Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/648

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6i4 C. 20. Anno fecundo Georgii III. A. D. 1761. happen during the Abfence of the faid Lieutenants ; which Commiffions fhall be good and valid in like manner as it they had been granted by the Lieutenant himfelf. CommiiTions of Lieute- ^I^- Provided always, and be it enaded. That nothing herein contained fhall be conftrued to nancy. Deputations, and vacate any Commiirion of Lieutenancy already granted by his Aiajefty, nor any Deputations ^ranted other Commiffions al- to Deputy Lieutenants, nor any Commiffions granted to Officers ; but that the fame fhall continue ready g^an-cd to ftand j,^ f^n Force and Vigour, for the Purpofes of this Aft, fo as the faid Deputy Lieutenants and Of- K Vi'ified " ft'^^^s be qualified as is herein after directed. _ ^ Decutatonofbcp.Lieu- IV. Provided alfo, and be it enacted. That no Deputation of any Deputy Lieutenant, nor any tenants and Officers Commiflion of ,any OfHcer in the Militia, already granted or to be granted by any Lieutenant for any Coaimfllons, not vacat- County, Riding, or Place refpeftively, fhall be vacated by reafon of the Rf;vocation, Expiration S'L'e'Smm^S'^of^^^'^'^^"^^'"^"'-"""^ the Commiffion by which fuch refpeaive Lieutenants were or fhall be ap- L.cntenancv. ' ' pointed. . Lord Lieutenant to have V. And be it cnacled. That his Majefly's Lieutenant of every County, Riding, or Place, fhall the chief Command of have the chief Command of the Militia thereof which fhall be raifed by virtue of this A6t : And ths Militia of thcCounty.jj^ every County, Riding, or Place, in England (except as is herein after excepted) there fhall be 7 wentv or more Deputy „ • / J 4. I TA ^ T • ^ . -c r r> r ^■ r t • 1 • 1 / , Lenten nts to be ap- ^f?P°'"^^" twenty or more Deputy Lieutenants, if fo many Perfons quahhed as is herein before and fo;nted for every County, atter exprefTed, Can be therein found ; and if twenty Perfons fo qualified cannot be therein found, if lb m3ny can be found then there fhall be appointed fo many Perfons as can be therein found : And each Perfon (o to be q-.'ai!i=ed. appointed a Deputy Lieutenant or Colonel, fnall be feifed or poflelTed, either in Law or Equity, S^utSnt^'anlcolond' ^° ^'^ °^'" ^^^ ^'^^ Benefit, in Pofieffion of a Freehold, Copyhold, or Cuflomary Eflate for Lifc^ 40'ci. per Ann. '-^^ for fome greater Eilatc, or of an Eftate for fome long Term of Years, determinable on one or more Life or Lives, in Manors, MefTuages, Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, in England, JVales, or the Town o{ Bcrzuici upon Tweedy of the yearly Value of four hundred Pounds, or fliall be Heir apparent of fome Perfon who fliall be, in like manner, feifed or pofiefTed of a like Eftate of a Lieu-enant Colonel as afcrcfaid, of the yearly Value of eight hundred Pounds: And each Perfon fo to be appointed a andMajor3ool.perAnn. Lieutenant Colonel, or Major, fliall be, in like manner, feifed or poirefied of a like Eflate as aforc- faid, of the yearly Value of three hundred Pounds; or fliall be Heir Apparent of fome Perfon who fliall be, in like manner, feifed or poflefied of a like Eftate as aforefaid, of the yearly Value of fix •fa Capt.icol. per Ann. )-^^,nJl•e(l Pounds : And each Perfon fo to be appointed a Captain, fhall be, in like manner, feifed or pofi^eiTed of a like Eitate as aforefaid, of the yearly Value of two hundred Pounds ; or fhall be Heir Apparent of fome Perfon who fhall be, in like manner, feifed or pofTefl'ed of a like Eftate as aforefaid, of the yearly Value of four