Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/696

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A.D. 1761. Anno fecundo Georgii III. C 28. 657 receive the fame) or in any other convenient Place, for any Time not exceeding thirty Days ; and to who are to advertife rhe order fuch Churchwardens and Overfeers of the Poor, or one of them, if the fa'ine fjiall happen to be^-""^' iMvitlnn theB;ils in anyof the Parifhcs or Places within the Bills of Mortality, to infert immediately an Advertifement "^j'^l,!^^'^^^^^/^," „|^^^ in fome pubiick News Paper; and if the fame ftiall happen to be in any other Parifh or Place, to |',yt'i,epublickCrver,afid caufe Notice to be imniediately given by fome pubiick Cryer, and by affixing on the Church or aifo affixed on tlieClun-ch Chapel Door a Notice in Writing, defjribing fuch Merchandizes, Goods, Stores or Things, and cChapd Door, that rh«  where the fame Ihall have been fo depofitcd, to the end that Perfons having loll: any fuch, or any re- ['^^,^J^',h""(^.J3°'^^|tf putable Perfon on their Behalf, may come and claim the, fame, within thirty Days from the Time of|",Q jj^^^. 'a|]jJ,^^y^*- giving and affixing fuch Notice as aforefaid ; and in cafe any Perfon or Perfons do or fnall, within the proving their Property Space of fuch thirty Days, prove his, her or their Property in and to the faid Merchandizes, Goods, therein, the jufticcfhall Stores orThmgs, upon Oath, to the Satisfaction of one or more Juftice or Jj.iftices as aforefaid, that'"'^"'^f'^""°';'*"«° ~ ~ "■■ " rea- depofiting and giving pubiick Notice as aforefaid, and alfo reafonable Compenfations to the Perfon (on'sgiviTg iliformation ; or Perfons giving fuch Information as aforefaid ; fuch Charges and Compenfations to be fettled and afcertained by fuch Juflice or Juftices : But if at the End of the faid thirty Days (Notice having been n,t/e, t°he Good", iJc! given as aforefaid) no fuch Proof fhail be made as aforefaid, the faid Merchandizes, Goods, Stores or (i-.aii 'he Aid by th then ftich Juftice or Juftices fliall order Reftitution of fuch Merchandizes, Goods, Stores or Things 'fP""'^",'; pay'"S fe^ to be naade to fhe Owner or Owners thereof, after paying the reafonable Charges of feizing, rem.oving, comDenfatlon^i'orh^eP thereof to the Perfon or Perfons fo apprehending or giving Information as aforcfa!d"(as the Cafe fhall inhriirfomic" and'tVic be) of the Party or Parties guilty of the Mifdcmeanors as aforefaid, or either of them, and the other other to the Poor cf the Moiety to the Poor of the Parilh or Place where fuch Merchandizes, Goods, Stores or Things fhall Parifh. have b-:en fo firft dcpofited as aforefaid. Perfons to whom ary ' IX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That every Perfon to whom any Stores or Ship Coodi, Goods, Stores or Thing; belotfging to Ships or Veflels {hall be brought and offered to be fold, pawned ^^c. fufpeacd to be or delivered, fliall^ and he or flie is hereby inipowered and required (there being reafonable Caufe to '^"'en, &c.fliah oe offer- fufpe6l that fuch Merchandizes, Goods, Stores or Things were ftolen, or unlav/fully come by, from delivered/ mav ftop the or out of any Ship or VefTel in the faid River) to apprehend, fecure and carry before a Juftice of the fame, and carry theP^ir- Peace for the County, City, Divifion, Liberty or Place where the fame fhall be fo brought or offered, ties before a J'^ftice; the Perfon or Perfons fo bringing or ofiering the fame, and in the mean Time to fecure fuch Mer- and theGoodsftjllbede- chandizes, Goods, Stores or Things ; and fuch Perfon or Perfons fo apprehended fliall be dealt with, ^^^ ^the Parties^ deak ' and fuch Merchandizes, Goods, Stores or Things fliall be depofited and difpofed of in the fame Man- with, as if they had been ner as if he, flie or they had been apprehended by the Conftable, Headborough, Beadle or Watchman apprehended by the Con- as aforefaid. ^■'ble. &c. X. And be it farther enacted. That every Perfon deemed and adjudged guilty of any of the Mif- Perfons adjudged guilty demeanors aforefaid, fliall, for every fuch Mifdemeanor, forfeit, for the hrft Oftence, the Sum of ^^^^'_;'^>_.