Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/83

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A. D. 1757* Anno tricelimo Georgii 11. C. 19. 49

  • mentioJied, fhould choofc to accej.>i: the Annuities propofcd by the faicJ rubfcqi'cnt Refdlutioil, and who

' on or before the fourth Day of Al'-iy one fhoiifand feven hundred and f.fty-fevcn Ihould, in Books to ' be opened at the Bank, of Eiighnd for that Purpofe, exprcfs their Confent, or not cxprefs their DilTcnt ' thereunto, were, upon their Compliance with the Terms in the fubfequcnt Refolution lall mentioned,

  • for every one hundred Pounds fo by them fubfcribed, intitled to the feveral Annuities by the faid fub-
  • fequent Refolution propofed ; in which Caie the Sums fo by them before advanced, were to be deemed
  • Part of their Contribution, for the Purchafe of the Annuities, by the fubfequcnt Refolution propofed :

' And whereas feveral of the Perfons fo fubfcribing the Sum of three hundred thirteen thoufand one Suhfcjibers to hundred Pounds, towards the Sum of two nnllions five hundred thoufand Pounds, direftcd to bj raifed ^^^ Svim of per Annum., from the Time of fuch previous Payments to the 'I'ime of fuch Demand ; the faid Interell to ^=^'^" M'- F^r be paid by the faid Cafhier or Cafhiers out of the Monies contributed by virtue of this Adt. g^""^' ^ *l '^* LIII. And vv'hercas feveral of the Perfons Vv'ho fubfcribed towards the faid Sum of two millions five

  • hundred thoufand Pounds, on the Teims of the faid firll- mentioned Refolution, may have been pre-

' vented, cither by Abfence or Ignorance of the faid laft mentionL-d Rtfoiution, from complying with ' the Terms thereof)' Be it enaiied by the Authority aforcfaid, That all i'uch Perfons fhall be at Li- "'"■ me allowe-i to berty, if they think fit, at any Time before the fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and j^^^"^"f^°';^^ fifty-feven, either to demand Reftitution of the Depofit of tcii Pounds per Centum^ made by them o.ivi'h hav oH^b- the Terms of the faid firPc mentioned Refolution, which the faid CaPnier or Cafliicrs is and are hereby re- uribc into this. quired to return accordingly, or to fubfcribe the like Sums on the 'I'erms of the Refolution laft men- tioned ; and that in the Stead of any Perfon or Perfons fo demanding and obtaining Reditutioa of the ^'^"s "nay Tub- Sums by him, her or them fubfcribed, towards the faid Sum of tv/o millions five hundred thouiand [^"^ '" ^^^'^ l^ounds, directed to be railed in purfuancc of the faid firft mentioned Rel'olution, any other Perfon or Per- fons Iball, on or before the fourth Day of 'June one thoufand f::;ven hundred and fifty-feven, be admitted tx> fubfcribe towards completing the Sum dirctT:ed to be raifed in purfunnce of the Refolution laft men- tioned, he, fhc or they, paying at the Time of fuch Subfcriptioii the feveral Sums then payable accor- diiig to the Terms of the faid Refolution. ' LIV. And whereas for the greater Encouragement of Perfons to become Contributors to the fliid ' Sum of three millions, dire6ted by this Act to be raifed, it is intended that each Contributor fhall for

  • every one hundred Pounds contributed be alfo intitled to an Annuity for Life, after the Rate of one
  • Pound two Shillings and fix Pence per Centum per Annwn;' Be it further enacted by the Authority

aforcfaid. That every Perfon who fliall advance and pay unto the faid Cafhier or CafVii^rs of the Go- Ccntribuvors ta v.ernor and Company of the Bank of England^ at or before the refpe£tive Days and Times, and in the J'-i'e an Anncity rcfpedtive Proportions herein before directed, the Principal Sum of one hundred Pounds, or divers intire ^° ^'"'^^'^ °f ^^' for evC- Sums of one hundred Pounds, for the Purchafe of the Annuities granted by this A6t, fball, for or in ^^' j ,,-. rcfpe6l of every Principal Sum of one hundred Pounds fo to be advanced and paid, be intitled to have '^ ° "' ' and receive at the Receipt of his Majefty's Exchequer during his or her Life, or the Life of fome other perfon, to be nominated by him or her, or by iii? or her AfTigns, an Annuity of one Pound two Shillings and fix Pence per Centum per Annum ., over and above the Annuity of three Pounds per Centum pcr^^^" f^^ '^^:l"^^ jinnv.m^ before by this Act made payable at the Bank of England to each Contributor of one liun- !^'Y p4-'^'cn't °per drcd Pounds; which Annuity fo payable at the Exchequer as aforcfaid, fhall be paid by Half- Annum^^o be yearly Payments, on the fifth Day of '^January and the hfth Day of y.v/y in every Year; the firft pid Half yearly. after the refpedive Appointments of their Nominees ; and that the faid Cafhier or Cafhiers of the Go- CiKier to g've to vernor and Company of the Bank of England., fhall as foon as he or they fnall have received ^^"'-"'°/>/'" ing thl" Names and ydditions of fuch Contributors, or his or her Afiigns, to;>,ether with the Annuit'- •payable to him, her or them, in refpecl of the Sum fb contributed ; which Certificate fnall be afugnable wblch ir.f.y be by Indorfcment thereon to be m.ade and witneiied by two Perfons at any Time or Times before the Mth aligned. Day of "January one thoufand feven hundred and fiity-eight ; and that in order to prevent the Auditor of Countopsrt rf fhe faid Receipt from being impofed upon by any counterfeit or forged Certificate, the faid Cafhiers th« Cbcq'.'c-» of fhall tranfmit to the faid Auditor the Counterpart of the Cheques of all the Certificates given by them '-'^'f"/'"'"" '■■^■"^ 'ofuch Contributors as aforcfaid ; upon which Counterparts fhall be exprellcd the Number of fuch Cer- t"'^/'v-'iiito 'f tificatc, the Cont':ibutors Name, and the Annuity contained therein. the ExcheqUr. Vol. VIIL H ^^ LV. Aid