Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/467

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A.D. 1759* Anno tricefimo tertio Georgii IL C. g. 433 Date of each refpe(£Hve Bond ; which refpeiftive Oaths laft mentioned the refpedlive Commiflioners of Excife in Great Britain for the Time being, or fuch other Perfon or Perfons as they fnal! refpec- tively appoint for that Purpofe, are hereby refpc6lively impowered to adminifter : And in cafe no The Bonds tray be put ia fuch Certificates fhall refpedively be produced, or Proof refpedively made as aforefaid, within the ^|;'*'J^^^*^« ^^'^i^J-^'^ej refpedtive Times herein before mentioned, it fliall and may be lawful for the fatd refpedive Com- p^„j^°°jy"*°^ "^ miffioners of Excife to caufe fuch Bonds to be put in Suit, unlefs they fhall find fufficient Caufc to forbear the fame; any Law, Cuftom or Ufage to the contrary in any wife notwithflanding. X. And for the preventing the Relanding of fuch Spirits after the fiime (hall be ftiipped,^ Be it further en aited by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the faid twenty-firfl: Day of yZ/sr/Y If any Spirits entered for one thoufand feven hundred and fixty, in cafe any fuch Spirits entered as Merchandize for Expor- EKporta'ion, or .is Stores, tation, (hall not be really and honn fide (hipped and exported (the Danger of the Seas and Enemies Sed i*'not e^^^^^^ excepted) or in cafe any fuch Spirits' entered as Merchandize for Exportation, or (hipped for Stores, ' P '^ «  fhall be landed again in any Part of Great Britain^ or the Iflands of Guernfey, J<^'^fiy-> Alderney^ Sark or Many or either of them, unlefs in cafe of Diiirefs to fave the Goods from penfhing, which (hall ii"ftobe^madVk °w be prefently made known to the Officer or Officers of Excife, and the Principal Officers of the fj^^j^'jj",^ ^J^^f^^^ "'^^" Cuftoms in the Port ; then not only all fuch Spirits, and the Casks or other Package, (hall be for- officers) iVcii Spirits are feited and loft, but alfo the Perfon or Perfons who (hall bring, or caufc or procure to be relanded liable to be forfeited with fuch Spirits, or anv Part thereof, into any Part of Great Britain^ or of the Iflands of Guern/ey, the Package, together Jerfey, Alderney, Sark or Man, or either of them, or be affifting or otherwife concerned in the un- of the Driwbicjf T"' ihipping the fame, or to whofe Hands the fame fhall knowingly come after the unfhipping theieof, ^'^ ' '*^' or by whofe Privity, Knowledge or Diredion the faid Spirits, or any Part thereof fhall be fore- landed, fhall forfeit double the Amount of the Drawback, Allowance and Bounty for fuch Spirits, and the Casks and other Package containing the fame, together with the Veffels and Boats, and ^^i 3"^^'^^^°^^*' ^°'"^" the Horfes, or other Cattle and Carriages whatfoever, made ufe of in the landing, removing. Car- p^ye/in rehndtn'<^ th^' riage or Conveyance of the fame, which (hall and may be feized by any Officer or Officers of the fame; and ihe Ma0er, Cuftoms or Excife; and if any Mailer, Commander, or other Perfon belonging to any Ship or &c, if privy to or aifu'l- VefTel, (hall affift in or connive at the fraudulent landing any fuch Spirits as aforefaid, he, (he or ""6 therein, may be com- they (over and above all other Penalties provided by this or any other A61: or A£l:s now in Force) '"'"^'^ for fu Months j (hall for every fuch Offence fufFer Imprifonment for the Space of fix Months without Bail or Main- prize : And in Cafe the Package of fuch Spirits fo entered as Merchandize for Exportation, or any and if the Package be Part thereof, (hall be altered at any Time after the Shipping thereof, and before the Arrival of the altered before Arrival at Ship at the