Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/636

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within the Shire or other place, where any such person or persons shall he taken and attached, there to remaine without baile or mainprise, until he hath paid the same summe or sums, that such person for himselfe, or for any other, by this Act shall be chargeable or ought to be charged withall. And also for the fees of every such arrest, to him or them that shall execute such precept twenty pense. And that every officer unto whom such precept shall be directed, doe his true diligence, and execute the same upon every person so being indebted, upon paine to forfeit to the Queenes Majestie for every default in that behalfe, twenty shillings. And that no keeper of any gaole, from his gaole suffer any such person to goe at large by letting to baile or otherwise, to depart out of his prison, before he have payed his said debt, and the said twenty pence for the said arrest, upon paine to forfeit to the Queenes Majestie forty shillings. And the same gaoler to pay unto the Queenes Majestie the double value, as well of the rate which the said person so imprisoned was taxed at, as of the said twenty pence for the fees, and like procefssfe and remedy in like forme shall be granted by the said Commissioners, or as many of them as by the said Commission shall be thereunto appointed, at like information of every person or persons, being charged with any summe of money, for any other person or persons, by reason of the said Subsidie, and not thereof payd, but wilfully withdrawne, nor the same leviable without the limits where such persons were thereunto taxed. And if the summe or summes being behind unpayd by any person or persons, as is aforesaid to be levied & gathered by force of the said processe, to be made by the said Commissioners, or if in default, or for lacke of paiment thereof, the person or persons so owing the said sum or sums of money, by processe of the same Commissioners, to be made as is aforesaid, be committed to prison in forme abovesaid, that then the said Commissioners which shall award such processe, shall make certificat thereof in the said Exchequer, of that shalbe done in the premisses, in the Terme next following, after such sum or sums of money so being behind, shalbe levied and gathered, or such person or persons for non paiment of the same committed to prison. And if it happen any of the said Collectors to be assigned, or any Maiors, shiriffs, steward, constable, the headborough, bursholder, bailiffe, or any other officer or minister, or other whatsover person or persons, to disobey the said Commissioners, or any of them, in the reasonable request to them made by the said Commissioners, for execution of the said commission, or if any of the officers or other persons do refuse that to them shall apperteine and belong to doe, by reason of any precept to him or them to be directed, or any reasonable commandement, instance or request, touching the premisses, or other default in any appearance or collection to make, or if any person being suspect, or hot to be indifferently taxed, as is aforesaid, doe refuse to be examined according to the tenor of this Act before the said Commissioners, or as many of them as shalbe thereunto assigned, as is aforesaid, or wil not appeare before the same Commissioners, upbon warning to him made, or else make resistance or refcous, upon any distresse upon him to be taken for any parcell of the said Subsidie, or commit any misbehaviour in any maner Of wise, contrary to this Act, or commit any wilfull omission, or other whatsoever wilful not doing or misdoing, contrary to the tenor of this Act or grant, the same Commissioners, and every number of them above remembred, or two of them at the least, upon probable knowledge of any such misdemeanors had by information or examination, shall and may set upon every such offender for every such offence, in name of a fine by the sfame offender to be forfeited fortie shillings or under, by the discretion of the same Commissioners.

XXVI. And further, the same Commissioners, and every number of them, or two of them at the least, shall have authoritie by this present Act, to punish every such offender by imprisonment, thereto remaine, and to bee delivered by their discretion as shall seeme to them convenient, the said fines, if any such bee, to be certified by the said Commissioners that so assessed the same, into the Queens Majefties said Exchequer, there to be levied & paid by the Collectors of thsfe parts for the said Subsidie, returned into the said Exchequer, to be therewith charged with the paiment, of the said Subsidie, in such maner as if the said fines had bene set and taxed upon the said offenders for the said Subsidy.

XXVII. It is also enacted by the said authority of this Parliament, That every of the said high Collectors, which shal accompt for any part of the said Subsidy, in the said Exchequer, upon their severall said accompts to be yeelded, shalbe allowed at every of the said paiments of the said Subsidy, for every pound limited to his collection, whereof any such Collector shalbe charged, and yeeld accompt vi. d. as parcell of their charge, that is to say, of every pound thereof, for such person as then have had the particular collection in the townes and other places, as is aforesaid, specified in his collection, twopence, and other two pence of every pound thereof, every of the said chiefe Collectors, or their accomptants, to reteine to their owne use for their labour and charge, in, and about the premisses, and two pence of every pound residue to be delivered, allowed and payd for the said Collectors, so being thereof allowed, to such. of the Commissioners as shall take upon them the busines and labour, for, and about the premisses (that is to say) every Collector to pay that Commissioner Or Commissioners which had the ordering of the writings, of, and for the said Subsidy, where the said Collector or Collectors had their collection, for expenses of the said Commissioners, so taking upon them the said busines, and labour of their Clerks, writing the said precepts & estreats for the said collections, the same last two pence of every pound to be divided amongst the said Commissioners, having regard to their labour and busines taken by them or their said clerks, in & about the premisses, for the which part so to the said Commissioners atteining, the said Commissioners sixe, five, foure, three, or as many of them as shalbe thereunto appointed by the Queenes Majesties Commission, & every of them joyntly and severally for his and their said part, may have his remedy against the said Collector or Collectors, which thereof bin and might have bin allowed, by Action of debt, in which the defendant shall not wage his Law, neither protection, neither Injunction, or other Essoine shall be allowed. And that no person now being of the number of the company of this present Parliament, nor any Commissioner, shal be named or assigned to be any Collector or nib-collector or presentor of the said Subsidy, or of any part thereof, nor no Commission-