^°2r^;^^^!'"tr. forty Shillings ; for the fecond Offence the Sum ot four Pounds, and for every fubfequent Offence f^j^ f-^^jhe ift Offence the Sum of four Pounds ; all which faid refpedive Forfeitures fliall and may be levied by Diftrefs and 40s. and for the 2d and Sale of the Goods and Chattels of every fuch Offender (rendering to him, her or them the Overplus, every fubfequent offence after Charges of the faid Diftrefs and Sale dedufted ■ by Warrant under the Hand and Seal, or bands'*'- .fo be kvied by Di- and Seals, of any one or more of fuch Juftice or Juftices before whom fuch Offender was convidfed ; oneMolety^to go to the which Forfeiture fhall be paid, one Moiety thereof to the Perfon apprehending fuch Ofl'ender or Of- Apurehender, or Infor- fenders, or giving Information, as the Cafe fhall be, and the other Moiety thereof to the faid Mafter, mer, and theothertothe Wardens, and Affiftants of the faid Corporation, to be diftributed among the poor decayed Seamen Maimer and Wardens of and their Widows, under the Care of the faid Corporation ; and if the faid refpedive Forfeitures fliall Jj'^^'^'j'"^g;"wlSd not be paid, nor fufficient Diftrefs fliall be found whereon to levy the fame, then the faid Juftice orfo^ w^.nt of Dlflrefs, the Juftices fhall and may commit ever; other Prifon or Houfe of Corredliori the Space of one Month for the firft Oftence, and for the fecond Offence for the Space w. ...^ .,^„.. ....,, and for every fubfequent Offence, until fuch Offender fliall be difcharged by Order of the Court Qi o^i°l- of-.^ce, t'lu'^dif-^ General or Quarter Seffions. _ _ charged by Oidei of thc XI. And be it further enacted, That every Conviction of any Offender in any of the faid Mi fde- Couit of Seffions. - meanors fliall be certified by the Juftice or Juftices of the Peace making the fame, to the next General Conviftions to be certl- or Q^iarter Seffion of the Peace, to be filed and entered amongft the Records of the laid Seffion; and ^^^i 'o the next Quarter that fuch Conviftion fliall and may be drav^■n up on Parchment, and certified as follows (that is to fay) ^^'^'°" ^"^ ^;'^ "'^"•

  • Middlefex, T>E it remembered. That on the Day of in the Year ^"^ '^^ Conv.a.on.
  • to wit, 1 Jl3 ^- B. was convided before of the Juftices of the Peace for the County,

•:-City, Divifion, Liberty or Place aforefaid (as the Cafe /hall be) of a Mifdemeanor in one or more of

  • the Inftances before mentioned, fpecify'ing the fame particularly in the Words by which the fame is or are
  • defer ibed in and by this A5l^ or in any other Form of fvords to the like Effe6l.

' Given under Hand and Seal the Day and Year aforefaid. Which faid Convidion, in the fame or the like Form of Words, fliall be good and effedual in Law, ConvkTion not to be to all Intents and Purpofes, and fliall not be quaflied, fet afide, or be adjudged void or infufficient for f^^^ *"' '""^ ^^ want of any other Form or Words whatfoevcr ; nor be liable to be removed hy Certiorari into his j^^^ lemoveabk bv Cc- Majefty's Court oi King's Bench, but fhall be deemed and taken to be final, to all Intents and Pur- tioian. nofes whatfoever. Vol. VHL 4 P -, XII.