Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/607

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A. D. 1760. Anno primo Georgii IIL C. 22. S'fz Clerks aforeraid, in the Proportions herein before mentioned : And the Receipts of fuch Clerk or Receipts cf the Pe r'^ons Clerks, and of fuch Captain of an Independent Company, or Captains of Independent Companies, to whom the Money fhall or of fuch Perfon or Perfons as fuch Captain or Captains {hall fo authorize to receive fuch Money as ^^ P"."^' diicharge the aforefaid, fhall be a fufficient Difcharge to fuch Receiver or Receivers General of the Land Tax for ^^"'^'^"t^enerai. the feveral Sums of Money fo by him or them paid. IV. And be it enabled, That the Clerk of each Regiment or Battalion of Militia fhall forthwith, after The Cle-ks are to pay r the Receipt of fuch Sums of Money as aforefaid, pay, or caufe to be paid, one Calendar Month's Pay Month inAdvance to the in Advance to the Adjutant, and fourteen DaysPay in Advance to the Serjeant-major and Drum-major Adjutant, and i iDays to of fuch Regiment or Battalion refpeaively ; and to the Captain or Commanding Officer of each J);;,„';j^^"'|.""°'■ ^ Company belonging to fuch Regiment or Battalion, two Months Pay in Advance for his refpcdtive and 2 Months Pay in Company, and lor the contingent Expences thereof 3 and fo, from Time to Time, fo long as any Advance to theCap'ains, Money, on that Account, fhall remain in his Hands : Which Pay every fuch Captain or Command- for their refpea.vcCom- ine Officer is hereby required to diftribute to each Perfon belonging to his Company by this A3: inti- ^"'^^ ' . .„ ., , 1 °i • .!_ r .. /I- 11 L J J /L n °. ° XT • ■'■ y r^ ^ ^ who are to djflrjbute the tied to receive the lame, as it mall become due ; and mail once m every Year give m to the Clerk of fame as it btcomes due • the Regiment or Battalion to which fuch Company fhall belong, an Account of the feveral Payments and account for the fan e he fliall have made in purfuance of this Aft, and fhall pay back to the faid Clerk the Surplus, if any, yearly to the Clerk, and of the Money by him from Time to Time received, and then remaining in his Hands, except the P^^ ^.^'^^ '^^^ Surplus ^ Money by this A6t allowed for contingent Expences ; for the Difpofition whereof, Provifion is herein and"a[fo' the Balance cf after made ; And the faid Money allowed for the contingent Expences of each Regiment orBattalioji the Money allowed for of Militia, fhall once in every Year be accounted for by the Captain of each Company refpeclively, contingent Expences ^ in manner aforefaid ; and the Balance thereof fhall be by him paid into the Hands of the Clerk of the Regiment or Battalion to which fuch Company fhall belong, to be a{)plied to the general Ufe of the «'hkh is tobeapplivi to faid Regiment or Battalion, as the Field Officers and Captains thereof, or the greater Part of them, ti^'P £«n«raiuie of the Ihall, at a General Meeting, diredt : And the Captain of each Independent Company is hereby c^^|f"i'i"'^ j^^^p^^^^.j^; required to diftribute to each Perfon belonging to his Company intitled thereto, fuch Money as he companies to difinuuc' fhall receive by virtue of this Adt j and the faid Money, allowed for the contingent Expences of each thePayiotheirMfn,ivr.d Independent Company of Militia, fhall be refpeftively applied to the particular Ufe of fuch Inde- apply the Money allowed pendent Company by the Captain thereof. _ _ lor contingent Expences. V. And be it enafted. That the faid Regimental or Battalion Clerk may and fhall retain to his Cleik to retain in his own Ufe, out of the Money fo by him received, fuch further Sum > as fhall complete the Allowance Hands Money for his herein before made for his Salary ; and fuch Regimental or Battalion Clerk fliall pay to fuch Perfon ow"^^*y > or Perfons as fhall produce an Order from his Majefty's Lieutenant, or from the Commanding Officer of fuch Regiment or Battalion ; and fuch Captain