Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/514

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480 C. 28. Anno tricefimo tertio Georgii II. A. D. 1759];^ If Partonly of theRum, and fhipped as aforefaid, {hall deliver up fuch Bonds refpe£lively to the Perfon or Perfons producin or Spirits mentioned in fuch rcfpedlive Certificates ; or in cafe only a Part of the Rum or Spirits mentioned in fuch Bon the Bond are certified to f^aH be Certified to be delivered and fliipped, the faid Commiflioners, or Perfon or Perfons refpec- L^'^tLtobIit ^^^^^V' ^^1^ '"^o^^ on fuch Bonds the Qiiantity or Quantities fo delivered and fliipped ; and if ati dorfed on the Bond ; 2t any future Time or Times, before the Expiration of the Term ftipulated in fuch Bonds for thq and the Bond is to beds- Payment of fuch Duties (hall have expired, the remaining Part of theRum or Spirits mentioned livered up, when the re- therein, ftiall be certified as aforefaid (o be delivered and fhipped as Merchandize for Expor- maining Part /hall be tation, then fuch Bonds refpeaively Ihall in like Manner be delivered up to the Perfon of certified to be delivered -or j- ru/^Tr jir> • jt ^ r/-uT> Y ,^ • and fhipped ; provided i^erlons producing fuch Certificates, and the Proprietors and Importers of fuch Rum and bpi-. the fame be 'before the fits fliall be freed and difcharged from the Payment of all Duties for or in refpedt of the Im- time ftipuhted for Pay- portation thereof. ment of the Duties. . All Rum and Spirits in- VI. Provided always, and be it further ena<fted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Draw- titled to the faid Draw- back fhall not be allowed, nor fhall the faid Bonds for fecuring the Duties of Excife be delivered

    • ^^' ^' . up, or fuch Indorfement as aforefaid made thereon, or the Proprietors or Importers be freed and

Ssco^tainTn no"tlefs ^'^^harged from the Payment of fuch Duties of Excife, for any Rum or Spirits which fhall be ex- than^oo" GalTonsT ported in any Ca(k which fhall contain lefs than one hundred Gallons, or that fhall be fliipped on and in VeHeis not lefs Board any Veflel of lefs Burthen than one hundred Tons, or be exported from any Port not being ! tban 100 Tons Burthen, the Port of the Importation of fuch Rum or Spirits. ' The Quantity delivered VII. Provided alfo, and be it further ena£ted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Quantity of i out is to be computed ac- Rum and Spirits fo to be delivered out of fuch Warehoufe or Warehoufes, and to be exported, fhall j take'"^" '^h^/"^* - ^^ computed and allowed according to the Gauge which fhall be taken at the Time of Landing the : tation "thereof.^ '"^°^" ^^"^^i upon the Importation thereof, in fuch Manner as the Duty of Excife is by the faid former A^ diredied to be computed. If after Delivery any fliall VIII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Rum or Spirits, after > be concealed, the Delivery thereof from fuch Warehoufe or Warehoufes as aforefaid for Exportation, fhall before ' or not (hipped within the Shipping thereof be lodged or depofited in any Warehoufe or other Place, fo as to be concealed or thTcar/ be opened ^^^"^ publick View and Infpedion ; or fhall not be fhipped within the Space of twelve Hours after ; or the fame be reduced' ^^5 Delivery thereof; or if the Cafk or Package in which fuch Rum or Spirits are contained fhall be or altered in Quantity or wilfully opened, or any Part of fuch Rum or Spirits taken thereout, or if the Quality of fuch Rum Quality 5 or Spi.nts fhall be changed or altered ; in each and every fuch Cafe, all fuch Rum or Spirits, and fuch Rum or Spirits are the Cafks or Packages containing the fame, fliall be forfeited, and may be feiz-ed by any Officer or and the Bond is to be Officers of Excife : And the Perfon or Perfons who fhall have given Bond for the due Expor- putinSuit; tation of fuch Rum or Spirits, fhall, upon Proof of any fuch Offence, be fubjedl to the Penalty uniefs the Commiffioners of fuch Bond, and the fame fhall be put in Suit accordingly ; unlefs the Commiffioners of Excife, fee Caufe to forbear the by whom or by whofe Authority fuch Bond fhall have been taken, fhall find fufficient Caufe to ^*"** _ forbear the fame. Bonds given for Expo rta- IX. And be it further enadcd by the Authority aforefaid. That the Bonds to be given by virtue c'ha"r"d"il[cm!fiMtes °^ *^'^. ^^ ^° ^^^ ^"^ ^"^ regular Exportation of fuch Rum and Spirits as Merchandize, fliall not he p7o*ducedo"the"u" ^^ delivered up or difcharged until Certificates fhall be produced of the Exportation to, and Land- Exportation and Landing, ing and Difpofal of fuch Rum or Spirits at, the Ports or Places mentioned in fuch Bonds ; and and Proof made thereof Proof made upon Oath in relation thereto, in fuch Manner and Form refpe6tively, as is directed onOath, in Manner re- and required by an A£t made in this prefent SefTion of Parliament, intituled, Jn JSi Jor preventing presenting' the excemvc '^^ cxccjjive Ufe of Spirituous Liquors, by laying adclitiofiol Duties thereon ; for Jhortening the Prohibition of Ufcof Spirituous Li- naking low Wines and Spirits from IVhcat^ Barley, Malt, or other Grain, and from Meal, Flour and quors, &c. Bran, for encouraging the Exportation ^Britifli ?nade Spirits, and for wore effe£iu ally fecuring the Duties payable upon Spirits, and preventing the fraudulent Relauding or Importation wereof, with refpe6l and in relation to the Bonds to be taken by virtue of the faid AtS upon the Exportation as Merchandize of Conditioner the Bonds Spirits drawn or m.ade

