Excellent

Majefty, that it may be enacted; and be it cnaded by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parljjiment affembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That from and after the twenty-firft Day of TheaddltionalDutiej- ^r// one thoufand feven hundred and fixty there fhall be raifed, levied, colle£fed and paid unto his following laid on Spiri- IViajefty, his Heirs and Succeftbrs, throughout the Kingdom of Great Britain, for the feveral Kinds of ^"0"= ^'l^o", to rake Spirituous Liquors herein after mentioned, fpecified and enumerated (over and above all Duties, ^^^"^'°^ ^""^ ^'■"-** Charges and Impofitions, by any former Act or Ads of Parliament thereupon refpCiStively fet, rated ^" ^^ °" and impofed) the feveral additional Rates and Duties of Excife, herein after mentioned and expref- fed ; that is to fay. For ev.ery Gallon of Low Wines, or Spirits of the firft Extraflion, made or drawn from any Sort The Dude5». of Drink or Wafh, brewed or made from any Sort ofxMalt or Corn, or from Brewers Wafh or Tilts, or any Mixture with fuch Brewers Wafh or Tilts, to he paid by the Diftillers or Makers thereof, five Pence. For every Gallon of Strong Waters or Aqua Vita, nwde any of them, to be paid by the Diftillers or Makers thereof, one Shilling and three Pence. For every Gallon of Low Wines, or Spirits of the firft ExtraiStion, made or drawn from anv fo- reign or imported Materials, or any Mixture therewith, to be paid by the Diftillers or Makers- thereof, one Shilling and Three-pence. For every Gallon of Spirits made or drawn from any foreign or imported Materials, or any Mix- ture therewith, to be paid by the Diftillers or Makers thereof, efght Pence. For For every Gallon of Strong Waters or Aqua Vita., nwde for Sale of the Materials aforefaid, or