Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/638

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Certificate, as is beforesaid, then the sayd person or persons, that shall first joine together, or he that shall first certifie the sayd writing indented, as is aforesaid, shall certified all the names of the commissioners of that commission, whereupon such writings shall be there then to be certified, with divisions of the hundreds, wapentakes, wards, tithings, or other places, to and among such commissioners of the same commission, with the names of the same commissioners, where such separation and division shall be, with the grosse summes of money, aswell of and for the sayd Subsidie, taxed, or set, of, or within the sayd hundreds, wards, wapentakes, or other places, to him or them divided Or assigned, that shall so certifie the sayd first writing, as of fines, amerciaments, penalties, or other forfeitures, if any, happen to be within the same limits, whereof the same writings shall be certified, and after such writing indented, which as is aforesayd, shall be certified, and not containe in it the whole and full summes, set and taxed within the limits of the same Commission, the other commis sioners of the same, before the day of paiment of the sayd Subsidie, shall certifie unto the sayd Eschequer, by their writing or writings indented, to be made as is aforesayd, the grosse and severall summes, set and taxed within the places to them limited for the said Subsidie, and other fines, amerciaments, penalties and forfeitures, with the names of the hundreds, wards, wapentakes, and other places to them assigned, or else by their sayd writings indented, to certifie at the said place, before the sayd day of paiment, such reasonable causes for their excuses, why they may not make such certificate, of, and for the said Subsidie, fines, amerciaments, and other forfeitures, growing or set by reason of the causes of their leets, or of their non certifying, as is abovesayd, or else in default thereof, Processe to be made out of the Queenes Majesties sayd Eschequer, against the sayd commissioners, and every of them, not making certificate as is aforesayd, by the discretion of the treasuror, or Barons of the sayd Eschequer.

XVIII. Provided alwayes, and be it enacted by the authoritie aforesayd, that the inhabitants of the Parish of Saint Martin, called Stampford Baron, in the Suburbs of the Borough and Towne of Stampford, in the South part of the water there called Welland, which hereafter shall be contributorie to the paiment of this present Subsidie, granted to the Queenes Majestie, her heires and successors, shalbe assessed, rated, and taxed for this time by such commissioners which shall be appointed for the taxing, rating, and felling of such Subsidie or taxe within the Countie of Lincolne, and shall be for this time contributorie, and pay the said Subsidy to the Collector or collectors, which shall be assigned and appointed for the levying and gathering of the same, with the Aldermen and Burgesies of the said Borough and Towne of Stampford.

XIX. Provided alwayes, and be it enacted by the authoritie aforesayd, that all and every person and persons, having manors, lands, tenements, and other hereditaments, chargeable to the paiment of the Subsidie, granted to the Queenes Majesty by this Act, and also having Spirituall possessions, chargeable to her sayd Majestie by the grant made by the Cleargie of this Realme in their convocation, and over this having substance in goods and chattels chargeable by this sayd Act, that then if any of the sayd person or persons be heereafter charged, assessed, and taxed for the said manors, lands, and tenements, and Spirituall possessions, and also assessed, charged, and taxed for his or their goods and chattels, that then he or they shall be onely charged by vertue of this Act, for his and their sayd manors, lands, tenements, hereditaments, and Spirituall possessions, or onely for his sayd goods and chattels, the best thereof to be taken for the Queenes Majesty, and not to be charged for both, or double charged for any of them, any thing in this Act contained to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding.

XXX. Provided alwaies, that this grant of Subsidy, nor any thing therein contained, in any wise extend to charge the inhabitants or dwellers in Ireland, Iernseie, and Garnseie, or any of them, of, or concerning any manors, lands, tenements, or other possessions, goods, chattels, or other moveable substance which the sayd inhabitants or dwellers, or any to their use, have within Ireland, Iernseie, and Garnseie, or in any of them, or of, for, or concerning any fees or wages, which any of the said inhabitants or dwellers have of the Queenes Majesty for their attendance and doing service to our Sovereigne Lady, in Ireland, Ierneseie, Garneseie, or in any of them: any thing in this present Act to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding.

XXXI. Provided also, that this present Act of Subsidy, ne any thing therein contained, extend to any of the English inhabitants, or resiants in any of the Counties of Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmerland, the Towne of Barwike, the Towne of Newcastlell upon Tine, and the Bishopricke of Durham, nor to any of them, of, for, or concerning any manors, lands, tenements, or other possessions, goods, chattels, or other moveable substance, which the same inhabitants or dwellers, or any other to their use, have within the sayd Counties of Northumberland, Cumberland, Wedtmerland, or the Towne of Barwike, the Towne of Newcastell upon Tine, or the Bishopricke of Durham, or any of them, or of, for, or concerning any fees or wages which any of the sayd inhabitants or dwellers have of the Queenes Majesty, for their attendance and doing service to the Queenes Majesty, for or within the sayd Counties of Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmerland, the towne of Barwike, the towne of Newcastell upon Tine, and the Bishopricke of Durham, or any of them, to or for the sayd taxing, levying, gathering, or paiment, but that the English inhabitants, and resiants, and every of them, of the sayd Counties, Bishopricke, and Townes, and every of them, shall be of and from the sayd Subsidy, and every parcell thereof, and for their manors, lands, tenements, fees, wages, goods, and chattels, lying and being in the sayd Counties, Townes, and Bishopricke or any of them, utterly acquited and discharged, any thing in this present Act before rehearsed to the contrary notwithstanding.

XXXII. Provided also, that all letters patents, granted by the Queenes Majesty, or any of her most noble Progenitors, to any Cities, Boroughs or Townes, within this Realme, of any maner of liberties, priviledges, or exemptions, from the burden and charge of any such grants of Subsidies, which be at this present time in force and vaileable, shall remaine good and effectuall to the sayd Cities, Boroughs and Townes heereafter, according to the Purports thereof, though the inhabitants of the same, shall upon the
