Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 8.djvu/98

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64 C.2r. Anno tricefimo Georgii II. A. D. 1757. fon or Perrons who fliall be apprehended or taken by Virtue or in Purfuance of any of the Powers given by this Act, the Pcrfon or Perfons fo offending therein fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit the Sum of ten Pounds, on Conviction thereof by the Oath of one or more credible Witnefs or WitncfTes, before the faid Mayor, Recorder or one of the Aldermen of the faid City, within the faid City and Liberties, or the Jurifdiction aforcfaid, or before a Juftice of the County where the faid OfFence {hall be committed, or where the Offender fliall he apprehended. IWag'Orates to VII. And be it further enadled by the Authority aforefaid, That the Mayor, Recorder or any one Al- drtermine Com- dem-ja,-, of the faid City, within the faid City ar.d Jurifdidtion aforefaid, and his Majefty's Juftices of the p)aiats ^o^<:h'^8 Peace of the rcfpedive Counties v/ithin the Jurifdi6lion aforefaid, or any one of them, Ihall have full the'iTJiesm a' Power to hear and determine in a fummary Way, Complaints touching any unlawful or undue Fifhing, fuinmary Way} or taking or dellroying Fifh, or any other Off^ences to be committed contrary to any of the Rules, Orders or Ordinar ces, at any Time hereafter to be made by the faid Court of the Mayor and Aldermen in puE- fuance of this A£f, and which fhall be allowed and approved of as aforefaid ; and the faid Mayor, Recor- der, Aldermen and Juff ices, and each of them refpectively, within their refpe£tive Jurifdidtions, are and and upon View, jj hereby authorized and required upon View, or upon Complaint made on Oath to them refpediively, or Complaint on ^f pj^y fuch Offence committed within their refpedive Jurifdidions, contrary to fuch Rules, Orders or fence o^ffui ' Ordinances, within ten Days after the Commiflion of any fuch Offence, to ifl'ue his or their Warrant or their Warrants W^arrants under his Hand and Seal, or their Hands and Seals, directed to the Water Bailiff" of the faid foi apprehending City, or fuch his Affiftant or Afiiflants as aforefaid, or to fuch Conftables, Headboroughs or other Peace Offenders, Officers, as the faid Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen or Juftices, or any one of them, (hall, from Time to Time thhink fit, thereby requiring him or them to apprehend fuch OfFender or Offenders, and to bring him, her or them, before the faid Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen or Juff;ices, or any one of them, withia their refpedtive Jurifdidtions, to anfwer the Matters of Complaint to be contained in fuch Warrant or Warrants ; and which Warrant or Warrants the Perfon and Perfons to whom the fame {hall be directed, and their Afliftants, are hereby authorized, impowered and required, to execute on the faid River T7;^7/;^j, or on the Waters oi Medway^ or on any Part thereof, within the Jurifdi<5tion aforefaid, or on any Shore adjoining to the faid River, or Waters cti Med-ivay and for that Purpofe, they, and every of them, are hereby authorized, impowered and required, at all Times, to go on board any Poat, Veflel or Craft, in the faid River or Waters j or in the Day Time, with a Peace Officer, to enter any Houfe wherein any fuch Offender or Offenders {hall be, for the apprehending him, her or them ; and when apprehended, to carry him, her or them, as foon as conveniently may be, before the faid Mayor, Recorder or one of the Aldermen of the faid City, if apprehended in the faid City of London^ or the Liberties thereof; and if apprehended out of the faid City of London^ or the Liberties thereof, then before one of the Juftices of ah<i to fumroon the County where the faid Off'ender or Offenders fhall be taken; and the faid Mayor, Recorder, Alder- wnneiTes, and men and Juftices, within their refpe£tive Jurifdiftions, or any one of them, are and is hereby authorized cy.fnnine them on ^^^^ required to fummon Witnefl'es on either Side before them, and to examine them on Oath (which ^' ' Oath the faid Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Juftices rcfpcdtivcly, or anyone of them, is and are here- by authorized, impowered and required, to adminifter) touching the Premifles, and thereupon to hear and ubonConviaion, determine the fame ; and in cafe any Ofi^ender or Offenders fhall thereupon, by the faid Mayor, Recor- OfFeniier to for- dcr or Aldermen, or the faid Juftices, or one of them, be convicted, and adjudged guilty of any fuch feit ^s the Rules Off"ence, then fuch Offender or Offenders fhall thereby incur and forfeit fuch Penalty as fhall be by fuch direct. Rules and Ordinances fet and impofed for the fame; and that fuch Warrant or Warrants, or other A61 or Acts of the faid Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen or Juftices, and the A6t and Aifts of the Water Bailiff, and his Affiftants, and of all Conftables, Headboroughs and other Perfons, in Obedience to fuch War- rant or Warrants, fhall be as valid, good and effedual in Law, to all Intents whatfocver, as if the fame were executed within the proper Limits of their own City, County or jurifdidtion. Wirnefs refirfing VIII. And be it further enadlcd by the Authority aforcfaid. That if any Witnefs or Witneffes who to appear, or to fhall be fummoned in purfuance of this A6t to appear before the faid Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen or Ju- givc Evidence, ftices of the Peace, or any one of them, within their refpe<Slive JurifdiiStions aforcfaid, fhall negle£t or re- without jiift fufe to appear according to the Direction of the Summons, or appearing fliall refufe to be examined on Cauff, forfeits {jxnv touching the Prcmiffes, and no juft Excufe fhall be offered for fuch Negledt or Rcfufal, every Per- aol leirthan 20s'. ^°" ^^ offending, on Proof on Oath being made of fuch Summons having beenferved on him, her or them, ' fhall for every fuch Offence forfeit and lofe fuch Sum of Money, not exceeding five Pounds, nor lefs than twenty Shillings, as the faid Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen or Juftices, or any one of them, within their rcfpc6tive Jurifdi£tions, fhall by Warrant under his Hand or their Hands order or direct. -Officer negUa- IX. And bc it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Affiftant or Affiftants of the iniihisPu y. Water Bailiff of the faid City, or any Peace Officer, fliall wittingly or willingly neglect or refufe to ferve forteits any Sum q^ exccutc any Warrant or Warrants to him or them directed in Purfuance of this Adt, or fliall other- Do: exceeding 5I. ^j|-^ wilfully or wittingly omit the Performance of his or their Duty in the Execution of this A6^, and fhall be thereof convidted by the Oath of one or more credible Witnefs or Witneffes, before the faid Mayor, Recorder or any fuch Alderman, or Juftice as aforefaid, within their refpedive Jurifdidtions, every fuch Affiftant or Peace Officer fo offendmg fhall forfeit and lofe any Sum of Money not exceeding five Pounds as the faid Mayor, Recorder, Alderman or Juftice, or any one of them, within their rcfpec- tive Jurifdidtions fhall think reafonable and direct. PenaW rl. en X. And be it further cnadtcd by the Authority aforcfaid. That if the faid Water Bailiff, or any of his ^'T ^^t'"' Affiftants, ftiall at any 'fime hereafter receive any Sum of Money, Gratuity or Reward whatfoever, rn'ora-'ury 'o* ^"^'"^ "V 1^^ rfon or Pcrfons to prevent, delay or hinder any Profccution ; or compound for, or wilfully icrmi. &.-(•', u conceal ajiy Oticncc to bc committed contiuiy to this A£t, and fliall bc thereof convidled by the Oith of VflfiuJcf. « one