of an Independent Company, or fuch Perfon as and difcharge the Cloath- fhall be by him appointed for that Purpofe, fliall pay and difcharge fuch Sums of Money as fliall be ^^^ ^®* due and owing for or on account of the Cloathing of the faid Militia, not exceeding the Rates herein before mentioned. VI. Provided always, and be it enafted, That where any Regiment, Battalion, or Independent During the Time the Company of Militia, is or fhall be embodied and called out into actual Service, and thereby the Troops are embodied, Officers and private Militia Men are or fhall be intitled to the fame Pay as the Officers and private s"j,"etrprfr^^^^ Men in his Majefly's other Regiments of Foot receive, all Pay from the Receiver or Receivers General the Receivers General is of the Land Tax for the County, Riding, or Place, to which fuch Regiment, Battalion, or Indepen- to ceaie. dent Company of Militia fhall belong, whether to the Adjutant, Serjeants, private Militia Men, or others, and all Money allowed as aforefaid, for the contingent Expences of fuch Regiment, Batta- lion, or Independent Company of Militia, and alfo the Allowance to the Clerk of fuch Regim.ent or Battalion, fhall, during fuch Time of aftual Service, ceale and not be paid. VII. And be it enacted. That the faid Receiver or Receivers of the Land Tax fhall pay to the The Clerk of the Gere- Clerk of the General Meetings his Allowance, at the Rate of five Pounds five Shillings for each;f^^'[,^J^;"^-^^;^ -"JjP-;;^* Meeting, upon his producing an Order or Orders for that Purpofe from his Majefty's Lieu enant, or ^J(.i„^3nOrder"ffomTht■ from three Deputy Lieutenants afTembled at fome General Meeting or Meetings; and fhall alfo pay Lieutenant, &c. to each and every the Clerks of the cubdivifion Meetings their feveral Allowances, at the Rate of one and the Clerks of ths Pound one Shilling for each Meeting, upon his or their producing an Order or (Orders from one or ^"'^^'^^°" ^leetsnes, more Deputy Lieutenant or Deputy Lieutenants afTembled in the feveral Subdivifion Meetings; which odcrt>o4^'^the Depu'ty faid Order or Orders fhall be to the faid Receiver or Receivers General of the Land Tax a fufficient Lieutenants. Difcharge for the Payment of fuch Allowances, and be allowed in his or their Account. Orders to difcharge the VIII. Provided always, and be it ena6ted. That the Clerk of each Regiment or Battalion of Mi- R«eivers General, litia, fhall give Security to his Majefty's Lieutenant of the County, Riding, or Place, to which fuch B.egimental and Batta- Regiment or Battalion fhall belong, by a Bond, to his Majeffy, in the Penalty of one half of the .°" Klerks to give .Secu- Sum required, for the whole Year's Charge of the Regiment or Battalion of Militia to which fuch 3°'JXTheMoni'es- Clerk fhall belong, for duly anfv/ering and paying fuch Sums as he fhall, from Time to Time, haver^elved by them j received, and for duly accounring for the fame, and for Performance of the Truft hereby in him repofed ; which faid Bond fliall be lodged in the Hands of the Receiver or Receivers General of the ^^th^the Re«teif cf- Land Tax for the refpedtlve County, Riding, or Place, who, in cafe the faid Regimental or Battalion pera!, and put in Suit by Clerk fhall not duly perform the Conditions comprized in. the faid Bond, fhall and is hereby required them' &c. on Nonper- forthwith to put the faid Bond in Suit, in the Name of his Majefty, his Heirs and SuccefTors; the formanccof the Condi- full Cofts and Charges of which Suit fhall be paid by the faid Regimental or Battalion Clerk to ^^e ti°"^y^^^^"jj>^^y^=|^^^^^^^^^ faid Receiver or Receivers General of the Land Tax, who fhall likewife be intitled to, and receive to Cofts ^and ch°arge°s, " his or their own Ufe, at the Rate cf five Pounds per Centum, oat of all fuch Monies as fliall be by and 5 1. per Cent, of xh«. him or them recovered thereon 3 and Ihall account for the Refidue thereof with the proper Auditor of Money recovered ;