Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/673

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A. D. 1761. Anno fecundo Georgii III. C. ar. 6-39 imburfed; and to ufe the like Powers, and to array, aflefs and arm, mufter and exercife the faid Sol- tiiereof, notwithfianfling diers, and to make Afleflnients, and iffue Warrants for the Affeflhients made or to be made for railing the Pay advanced *e nc. any Trophy Money, and for defraying the neccflary Charges of Trophies, and other incident Ex- ["^'^Soirfi's whhT^ pences of the Militia of the faid Ports, Towns and Members, as hath been heretofore ufcd, and Mpn-.h's p'ly in Hand; according to their ancient Privileges and Cuftoms j any Thing in the faid A61 to the contrary not- andmavextrcifethe.ifi'l Withftanding. _ Powers tor arraying, af- fcfilng, arming and exercifing, &c. t!ie fvlen, and railing Trophy Money, &c, CXLIV. And be it enabled, That all former Aits relating to the Raifing of the Miiitia within All former Militia A^s that Part of Gr,?^^ 5nVr//;7 called England, and the Dominions of JVa'us, fliall, from and after the ^;'=^J^^P;f^J|^^';.^fP^^^^^^^ pafTmg of this Adl:, be and are hereby repealed, except in fuch Cafes as are herein fpecially direfted f^onTin the faid kar-'* to be fubjedl to the Provifions of the faid former Acts, or any of them; and the Militia raifcd by vir- tue of the f'.id former Afts, ihall be fubje61: to all the fame Provifions and Regulations as the Iviilitia direfted to be raifed by virtue of this A61 are fubje£ced to. CXLV. And be it enaited^ That nothing in this A61: contained {hall in any wife extend to annul andnothlrg-nth-sApis or make void any Thing already done in puriuance of th"& former A(5h relating to the Militia Forces, |n'p,',f!i?nce of the for"-* or any of them, or to prevent the compleating any Proceedings already commenced in purfuance of nier Ads; orprevcntnny the faid A6ts. Proceedings commenced ' CXLVI. And whereas in the feveral Counties, Ridings or Places, where the Militia has been i» purfuance thereof. ' already raifed, feveral Precepts have iffued for the returning Lifts of the Names of feveral Perfons

  • liable to fer/e in the Militia, many of which Lifts have been returned, and feveral Proceedings had
  • thereon, in purfuance of the Laws for the better Ordering of the Militia Forces of that Part of Great Where, in purfunnce of
  • Britain called Evgland: And whereas it is neceflary that fome Provifion fhould be made to empower jfja*^j,™bcfn^^a;fc'd!fmi
  • the Deputy Lieutenants and Juftices of the Peace in their refpedtive Subdivifions, and the Juftices prgceptsitTreiforreturn-

' of the Peace in the f:iid feveral Counties, Ridings and Divifions in that Part of Great Britain called ingLifts, and Proceedings

  • England, to proceed on fuch Lifts, and other Matters relative thereto;' Be it therefore enacted, had thereon; the D.Lts.

That the faid Deputy Lieutenants and Juftices of the Peace may and fhall continue to aft and put in "'"V^I^'L^gTa^dire'it force the feveral Adts of Parliament made in the thirtieth, thirty-firft, thirty-fecond, and thirty-third i^E^ecuVion of allAiat' Year of the Reign of his late Majefty, and in the firft Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty, re- ters ani Things fubfe- lating to the better Ordering of the Militia Forces, and the Pay thereof, iii that Part of Great Britain quent to fuch Precepts, called E>:gland, in all Matters and Things fubfequent to the Precepts fo iliued, and the Lifts returned ^nd the Lifts returned or or to be returned thereon; and that the Juftices of the Peare of the faid feveral Counties, Ridings I'^nd'ev^tSineTard' and Places may and fhall caufe to be levied the Fines, Penalties and Forfeitures already incurred, or penaUies incurred, oa which may be incurred, in purfuance of the faid Militia Laws, as are in and by the faid Laws diredled; that Account, as thcfe any Thing in this A61: to the contra'-y notwithftanding. Laws direa. CXLVIL Provided always, and be it enaded. That if any Suit or Suits, Adion or Anions, fliall Limitation of Aftions, be brought or commenced againft any Perfon or Perfons for any Thing done in purfuance of this A6t, the Action or Adlions, Suit or Suits, fiiall be commenced within fix Calendar Months after the Fa£t committed, and not afterwards j and Ihall be laid in the County where fuch A6tion or Adtions, Suit or Suits, did arife, and notelfewhere; and the Defendant or Defendants in fuch Suit or Suirs, Adtion orAdtions, to he brougiit, may plead the General Ifilie, and give this Adl, and the Special Matte.*-, General Iffue, in Evidence : And if the Jury {hall find for the Defendant or Defendants in fuch Suit or Suits, Adiion or Adtions; or if the Plaintiff" or Plaintiffs {hall be nonfuited, or difcontinue his or their Suit or Suits, A£tion or Adtions, after the Defendant or Defendants fhall have appeared; or if, upon Demurrer, Judgment fliall be given againft the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs; the Defendant or Defendants fhall have treble Cous, and have the like Remedy for the fame as any Defendant or Defendants hath or have in TreBle Cofts. other Cafes to recover Cofts by Law. CXLVIIL Provided always, and be it enafted by the Authority afore faid. That this Adt fhall This Aa to be in force continue and be in force for the Space of feven Years, and from thence to the End of the then next *° 7 "^^ars. SefTxon of Parliament, and no longer. £.r^/^/;.W ^V amrMA ^ CAP. XXI. . 4 . . An A61 for Paving, Cleanfing, and Lighting the Squares, Streets and Lanes within the City and Liberty of Weftminfier, the Farilhes of Saint Giles in the Fields, Saint George the Martyr, Saint George Bloomshury, that Part of the Parifh of Saint Andreiv's Holborn ■ which lies in the County of Middlefex, the feveral Liberties of the Rolls and Savoy^ and that Part of the Dutchy of Lancajier which lies in the County of Middlefex^ and for preventing Annoyances therein i and for other Purpofes therein mentioned.

  • TT 7 HERE AS the feveral Scjuares, Streets and Lanes, within the City and Liberty of /^g/?- Preamble.

p W tniriflcr, the Pari flics of Saint Giles in the Fields, Saint George the Martyr, Saint George Bloomf- Explair.iJ ami ij: ' bury, that Part of the Parifli oi Saint Andrew Holborn which lies in the County o'i Midcllejex, the -xGco.^. r. jj. and ^

  • feveral Liberties of the Rolls and Savoy, and that Part of the Dutchy o{ Lancafter which lies in the ^^'^ 3* <■• 3S'
  • County of Middlefex, are, in general, very ill paved and cleanfed, and not duly lighted: And
  • whereas the pr fcnt iVIethods prefcribed by Law for paving, cleanfing and lighting the faid Squares,
  • Streets and Lanes are inefFcdtual : And whereas it would tend greatly to the Benefit and Safety of
  • the Inhabitants of the faid Squares, Streets and Lanes, and of all Pcribns palTing through the fame,

'•' if the Pavements thereof were properly laid and regulated, and the faiJ Squares, Streets and Lanes

  • kept clean, free from Obftruc^ions and Annoyances, and duly lighted;' May it therefore pleafe
