Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/90

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56 C. 20. Anno tricefimo Georgii II. A. D. 175 7, felt the Sum often Pounds ; to be recovered, levied and applied, as the feveral Forfeitures arc by this Acl diiecbed to be lecovered, levied and applied. OfScerfohave VIII. And it is hereby further cnadted, That all and every or any of the Officers of Fxcife acfling anA Liberty to erter employed in aiiy Diftridi whciein any Tan-yard, Workhoufe or Warehoufe, or Place for drefTing or and icvch fo:- manufafiuring of Hides or Skins is fttuate and being, fnall and may at all Times by Day or by Nij^bt b^'dande^^r** ^^' if in the Night, then in the Prefencc of a Conftable or other Officer of the Peace) be pei^mitted, ti^oughtin.'^'^ upon his or their Rcqucft, to enter into any luch 'I'an-yard, Workhoufe, Warehoufe or Place, in r,rder to fearch for Ilides and Skins fufpe6led to be brought ?nd conveyed into the fame refpe£lively, contrary to and againft- the Tenor and true Meaning oi' this A6t, and then and there to fearch and examine, or caufe to be fcarchcd or examined, any 'i"an-pif, Fat or other Place, where any fuch Hide or Skin is {u{~ Peifon ob.arufti pectcd to be laid, hid, put or concealed ; and ir any Tanner, Tawcr or other Perfon or Perfons vi'hatfo- ing him forfeits ever, fliall obllruft or hinder any fuch Officer or Officers in the Execution of his or th. ir Duty, Power ^^'■' or Authority, given to, veiled in, and required of, him and them refpectively bythi; Act; every j'erfon fo ofiending, and being thereof lavv-fuliy convicted as aforefaid, {hall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit and pay the Sum often Pounds, to be recovered, applied and difpcfed of, in Manner herein after men- tioned, HisMajsny, by ' (X. And wheroas it is iiercflary to encourage and promote the Breeding of Cattle, the Number being Advice of his t greatly dcccafcd by the faid Mortality ;' Be it therefore enafted by the Authority aforefaid, 'I'hat it l7']'.V?i?;r ^i^i'l aiid mav be jnvful for hi;, Majeftv, bv Advice of his Privy Council, to prohibit and forbid the KiU ©ccafionaiiy, the hng Or blaugntenug of Cow-Lalvcs in luch Counties and Places, and m luch Manner, and at fuch ■kiUing ofCow Times, as his Majeily, during the Continuance af this Ail, {hall judge proper ; and all and every Per- Caives. fon ofiendrng a.gainlt fuch Order and Prohibition, ftiall forfeit and pay the Sum often Pounds, to be re- Cffender againft covered, levied and applied, as other Forfeitures by this Act are to be recovered, levied and applied. fuch Prohibition, °f^"y?, '. * X. And, to prevent any Doubts which may arife in the Conflruition of this A£l,' Be it further enabled cieemjd a^dirtma ^"'^' ^^^ Authority aforelaid, That the Rem.oval, Di-iving or Sale of every Ox, Bull, Cow, Qiif, Steer and f.parate Of- '^^ Heifer, contrary to any fuch Rule, Order or Regulation, {liall be deemed a diilinct and fcparate Of- fence, fence, within the Intcjit and Meaning of this A6t; any lliing herein contained to the contrary notvvith- ftanding. Obfefation of ^I- And be it further ena£led by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every the Rules, Orders, Re- Orders made un- gulations and Variations, to be made by virtue, and in purfuance, of this A6t, are hereby required to be der Authority of punctually obfcrN'cd and obeyed by all his Majclty's SubjeiSts; and all and every Perfon and Perfons who ed u^^dl'-^PcnaT ^^^' oftend againft any fuch Rule, Order, Regulation or Variation, and fliall be thereof convicted in ty'of lol. " Gic<7t Britain or Ireland^ by his, her or their ov/n Confeflion, or by the Oath or Oaths of one or more on Cmviaion of ^""^^'^'"^ Witncfs or Witnelles before any Juftice or Juftices of the Peace for any County, Riding, Divi- theOfTciider be- fion. City, Liberty or Town Corporate, where fuch Offence or Offences fhaJI be committed (which fore a Juftice i Juffice or Juftices is and are hereby impowered and required to hear and determine the fame, and to exa- mine any Witnefs or Witnefles upon Oath concerning the fame) (hall forfeit and lofe the Sum often tone Moiety to Pounds ; one Moiety thereof to the Informer, and the other Moiety to tiie Poor of the Parilh where fuch mer° Jhe ether' ^^^'^"c*^ ^'^^1 ^^ Committed; to be levied by the Churchwardens, Overfeers of the Poor, Conftables, to the Poor, ' High Conftabhs of thc Hundred, Rape or Wapentake, or one or more of them, by Warrantor War- and to be levied rants under the Hand and Seal, or under the Hands and Seals, of ths Juffice or Juftices of the Peace who by Diftrefsand fhall convict fuch Offender, by Diftirefs and Sale of the Cioods and Chattels of fuch Offender, rendering ^^^'^i _ the Overplus (if any be) to the Owner thereof ; and for want of fuch Diftrefs, fuch Offender fhall be where noDi- committed by fuch Juftice or fullices to the common Gaol or Houfe of CorreiStion of fuch County, Ri- der is' to te^wm" ^"S' L)ivifion, City, Liberty "or Tov/n Corporate, thereto remain for the Space of three Months, to jniited for i"^' ^^ reckoned from the Day of fuch Commitment; and all and every Perfon and Perfons who fhall offend Moaths. againft any fuch Rule, Order or Regulation, in any other of his Majefty's faid Dominions, fhall be odenders out of d^-emcd, adjudged, and taken to be guilty of a great Mifdemeanor, and be profecuted and punifhcd by Britain or Fiiic and Imprifojimcnt, according to the Laws and Ufage of the fame Dominions rcfpedivcly. Irelar.d, to be puniflicd accoiding tc the Laws and Ufage of the Country. App-al may be XIL And hc it further e TumceZh"^ Perfon o,- Perfons, who fha jultice to the /- , c^n- , • n i ■ JjexcOiiar[er» tnC witences againlt tins ^iv-i, iw <i[;jn,<ii iium lun-n v_^uiivn-i.i>-"' '■'-' Li'^ jiiiLn-i-j ^i >.■.»- t. >.ci>_», u.. iii.ii iiv,AL S iTions, upon General or Quartcr-Seflions to be holden for the County, Riding, Divifion, City, Liberty or Town giving Notice Corporate, in which fuch Offences fhall be committed, he, flie or they, giving irmnediate Notice to fuch and bccuiity, JudJcc or Juftices of fuch intended Appeal, and likewife giving Security to the Satisfadtion of fuch Ju- ltice or Juitices, to pay all and every the Penalties and Forfeitures, to which he, fhe or they, fhall be liable by fuch Conviction ; and the Cofts, Charges and F'xpenccs, of trying fuch Appeal, in cafe iuch Convi(Stion fhall be affirmed ; and the faid Jufticc-s in their next General or Q_uarter-Scffions, are hereby authorized and recpiired to hear, try and finally determine the fame, upon the Merits of the Caufe, and Kxamination of Witncfs on Oath, and to order Cofts to be paid as fhall be juft, it" they fliall think it rca- XonaWc ic to do. Xin. Pro-