Great Britain, from the Materials in the faid A£l mentioned; and the 

for Exportation, Condition of all the Bonds to be taken by virtue of this hSt, fhall be to produce fuch Certificates within fuch Times refpecflively, as arc limited by the faid Ad made in this Scflion of Parliament, for producing the Certificates therein required to be delivered : And all Perfons authorized by the faid laft mentioned Adl to adminifter Oaths, are hereby authorized to adminiftcr fuch or the like Oaths in purfuance of this A£t : And in cafe no fuch Certificates fliall refpeiftivcly be produced, or and of their being put in Proof refpeitively made within the Times therein limited, it fliall and may be lawful for the refpec- ^'"^' tivc Commifhoners of Excife to caufe the Bonds which fliall be taken by virtue of this AtSt to be put in Suit, unlefs they fhall find fufficient Caufe to forbear the fame; any Law, Cuftom or Ufage to the contrary in any wife notwithflanding. rffuch Rum or Spirits X. And, for the preventing the Relanding of fuch Rum or Spirits after the fame fhall be fliipped; fliiUnot bcexporied, p^ j^ further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid fixtcenth Day oi June one thoufand fcven hundred and fixty, in cafe any fuch Rum or Spirits, entered as Merchandize for Exportation, fhall not be really and bona fide fhipped and exported (the Danger of the Scis and Ene- or (hall be fraudulently mics excepted) or fhall be landed again in any Part oi Great Britain, or the Iflands of G«frn/?y, ^«""'=^' J(^'ffy-> Alderny, Sark, ox Man, or either of tlicm, unlefs in cale of Diftrefs to fave the Goods from peiifhing, which (hall be prcftntly made known to the Officer or Officers of Excife, and the prin- the fame, to«ether with cipal Officers of thcCuIloms in the Port; then, not only all fuch Rum and Spirits, and the Calks or the Vcflcls, Cattle and Catriagei employed therein, are forfeited j and the Perfons concerned forfeit double the Amount of tlie Duties } I Other