hundred Pounds ; or fhall be a younger Son of fome Perfon who fliall be, or, at the Time of his Death, was, in like manner, feifed or poflefTed of a like Eflate Lieut. lool. per Ann. ^^ aforefaid, of the yearly Value of fix hundred Pounds : And that each Perfon {o to be appointed a Lieutenant fhall be, in like manner, feifed or polTefied of .a like Eftate as aforefaid, of the yearly Value of one hundred Pounds ; or fhall be Son of fome Perfon who fhall be, or, at the Time of his Death, was, in like manner, feifed or poffefled of a like Eflate as aforefaid, of the andtnfign lol per Ann. yearly Value of two hundred Pounds : And each Perfon fo to be appointed an Enfign, fhall be in A ivioicty of the Eibtes like manner feifed or pofleffed of a like Eflate as aforefaid, of the yearly Value of twenty Pounds ; reqaifire to their feven>l qj. £^^ ^g Son of fome Perfon who fhall be, or, at the Time of his Death, was in like man- SofSbaTernOf- "^'■'. ^^'^^^ ^^ PoiJe^ed of a like Eftate as aforefaid, of the yearly Value of fifty Pounds : One ficers'to be within the Moiety of which faid Eflates, required as Qualifications for each Deputy Lieutenant, Colonel, Lieu- County for which they tenant Coloiiel, Major, and Captain refpectively, fhall be fituate or arifing within fuch refpcdtive f-"«« County or Riding in which he fliall be appointed to ferve. What (hall bedeemed VL Provided always and be it cnadtcd, That for the Purpofes of the refpedtive Qualifications re- equal to anEftateofiool. quired by this A6t, the immediate Reverfion or Remainder of and in Manors, MelTuages, Lands, i^«r Annum. Tcnem^ents, or Hereditaments, which are leafed for one, two, or three Life or Lives, or for any Term of Years determinable upon the Death of one, two, or three Life or Lives, on referved Rents, and which are to the Leflee or LeITecs of the clear yearly Value of three hundred Pounds, fhall be ei for the Qu ilification the fame, cqual to the annual Value of fuch an Eftate as is required for the Qualification of aDc- of a Deputy licurenant puty Lieutenant, and Commiffion Officer of the Militia refpectively, and fituate as aforefaid; fliall and Comnfii/Tion Officer, ^^ and is hereby deemed and declared to be, duly and fufficiently qualified to adt and ferve under deemed a iumci'-nt Qua- /-..,,L, „„/• „ci' f • rr , c ' ^_ ^- luch reipeCtu'c,iffion. Irfication. five or niore Dcp. Lieu- VIIL And bcit cna6ted. That in the fcveral Qoinic% o{ Cumberland^ HunUn^don^ Monmouth^ ten<i'it- fir the Counties TVejhnorclcnd^ and Rutland, and of every County and Place in the Dominion of fp'alcs refpectively, of Cumberland, Hun- thcrc fhall bc fivc Or more Deputy Lieutenants appointed (if ['o many Perfons qualified as herein rngdon, Monmouth after exprefl'cd Can be therein fouiul) and tlie Eftates requifite for the Qualification of the refpeCHvc indi'rincipalityotWalcf. ■'-'f^piity Eieu tenants and Officers of the Militia therein, Ihall be as follows; that is to lay,a J )cputylyicu- Q^ilificaiion of a Depu- tenant or Coloncl ihall he, in like manner, feifed, or poilefied of a like Eftate as aforeiiiid, of the yearly ty Licttenantor Colonrl Valiicof three huiidrcd Pouiids ; or fhall be Heir Apparent of a Perfon who fhall be, in like manner, /«r tho'e Counties, 30CI. feifed or poO'cfiTcd of a like Eftarc as aforefaid, of the yearly Value of five hundred Pounds : ALieu- t^'n^nfColi^nc^2oo].'pcr ^^"'^"^ Coloncl, or Major, fliall be, in like manner, feifed or poilefTed of a like Eflate as aforefaid, Anilm." '^ " of the yearly Value of two hundred Pounds ; or fhall be ffcir Apparent of a Perfon who fhall be. MX