Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/698

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Anno fecundo Georgii lit. and Boat jtute. ly Jooat or or Dcjonging to lucn vjwner or i^wners) any i ning trary notvvithftanding. XVII. And be it enadted by the Authority aforefald. That where any Perfon or Perfons fhall be where, on Conviaion, the Juftice, by his War- rant, may oider die under the Hand and Seal, or Hands and Seals of fuch JulHce or Jullices, direited to the Conftable e']Jays. "^ ""^^ «»"«  or other Peace Officer of thp Parifh or Place adjoining to the faid River, or where fuch Convidlion jSiall be had ; which faid Coiiftable, or other Peace Ofhcer, lliall thereupon caufe fuch Boat, Tackle and Appurtenances to be fo burnt and deitroyed, within the Tiir.e aforeiaid. XVIII. And be it enadled by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhuli and may be lawful for any Per- Any Perfons may appro- fon or Perfons, by the Authority of this Adl, and v/ithout any other Warrant, to apprehend any ^^"'^ *'^^'^*"'^*» Oftender or Offenders committing any of the Oftences herein before mentioned, and intended by this A£t to be redrefTed, and, v/ith all convenient Speed, to convey or deliver every fuch Offender or Of- fenders to a Conftable, or fome other Peace Officer of the County, City, Divifion, Liberty or Place *"^ deliver him over to in or near to which the Offence fhall be committed, or the Offender or Offenders Ihall be appre- ^Comlable, bended, in order to be conveyed bclbre fome Juflice of the Peace of fuch County, City, Liberty or t'^ be carried befoie a Place, there to be dealt with according to Law. Juftice. •XIX. And be it ena6ted by the Authority aforefaid. That in cafe any Perfon or Perfons ailing j,n Peifons ohftnKf^ing the the Execution of any of the Powers granted by this Act, fliall be obilrufted therein, every Perfon fo E>'«"ciition of this Aft. oblb-uaing, and all fuch as fhall aft in their Affiftance, fliall, on being thereof convifted before the Ou'?te?Seffiont "" Juftices of the Peace, at the General or Qtiarter Seffion of the County or City adjoining to the faid ^^"^ ^' "°" River, upon the Oath of two or more credible Perfons, be tranfported to any of his Majefty's Plan- (hM be tranfported for tations in Jmerica, for the Space of feven Years, according to the Law or Laws now in force for the i^^eAxt. Tranfportation of Felons. XX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That in all Aaions, Suits, Trials, and Any Member of the Cor- ether Proceedings, which fhall or may be had in purfuance of this A61:, or in relation to any Matter Kn^'la«,^'where tJc or Thing herein contained, any Member of the laid Corporation, or any Inhabitant of the Parifh, oftence is committed. Town or Place in which any Offence (hall be committed, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning maybe admitted to give of this A61, or wherein any Conviction fhall be niade purfuant hereto, fhall be admitted to give Evi- Evidence. dence, and fhall be deemed a competent Witnefs, notvvithffanding his being fuch Member of the faid Corporation, or his or her being fuch Inhabitant as aforefaid. XXI. And be it alfo enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in all Cafes where an Oath is hy Juftices to adminifter this A61 directed to be taken by any Perfon or Perfons, it fhall and may be lawful for any one or more ^a^hs gratis. Juftice or Juftices of the Peace within the County, City, Divifion, Liberty or Place, where the Mat- ter to be fworn to fhall arife, and he and they is and are refpedlively hereby authorized and^required to adminifter the fame, without Fee or Reward. XXII. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That if any A^ion or Suit fhall be Limitation of AiVioas; commenced or brought againft any Juftice or Juftices of the Peace, or the faid Mailier, Wardens and Affiftants, or any of them, or other Officer or Perfon whatfoever, a6ting in the Execution of any of the Powers in them hereby vefted, for doing, or caufing to be done, any Thing in purfuance of this Act, concerning any of the faid Oft'ences, the fame fhall be laid in the County oi Middlejex^ or City of London^ and not clfewhere ; and fhall be commenced within fix Months next after fuch Caufe of Action accrued ; and the Defendant or Defendants therein may plead the General Ifliie, and General luUe. give this A6t, and the Special Matter, in Evidence, at any Trial to be had thereupon, and that the fame was done in purfuance and by the Authority of this A6t : And if it fliall appear fo to have been done, or that fuch A6tion or Suit was brought after the Time before limited, or in any other Place ; that then the Jury fliall find for the Defendant or Defendants; and if upon fuch A6tion aVerdidt fliall be given for the Defendant or Defendants ; or if the Plaintiff" or Plaintiffs fhall become non- fuited, or difcontinue his, her or their A6tion or Suit, after the Defendant or Defendants fliall have Appeared ; or if, upon Demurrer, Judgment fhall be given againft the Plaintiff or Plaintiffs, then the -Defendant or Defendants flidl and may recover treble Cofts, and have fuch Remedy for the fame. Treble Cofts, as any Defendant or Defendants hath or have in any Cafe by Law. XXIII. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That this Aft fhall be deemed, ad- P"'>1"=^' ^"' judged, and taken to be a public'< Act; and be judicially taken Notice of as fuch by all Judges, Juftices, and other Perfojis whomfoever, without the fame being fpecially pleaded, I? 1 C A I