Port or Place of Difcharge, the Mafter or other Perfon taking Charge of every fuch Ship the Place of Difchargp, or Vcllbl (hall forfeit and lofe the Sum of one hundred Pounds. _ . , the Mafter forfeits loul, XL And for the preventing of Frauds which may be committed in the Exportation of fuch Spirits AH Spirits to be «xportcc, fo drawn or made in Great Britain, Be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and are requiicd to be i-'roof after the faid twenty-firft Day of April one thoufand feven hundred and fixty, all fuch Spirits fo to ^r"^^- be exported (liall be Proof Spirits ; and in order that the fame may be properly examined, and the ^jvg„^^^ef^^°"t"gyh '^^ Casks marked, when any Perfon or Perfons (hall be defirous of (hipping any Qs^irtiiiiiy of fuch Sf:L ?j)'.!"^'^ ^ °^^- -^^ '^.'. rits, they are hereby required to give Notice thereof in Writing to the Officer of Excife of the Di- pc'roffi(^er, ' "■"'"" vifion or Place where fuch Spirits are intended to be (hipped, five Days next before fuch Spirits (hall be put on Ship-board ; in which Notice fliall be exprefiTed the Number of Casks, and the Qiiantity amc ping thereof, as well as wl>en on Ship-board, to take a Sample or Samples, not exceeding one Pint in the Whole out of each of the faid Casks, or other Package containing fuch Spirits, paying for fuch Sample or Samples (if demanded) according to the Market Price Spirits of the like Quality fhall be fold for at the Time fuch Sample or Samples (hall be taken : And in cafe any Perfon or The Penalty on not Perfons (hall put on Ship-board any fuch Spirits for Exportation as Merchandize, or to be uled as ?•'■'>"§ •'""ch Notice, or Stores, without having given fuch Notice as aforefaid, or fhall obftrud or hinder the Gangers, or °^'^'"'='^'"S. the Officer in other Officers of Excife in the marking fuch Casks, or in taking fuch Sample or Samples, he, (he d^?.^ fsToo" "^ ^'* or they (hall refpedively forfeit fof every fuch Offence the Sum of one hundred Pounds: And if and the Penalty of alter- the Spirits fo intended for Exportation as Merchandize (hall, after the Shipping thereof, be altered mg or reducing the Q^a- or reduced in Quality or Quantity, after any Officer or Officers of Excife fhall have examined the iity or Qoantity of the fame, the faid Spirits, and the Cask or Casks, or other Package or Packages containing the fame, x!".'"^ ^'^" .^'"e fhall be forfeited and loft, and the Perfon or Perfons who (hall have fo altered or reduced fuch Spi- ^^^Z ^^ix^oUz rits, or caufed or procured the fame to be altered or reduced, fhall forfeit and iofe the Sum of one * "' hundred Pounds for every fuch OfFence j and no Drawback, Allowance or Bounty fhaii be allowed for the fame. XII. And be it further ena£led by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon or Perfons (hall The Penalty of granting knowingly or wittingly grant any falfe Certificate, or counterfeit, erafe, or alter any Oath or Cer- ^^ f^i^e Certificace; or tificate made or given purfuant to this A£l, or fhall knowingly or wittingly publifh or make ufe *^' ""I.^'^f'*'"" • ^tering thereof, fuch Perfon or Perfons (liall forfeit five hundred Pounds; which Forfeiture fhall and n-^^^Tx^^iJ'^r^'^^^^^' be pro(ecuted in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at Weflminjier, or in the Court of Exche- is 5001." quer in Scotland; one Moiety whereof to be for the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs and SuccefTors, One Moiey to ihe and the other Moiety to him or them who will fue for, profecute and recover the fame; wherein Crown, and the other no E(roin, Protedion or Wager of Law fhall be allowed, nor -any more than one Imparlance j and ^" ^ I'roitcutcr. Vol. VIII. K k k ^ fuch