Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/641

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happen to dwell or inhabite within the Cities of London and Westminster, or the Suburbs of any of them, or in the Borough of Southwarke, in the Countie of Surrey: The sayd Statutes, or any thing in them, or any of them contained in any wife to the contrary, notwithstanding.

III. And be it further enacted by the Authoritie aforesayd, that all and every the said Bowyers within the sayd Cities and Suburbs of London and Westminster, and Borough of Southwarke, shall from hence foorth from time to time, and at all times hereafter, provide and have in his or their custodie the number of fifty good and able Bowes of Elme, Witchhasell, or Ashe at the least, well and substantially made and wrought, upon paine that every of the sayd Bowyers which by the space of twentie daies shall not have in his custody such number of the said Bowes of Witchhasell, Elme, or Ashe ready made and meete to be sold and used as aforesayd, shall heereafter for every Bowe lacking of the number aforesayd, forfeit ten shillings, the one moietie of which forfeiture, shall be to our sayd Soveraigne Lady the Queenes Majestie, and the other moitie thereof shall be to him or them using the Act of Armourour, Fletcher, or maker of Bowstrings, that will sue for the same by Action of Debt, bill, plaint, or otherwise, in any Court of Record, in which Action and sute, no protection, or wager of law, shall in any wise be admitted or allowed for the defendant.

IV. Provided allwayes, and be it enacted by the authoritie aforesaid, that if any Bowyer after the first day of May next comming, doe sell any Bowes meete for mens shooting, being outlandish Ewe, and of the best sort, over and above the price of vis. viii. d. or doe sell any Bowes meete for mens shooting, being of the second sort, over and above the price of iii's. iiiid. or shall sell any Bowes meete for men, as is aforesayd, being of the course sort, called liverie Bowes, for, and above the price of ii's. a peece, or that shall after the sayd first day of May, sell any Bowes being English Ewe, over and above the price of ii's. the peece, that then the seller or sellers of such Bowes, shall forfeit for every Bowe so sold over and above the price aforesayd xl. s. the one moietie thereof to the Queenes Majestie, her heires and successors, and the other moietie to the partie using the Art of an Armouror, Fletcher, or maker of Bowstrings, that will sue for the same in any Court of Record, by Action of debt, bill, plaint, or otherwise, wherein no wager of law, Essoine, or protection, shall be admitted or alowed: any thing, in this Act, or in any other Act contained to the contrary in any wise, notwithstanding. This Act to continue untill the last day of the first Session of the next Parliament.

Anno decimo tertio Reginæ Elizabethæ.

At the Parliament begunne and holden at Westminster the second of Aprill, in the thirteenth yeere of the Reign of our late Sovereigne Lady Elizabeth late Queene of England and there continued untill the dissolution of the same, was enacted as followeth.

An Act for the bringing in of Bow staves, into this Realme.

"WHERE as the vse of Archerie, not onely hath ever beene, but also yet is by Gods speciall gift to the English nation a singuler defence of this Realme, and an occasion of many noble victories, and both very wholesome exercise for the health and strength of mens bodies, and a mainteinance of a great Number of the Queenes true subjectes and artificers, as Bowyers, Fletchers, Stringers, Arrowhead-makers, and other of this Realme: and for that among other causes of the decay of Archerie, one great cause is the excessive price of Bow staves, which groweth principally by the scarsitie of Bow staves brought into the Realme." For reformation whereof, be it enacted by the authority of this present Parliament, that all the Statutes made in the twelfth yere of the reigne of King Edward the fourth, concerning bringing in of certaine number of Bow staves, according to the waight or value of other wares to be brought into this realme, shal from henceforth be duly put in execusion. And be it enacted and declared by this present Statute, that all Merchant strangers, using to bring wares into this Realme from the East parts, aswel from the lxxii. hanse Townes, be comprised and meant under the name of, and bound as the Merchants mentioned and bound by the said Statute, to bring in Bow staves, upon like paines & forfeitures as by the said Statutes are appointed. "And where the greatest cause of not putting the said Statute in execution hath beene, that the forfaitures there by limmitted, are by the said Statute given onely to the Queenes Majestie, her heires, and successours, without any reward to the person that shall sue for the same:" Bee it enacted that from henceforth all the forfeitures appointed by the said Statutes, shall be imploied in forme following, that is to say, the one halfe thereof to the Queenes Majesties, her heires, and successors, the other halfe to such person as shall sue for the same in any Court of Record, wherein no Essoine, protection, nor wager of law for the default shall be admitted or allowed. And it may please the Queenes most excellent Majestie, that it be on her highnesse part straightly charged and commanded, that all the Statutes now remaining in force, for repressing of unlawfull games, and for the mainteinance and use of Archerie, sfall be duely put in execution for ever under paines in the said Statutes conteined.
