Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/608

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mainam in Ireland, shal not be called or named from henceforth Prior of Kilmainam in Ireland, but onely by his proper name of John Rauson Knight without further addition touching the said religion, nor that any of the brethren or consreres of the said religion in this realme of England, and land of Ireland, Shall be called Knights of the Rhodes, nor Knights of Saint Johns, but shall be called by their owne proper christian names and surnames of their parents, without any other additions touching the said religion.

III. And be it furthermore enacted by authority of this present Parliament, that if the said William Weston, or any of his brethren or confreres of the hospitall or house of S. John of Jerusalem in England now abiding and dwelling within this realme of England, or any other person or persons being members professed of or in the saide Hospitall now dwelling within the saide realme at any time after the first day of July next comming,Markes do use or weare within this realm or elsewhere, in or upon any apparell of their bodies any Signe, marke or token heretofore used and accustomed or hereafter to be devised for the Congregation, knowledge of the saide religion,Congregation. or make any Congregations, Chapters or assemblies, touching the same religion, or maintaine, support, use or defend any liberties, Franchises, or priviledges heretofore granted to the said religion by authoritie of the Bishop of Rome, or of the see of the same, that then every of them so offending, shall incurre and run into the peines, forfeitures, and penalties, ordained and provided by the Statute of provision and Premunire Preminure, made in the Sixteenth yeere of King Richard the second. And if the said John Rauson Knight or any his brethren or confreres of the said hospitall or house of Kilmainam in Ireland, or any other person or persons, being members professed of or in the said hospitall of Kilmainam, now abiding and dwelling within the said land of Ireland at any time after the last day of September next comming doe use or weare within this realme, or within the said land of Ireland or elsewhere, in or upon any apparell of their bodies,Markes. any signe, marke or token heretofore used and accustomed, or hereafter to be devised for the knowledge of the same religion, or make any Congregations, Chapters, or assemblies, touching the same religion, or maintaine, support, use, or defend any maner of liberties, Franchises, or priviledges heretofore granted to the same by authority of the Bishop of Rome, or of the see of the same, that then every of them so offending shall incurre and run into the peines, Forfeitures and penalties, ordained and provided by the wide Statute of provision and Premunire Preminure, made in the said Sixteenth yeere of King Richard the second.

IV. And be it likewise enacted by the authoritie aforesaid, that if any the Knights or consreres of the said religion being the Kings naturall subjects, which, now inhabit, abide and dwell out of any of the Kings dominions, at any time after the first day of February next comming, doe offend in any of the Articles or offences next above rehearsed that then every of them so offending Shall incurre and runne into the peines, forfeitures and penalties next above remembred.

S.Jhones given to the King.V. And be it further enacted by the authoritie aforesaid, that the Kings Majestie his heires and successors, shall have and inioy all that Hospitall, Mansion houfe, Church, and all other houses, edificions, buildings and gardens to the same belonging, being next to the Citie of London in the Countie of Middlesex called the house of S. Johns of Jerusalem in England, and also all that Hospitall, Church, and house of Kilmainam in the land of IrelandIreland, and all and Singular Castles, Honors, Manors, Meses, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Reversions, Services, Woods, Medowes, Pastures, Parks, Warens, libertees, Franchises, priviledges, Parsonages, tithes, pensions, portions, Knights fees, advowsons, commanderies, preceptories, contributions, responsions, rents, titles, entrees, conditions, covenants, and all other possessions and hereditaments, of what natures, names, or qualities soever they be, and wheresoever they be or lie within this Realme of England, or within the land of Ireland, or elsewhere within any the King's dominions, which appertained or belonged to the said religion, or to the Priors, maisters, or governors, Knights or other Ministers, professed of or in the same by the pretense or in the right of the said religion,Goods and all and Singular goods, chattels, debts, arrerages of rents and farmes, and all other things reall and pesonall, whatsoever they be, whereof or whereunto any of the said Priors, brethren or confreres, or persons professed in the said religion, can have or claime any particular proprietie to their owne proper use by the rules and Statutes of the said religion, To have and to hold the premisses and every of them to our said Soveraigne Lord, and to his heires and successours for ever, to use and imploy by his most excellent wisedome and discretion, at his owne free will and pleasure. Reall possesions. And that his highnesse Shall be deemed and adjudged in the reall and actua1 possession of the premisses, by vertue and authoritie of this present Act: Saving to all persons and bodies politike their heires and successors, and the heires and Successors of every of them, other then the said Prior of Saint Johns of Jerusalem in England, and the said Prior of Kilmainam, in the land of Ireland, and the brethren or consreres of every of them and the successors of every of them, and all and every other person or persons of the said religion, and their successors and every of them,Rights. and the successors of every of them, all such right. Title, Interest, Possession, Leases, Grants, Annuities, Fees, Offices, Corrodies, Reversions, Rents and Services, Rents, Rights, Charges, Commons, Rights, Titles, Entrees, Actions, Pensions, Portions, Petitions, and all other hereditaments of what names, natures, or qualities Soever they be, which they have, Should or ought to have had, if this Acte had never beene had nor made, any thing in this Act to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.

VI. Provided alway, and be it enacted by the authoritie of this present Parliament, by the agreement and assent of the Kings most excellent goodnesse,Sir W. Weston. Annuitie that the said William Weston, during his naturall life, shall have and end injoy to his owne use out of the premisses yeerely one Annuall rent or pension of one thousand pounds to be paid to him or his assignes at the feast of Saint Michael the Archangell, and the Annunciation of our Lady, by even portions,Goods. and also shall have to his owne use such reasonable portion of the goods and chattels appertaining to the same religion, as it shall please the Kings majestie of his most excellent goodnesse to limit and appoint of the same.Sir John Raston Annuitie. And that the saide John Rauson Knight shall have and inioy to his owne use, out of such possefssions as he now hath in England and Ireland, "one
