Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/613

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other halfe of the same second moitie of the same fine, to be to the party that will pursue for the same, in any of the Kings Courts, by bill, plaint, information or action of debt, in the which none Essoine, protection, nor wager of law mall be allowed.

And be it further enacted,Jurie that if any being sworne and charged to inquire for the King our Sovereigne Lord, before any Justices of the Peace, or Stewards of leetes or Lawdayes, of any offences committed or done contrary to this present Act, doe wilfully conceale any of the same offences, that then the said Justices, Stewards or Bailiffes,Concealment before whom any concealement shall be had and done, shall have authoritie by vertue of this present Act, from time to time to charge and sweare an other Concealement, Jury of twelve or more good and substantiall honest persons, to inquire of every such concealement. And if any such concealement be found and presented by the said Jury so charged to inquire of the same, that then every one of the said first Jury that so did conceale the same, shall leese and forfeit for every such concealement of every such offence twenty shillings. Forfeit All which forfeitures and penalties of twentie shillings for every such concealement of every such offence so found and presented before the same Justices of Peace, shall wholy be levied and paide to the Kings use. And the moitie of all the same forfeitures and penalties of twenty shillings so found and presented before the Stewards or Bailiffes of any leet or lawday, shall be levied and paid to the use of the owner of the said leet or lawday by distresse or action of debt: and the other moitie thereof to be to the partie or parties that will sue for the same by action, information, bill or plaint, in any of the Kings Courts, in the which actions, informations, bils or plaints, no wager of law, essoine, nor protection shall be allowed.

XX. Provided alwayes, and be it enacted by the authoritie aforesaid, that if any person or persons hereafter in any part doe offend or doe contrary to the purview and remedie of this Act, whereupon cause of action for the same offence shall be given to the King, his heires or successors, or to any other person or persons that will sue by vertue of this Act for the punishment of the said offence or forfeitures, that if the King our Soveraigne Lord, his heires or successors, within one yeere next and immediatly after such offences and forfeitures had and made, doe not pursue their action or actions, so given by this Acte, or cause examination upon such defaults and offences to bee had and made before their counsell, or other presentments therof to be had, according to the meaning of the same Act: and every other person, which hereafter by vertue of this Act, may have action or actions, sute or information upon this Statute, within halfe a yeere next and immediatly after such offences or forfeits had and made doe not commence their sutes, informations, actions or presentments, of and upon the laid forfeits, by action or otherwise, as in this present Act is limited and declared: that then as well the King our Soveraigne Lord, his heires and successors, after one yeere next after such offences and forfeits had and made, if no sute in his or their name be taken, by action or otherwise, as is before expressed, before the same yeere ended and determined, as every other person after halfe a yeere next after like offences and forfeits had and done in the forme aforesaid, if no sute therupon be taken by none of them, in forme above declared, be utterly excluded and debarred of their said sutes, actions, informations and examinations to them given by vertue of the said Act: and the parties and every of them so offending, shall be of all such offences and forfeits cleerely discharged and quit: any thing in this Act comprised to the contrary notwithstanding.

XXI. Provided alwayes, and be it enacted by the authoritie aforesaid, that this present Act, nor anything therein contained, shall in any wife extend or be preiudiciall unto the Kings subiects resident or inhabiting neere unto the costes of the Sea, in any part of this Realme,Sea coasters their houses being not above five miles distant from the same coastes:Borders. nor also to any of the Kings saide subiects, inhabiting within twelve miles of the borders of Scotland: Calisnor to any of the Kings subjects inhabitants of the Towne and Marches of Calis: nor to any of the inhabitants of the isles of Jersie, Gurnesie, Anglesie, and the Borders, isles of Wight and Man, but that it shall be lawfull for every of the said inhabitants at all times hereafter, to have, exercise, and use their Handguns, Haquebuts, and Demie hakes, of the lengths abovesaid, within the limits and isles abovesaid, so that it be at no maner of Deere, Hearne, Shouelard, Fezant, Partidge, wild Swan, or wild Elke, or any of them: this present Act or any thing therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

{XXII. Provided also, that this Act nor any thing therein contained, be in any wife hurtfull or prejudiciall to any servant or personServant, that heereafter from the said last day of June, shall bend, beare, carrie, Servant, charge, use or assaie, any Crossebow, or any Handgun, Demie hake or Haquebut, of the lengths abovesaid, by the commandement of his Lord or maister, so that the said servant or person doe not shoot at any Fowle, Deere, or other Game, of what kind or nature soever they be: nor also to any such servant, person or persons, that shal after the said last day of June, beare or convey any Crossebow, Handgun, Haquebut, or Demie hake, of the lengths aforesaid, to any place or places by the commandement of his Lord or maister, that may shoot by authoritie of this Acte, to be amended, repaired, delivered or assaid, so that the saide servant or other person, so bringing or conveying the said Crossebow, Hand-gun, Haquebut, or Demie hake, have ready to shew to every person requiring the fight thereof, one licence in writing sealed or subscribed by his said Lord or maister, to carrie and convey the same Crossebow, Handgun, Haquebut, or Demie hake, to the intent to be amended, repaired, assaid or delivered, as is aforesaid.

XXIII. Provided alwayes, that this Act, or any thing therein contained,Owners of ships shall not extend to any owner of any Ship, for having or keeping of any Handgun, Haquebut, or Demie hake of the sevuerall lengths in this Act expressed, or under, onely to be had and occupied within any their ship or other vessell, or for the carriage and recarriage of them, or of any of them on land, or keeping of them, for the onely exercise and occupying of them within their said ship or vessell: any thing in this Act to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding.