Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/714

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A. D. 1762; Anno fecundo Georgii III. C. 32* 675 fame, in as full and ample a Manner as the fame are now enjoyed ; and alfo that the High Roads or Ways now leading to the faid feveral Ferries refpe<5lively, fliall remain over the Banks intended to made or raifed by virtue of this A61 on both Sides the faid River fVitham, free and open to all his Majefty's Subje(3:s: And that it fhall be lawful to and for the faid Proprietors of the faid Ferries re- fpedlively, or for the feveral Perfons now bound by Law to repair the faid Roads refpe£lively, to add to the Sides of the faid Banks fuch further Soil, Gravel or other Materials, as (hall be neceflary and fufficient for forming and rendering the faid Roads pradlicable and convenient over the faid Banks refpeitively, fo that the fame, or any of them, may not be in any Manner reduced below the Dimenfions in and by this A61 provided and exprefled for the fame refpeftively j this A€t or any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. LXVI. And be it further enacted. That it (hall and may be lawful to and for the faid General a Bridge to be built to Commiflioners, or any five or more of them, to caufe a fufficient Bridge to be ere6led acrofs the in- preferve a Communica- tended new Cut or River, at fome Part thereof about half way between Anthony's Gowt and Bo/fon^ *'°" between Boflon for the Purpofe only of preferving a Communication between the Houfes in Bojion JVeJl and Holland^^^ *""^ "^'"'^ ^'"• iv«, which Houfes will be feparated from the faid Fen by the faid intended new Cut or River. LXVII. And be it further enafted. That if the faid Commiflioners for Drainage, in purfuance of Fo)''« repaired, or the Powers by this A61 granted, ftiall by fcouring out any of the Side Rivers in this A(St mentioned, B"'^£" ^" deepen the fame, fo as to render any Ford or Fords acrofs the faid Rivers, or either of them, un- paflable, whereby the Communication between any Roads or Lands on each Side thereof fhall be interrupted or prevented, the faid Commiflioners fhall, at the publick Charge, either new make fuch Fords with Stones, Gravel or other fufficient Materials, or elfe build a Bridge or Bridges over fuch River or Rivers, in order to reftore fuch Communication in as effectual a Manner as the fame was before the pafling of this h.Qi.

  • LXVIIL And forafmuch as the Money to be collefted by the Receipt of the Taxes by this A(Sl
  • laid and made payable as aforefaid, will not be fufficient for the fpeedy Execution of the general
  • Works of Drainage to be done in purfuance of this Ad;* Be it therefore enadled, That the faid ^"""'t'" '« ^e granted

General Commiffioners, or any feven or more of them, fliall and may, and they are hereby autho- ^^ ^^^^ oorrowc , rized and impowered, from Time to Time, as it fhall be found requifite and neceffary for the Pur- pofes aforefaid, to raife Money upon the befl Terms and by the beft Methods the fame can be pro- cured ; and for that Purpofe they, or any feven or more of them, fhall and may, and they are hereby authorized and impowered to treat, contrail and agree with any Perfon or Perfons, either for the Purchafe of an Annuity for Life, or the Loan of any Sum or Sums of Money upon Mort- gage refpeftively ; and alfo, in purfuance or Execution of fuch Contradt or Agreement, it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid Commiflioners, or any feven or more of them, by any Writing or Writings under their Hands and Seals, to charge the faid Taxes to arife by virtue of this Adl, for the Purpofe of the general Drainage, or any Part thereof, with any Annuity or Annuities, to fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhall treat for the fame during a Life, to be by them refpe<5live)y named, or to affign, transfer, and make over the faid Taxes, or any Part thereof, unto any Perfon or Per- or Taxes afilgnca. fons who fhall advance and lend any Money thereupon, for fuch Term of Years as fhall be agreed upon in that Behalf, by way of Mortgage and as a Security for the Repayment thereof, with Interefl, at fuch Times, and in fuch Manner, as fliall be agreed upon by the faid General Commiffioners. LXIX. Provided always. That no Money fhall be borrowed, or any fuch Annuity granted, ^°" *° ^ B'^" of by the faid CommiflTioners, on the Credit of this Ad, after their firft Meeting, unlefs Notice °"°*^"'e Money. be given by affixing the fame in Writing on the Market Houfe in Lincoln^ and the Market Crofs •in Bq/ion, and by publifhing the fame in fome of the publick Papers ufually circulated in the County oi Lincoln^ at leaft twenty-one Days before any Meeting fhall be held for that Purpofe. LXX. And be it further enadted, That the Taxes or Afl'eflhients, which fhall be rated or charged Power for Mortgasces ta by the faid General Commiflioners, fhall be charged and chargeable with the Payment of the Princi- enter and recover, pal Money fo to be by them borrowed, and the Interefl of fuch Money from Time to Time ; and fhall vefl in the refpedlive Creditors, upon Default of Payment of fuch Principal and Interefl, until the fame fhall be fully paid and fatisfied, together with the Cofls and Charges occafioned for the Non-payment thereof; and the faid Creditors, their Executors, Adminiftrators and Afligns refpec- tively, fhall have the fame Powers, Rights and Privileges of afleffing, raifing and recovering the fe- veral Taxes or AfTeflments payable by the feveral Owners and Occupiers of Lands and Grounds charged therewith, for and in refpeft of fuch Principal Money and Interefl, in cafe of Default of "Payment thereof, as the faid Commiffioners and their Colledlors could have had, in cafe fuch Prin- cipal and Interefl had been regularly and fully fatisfied and paid. LXXI. And be it further enaded. That all Mortgages and Annuities to be made or granted as Mortgages, vtc. tobe aforefaid, fhall be deemed perfonal Kflates, and fhall and may be refpciSlively afligned, transferred "'"^'^ Pt^rfonal Eiiatej^ and affignable, from Time to Time, by Indorfement without Stamps; but all fuch Grants of An- ^"'^ ^^^ ^^ aiii^^ned. aiuities and Mortgages, and Aflignments thereof refpedlively, fhall be entered in a Book to be kept for that Purpofe by the Treafurer or Clerk to the faid Commiflioners, who fhall, at the Requcil of .every Mortgagee, Grantee or Aflignee refpecStively, enter the fame without demanding or receiving any other Fee or Reward than the Sum of two Shillings and fix Pence for the fame. LXXII. And be it further enadled. That it fhall and may be lawful to and for any of the Owners Tenants for Life may or Proprietors of any of the faid low Lands and Fens, being Tenants in Tail or Tenants for Life, or charge the Lands lor his, her or their Truflce or Truftees, Guardian or Guardians, from Time to Time, to charge the ^""^^ borrowed to pay 4R2 ' . ^ faid^^^^^«=-